The 9/11 'Put': How big Corporations and Banks made Billions off of back trading and short selling on and after 9/11

Dr. Paul Zarembka: The 9/11Flights and Insider trading on 9/11

Also, Mr. Steve Jobs has been under fire by a few Insider Trading and back trading data manipulation investigation firms, for data and spread sheets showing, that on 9/11 his company Apple Inc. had conducted in 'Put options' and insider based 'Back trading' the day right before, and the morning of 9/11. Here is some other 'shadowy' information on Mr. Jobs and his company Apple on the day of 9/11. (Source: Ignorance is futile)

Apple recently purchased a DARPA AGI-precursor pet project named “Siri” (PAL / CALO), for a cool $200 million. They didn’t actually buy it from DARPA, instead they bought it from Stanford Research Institute (SRI) who DARPA paid $150 million to make. That’s right, US taxpayers paid SRI $150 million to then turn around and sell the product to Apple for another $200 million, while themselves keeping what they need to build even more powerful AI in less time. (Source: Before it's News)

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I will copy and paste this in all the reports hear at this blog site, but remember I seek truth and if there is a truth here and maybe linked to Purdue.......
Lets just say all of this is true, and supported with News Reports by ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, and Official FBI investigations. I did note after 9/11 that the failures of of Home Banking Financing, And the cost of these failures was at the cost to Tax Payers. The crash of the Stock Market at $980 Billion dollars in one day disappeared and I do not remember the firm that lost the most invested dollars, but I think it was the AARP.
At any rate this takes me right back to the 2 different attacks against the World Trade Center. Why this one Building ?
Over a year ago I asked , why is there a hands off policy that prevents the destruction of the poppy fields. One year later I was still asking why ? I had no idea that Heroin was being sold in the USA as health care pills, for pain.....
My whole concept with my Boycott Of The Arabic Drug Empire, went south and north and to what it now called the source. The Purdue Pharmaceutical Company, so please note this..

1.OxyContin: The Giuliani Connection - The Blotter
May 10, 2007 ... The Web site for Giuliani Partners lists Purdue Pharma as one of its current ... good oldE daddy warbucks just back from making money off 9/11 expands .... Drug companies started running all these TV ads in 1997 when the ... - Cached - Similar

The Purdue Pharmaceutical Company, invested Billions of dollars into different companies through different sources, in order to cover the billions per month earned from selling heroin addiction. This is called a paper trail. These, hundreds of investments were done to launder this money in case of a addiction epidemic takes place in the United States. Now I am willing to bet a name, a company name through this paper trail will lead to other insider trading and making money from the death of the People on 9/11.

1.Eddie Vedder, Iraq War Vet Team Up For 'No More' Video - THINK MTV
Mar 17, 2008 ... Why is there a hands off policy that prevent the destruction of these poppy plants ? ... Who are the investors of the Pharmaceutical Company Purdue that makes ... Purdue is responsible for the deaths on 9/11 and the on going ... built that wall and even as of today China makes money from that wall. ... - Cached - Similar

A lot of people handle this information carefully because they fear a link to Organizes Crime Figures in America. I assure you this, I am after one company that failed these Crime Figures, I am after the poppy fields and to end this Damn War Based on a lie, in part, of why we are at War. These Organized Crime Figures, from the Streets to the Families, do not want any part of this because it is a insult to the whole world of Man, and this Attack was a statement to pin point, of being betrayed within a deal made to sell Heroin.
You do not make deals with the Family or Drug Lords and think because you may have the support of a Official of Government to back you up that you are safe.
I will tell you all this one more time, I am dyslectic and because of this curse, I can see into the truth and lies of issues and People. I stay far from the connection of Man because of this curse, and I have never opened my mouth for over 30 to 40 years. Now I am in this Matrix, and I allow my mind to see that of which I do not wish to see.
The Matrix of the Internet is buzzing as this truth unfolds before all of the People of the United States Of America. And All I wish for is to go back to work as a painter, and be within the hills of Tennessee, where I belong. My whole web site was built for President Obama, my love for all my children, my faith in God and Country.
My mind is tired of seeing this world of betrayal because of a Dollar. And I am one of few to betray my Faith, I will use this Faith and this War has ended and the connection that all men and women sense to a past that is ancient in origin flows through this world as we look at the sky or a tree. My task is all most completed....

Henry Massingale / FASC Concepts in and for Pay It Forward covers the web post on google Drop by and see why we built a anti crime / war form in a Health Care Reform Concept. To strategically Rebuild America on google look for page 1 american dream official site


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