- In a nutshell, what is the main goal of this project?
- What exactly do we have to do? The simple two step plan.
- Isn't it difficult to amend the Constitution?
- Won't amending the Constitution just open up a huge can of worms?
- Is this going to abolish corporations?
- What will change if corporations lost the legal fiction of "corporate personhood?"
- How can we revoke corporate personhood?
- What would be the immediate effect of revoking corporate personhood?
- How would small businesses be affected?
- If corporations can't lobby how can they get laws that are fair to them?
- What can be done about past harms done by corporations?
- Would the media lose freedom of the press and speech?
- How will revoking corporate personhood effect non-profit corporations?
- Why don't unions have corporate personhood?
- Why do we want to restrict shareholders and employees of corporations?
- Wouldn't we lose the power to tax and regulate corporations?
- Are you proposing eliminating all lobbying?
- Why aren't you a tax-exempt non-profit so we can deduct our contributions?
- You claim this project is non-partisan so why do you attack Al Gore?
Fears, Doubts, and Concerns About This Project
- What if the incumbent in my district is running unopposed?
- How will government run if we lose all the experienced people?
- Won't it be too hard to get enough people to do it?
- If we do this, won't we be kicking out the good ones too?
- People are sheep. How can you hope to get them to do anything?
- How do we know we're not going to just elect more bad people?
- If we don't support incumbents how can our party win control of Congress?
- How can this work with so much vote tampering going on?
- If we elect all new people, we won't know anything about them.
- Won't it be too disruptive to the operation of government if we do this?
- This won't work because elections aren't this simple
- Wouldn't it be better to just refuse to vote, refuse to participate?
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