

I am presenting here some videos of some publically documented information on the fact that within BP`s plans was a proposal to drill and then abandon 2 wells in Mississippi Canyon Block 252. There is no well head MC 252, MC 252 is the lease location and map territory. There is well A and well B, with their start and finish dates. Prepare yourselves, try not to let the manipulation upset you too much. After reflecting upon the situation, you`ll realize there is nothing new here as far as the demons we are dealing with. They`ve done many things like this before. Now you`ll know why all media is censored down there, and why Matt has been silenced! Once again what appears to be one big planned false deception with the climate change agenda embedded deep behind this !






This is a comment left on the 4th vid by alnmeg :

Hey, a few days ago I saw a video here on youtube that showed the leaking well as they were leaving it because of the tropical storm. The coordinates were of well b. When the storm passed and they went back, the coordinates were then of well a. I don't remember the name of the video, but I will try to find it.



Mineral Management Services Feild Operations received these plans on Feb. 23 2009. This means this is how long your government has known of BP`s plans and proposition! What did they propose to do ?


Drill and tempoarily abandon well location "A"    Start: 04/15/2009   End: 07/24/2009  N.O.D.:100

Drill and temporaily abandon well location "B"    Start: 04/15/2010   End: 07/24/2010  N.O.D.:100


The co-ordinates for the 2 wells are as follows ( what you should watch for on any live video feed!)

Well A : X - 1202803.88   Y - 10431517.00

Well B : X - 1202514.00   Y - 10434194.00


Also of note was last weeks announcement Thurday 12th August 2010 on CBC radio news of their discovering a reserve of 1.8 billion barrels of crude oil in Afghanistan, the reason the general announced the 2011 withdrawl deadline may NOT be enforced outright or even partially...it's see as we go from here!



luggnutz - Witness

Views: 419


Replies to This Discussion

@ Luggnut

Please please, tell us in your own words what this all means. The four video,,, I.ll watch them all tonight at home even if it takes me 3-4 hours at dialup speed of 26 .1KPS.

Was there a giant oil spill or was there not.?

I just found out about another set of Lies. Lies. Lies, concerning the ... "Mosque At Ground Zero" ,the mosque for America. It has a name now. Like the one in Mecca in Saudia Arabia.
I can't explain here but I may later.

@ Luggnutz

The small voice in my head told me a while back that there is something else down there where the BP oil spill has occured. It did not tell me what until today.

Does the term "Thermogenic Oil" have any meaning to you.

I'll make a photo and post it so you will remember it and maybe me after I'm gone.

Its the prize that PB wants.... "Thermogenic Oil"

@ Luggnutz

Who is Matt Simmons?


Matt Simmons Has Died – Heart Attack or Murder?
August 9, 2010 by Alex
Filed under Health & Environment, Intel Hub Featured Articles, U.S. News


Lawrence Edward Calcutt said:
@ Luggnutz

Who is Matt Simmons?



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