Earlier this month, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder LIED To Congress. Holder stated that he was NOT using the little-known 1911 Espionage Act to prosecute reporters.
But, now, it has come out that Eric Holder was doing just that to a FOX News journalist. He even personally signed the order authorizing it!
In a letter Wednesday, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, Representative Robert W. Goodlatte of Virginia, and a Republican colleague, Representative Jim Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin, expressed “great concern” about Mr. Holder’s testimony before the committee this month, saying it “appeared to be at odds” with court documents that have come to light involving a warrant for e-mails of James Rosen, a Fox News reporter.
Please fax EVERY Member of the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee, and demand that they prosecute Eric Holder for perjury!
Making this vile man pay is the first step to impeaching Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.
When questioned about whether he was using this 100 year old law to crack down on investigative reporters, Mr. Holder replied, under oath, “In regard to potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material – this is not something I’ve ever been involved in, heard of, or would think would be wise policy.”
If you feel this is a case of perjury, Please send your faxes NOW.
Eric Holder is Mr. Obama’s hatchet man. He tried to frame gun owners with his criminal Fast and Furious gun running operation.
He allowed the New Black Panther Party thugs to go free, after they tried to block whites from voting in 2008.
And he spied on reporters from the Associated Press.
However, this latest criminal act – lying to Congress about his secret surveillance of FOX news reporter James Rosen – has infuriated even some Democrats.
Mr. Holder tracked James Rosen’s movements. He secretly seized his phone records. He secretly grabbed his personal emails. He even spied on Mr. Rosen’s parents.
Attorney General Holder signed a legal document accusing Mr. Rosen of “espionage,” in order to launch the whole secret operation against Fox News! And, then, he outright LIED to Congress about it!
Send your faxes to the Judiciary Committee Members right now. This Committee has the power to rule that Eric Holder lied under oath. And it MUST do just that!
Think about this. The Attorney General of the United States, no doubt with the full knowledge and consent of the White House, falsely accused a reporter of treason in order to spy on him and cover up the Administration’s misdeeds.
That is huge. It is criminal.
Fax the House Judiciary Committee Members right away.
The Committee is “investigating” Mr. Holder’s action right now.
However, Eric Holder has escaped prosecution before.
Only a massive amount of public pressure will force the Members of the Judiciary Committee to do what is right.
Please send your faxes today. And, then, ask everyone that you know to do the same. Just click here to send your faxes.
If the link does not work, you can copy and paste this full link in a browser window:
While you are at it, please add to the effectiveness of your faxes by personally calling your U.S. Representatives’ office at 202-224-3121. Tell him, or her, to demand that Eric Holder be prosecuted for perjury!
Michael Connelly – Executive Director
The United States Justice Foundation
932 “D” Street, Suite 2
Ramona, California 92065
PHONE: 760-788-6624 FAX: 760-788-6414
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