I was just looking up some information on one of my suppliers and found this information on http://www.fda.gov/ICECI/EnforcementActions/WarningLetters/ucm17937...

Muvezi Inc.

Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 5:12 PM
To: 'info@muvezi.com'
Subject: Urgent Message from the Food and Drug Administration Regarding H1N1 Flu Virus-Related
Products Marketed by Your Firm

Importance: High


Date: May 5, 2009

To: info@muvezi.com
Subject: Urgent Message from the Food and Drug Administration Regarding H1N1 Flu Virus-Related Products Marketed by Your Firm



TO: Muvezi Inc. (www.guardian-silver-health-supplements.com), info@muvezi.com
FROM: Food and Drug Administration
RE: Unapproved/Uncleared/Unauthorized Products Related to the H1N1 Flu Virus
DATE: May 5, 2009

This is to advise you that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reviewed your website at the Internet address 

http://www.guardian-silver-health-supplements.com on May 1, 2009. The FDA has determined that your website offers products for sale that are intended to diagnose, mitigate, prevent, treat or cure the H1N1 Flu Virus in people. This product has not been approved, cleared, or otherwise authorized by FDA for use in the
diagnosis, mitigation, prevention, treatment, or cure of the H1N1 Flu
Virus. This product is Guardian Silver Sol Supplement. The marketing of
this product violates the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDC
Act). 21 U.S.C. §§ §§ 331, 351, 352. We request that you immediately
cease marketing unapproved, uncleared, or unauthorized products for the
diagnosis, mitigation, prevention, treatment, or cure of the H1N1 Flu

Some examples of the claims on your website include:

• “No studies on swine flu will be available until the virus is isolated and tested specifically, but past results and the safety record makes silver sol the product to take for both prevention and treatment of all virus infections, including this new swine flu.”
• "The swine flu is a virus . . . Guardian Silver sol has been lab
tested as an effective method of disrupting and destroying viruses."

The Secretary of Health and Human Services, under section 319 of the Public Health Service Act, 42 U.S.C. § 247d, has determined that a public health emergency exists nationwide involving the H1N1 Flu Virus that affects or has the significant potential to affect national
security. Following this determination and in response to requests from
the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, FDA issued letters
authorizing the emergency use of certain unapproved and uncleared
products or unapproved or uncleared uses of approved or cleared
products, provided certain criteria are met, under 21 U.S.C. §
360bbb-3. The marketing and sale of unapproved or uncleared H1N1 Flu
Virus -related products that are not authorized by and used in
accordance with the conditions of an Emergency Use Authorization, is a
potentially significant threat to the public health. Therefore, FDA is
taking urgent measures to protect consumers from products that, without
approval or authorization by FDA, claim to diagnose, mitigate, prevent,
treat or cure H1N1 Flu Virus in people.

You should take immediate action to ensure that your firm is not marketing, and does not market in the future, products intended to diagnose, mitigate, prevent, treat or cure the H1N1 Flu Virus that have not been approved, cleared, or authorized by the FDA. The above is not
meant to be an all-inclusive list of violations. It is your
responsibility to ensure that the products you market are in compliance
with the FFDC Act and FDA's implementing regulations. We advise you to
review your websites, product labels, and other labeling and
promotional materials to ensure that the claims you make for your
products do not adulterate or misbrand the products in violation of the
FFDC Act. 21 U.S.C. §§ 331, 351, 352. Within 48 hours, please send an email to FDAFLUTASKFORCECFSAN@fda.hhs.gov
describing the actions that you have taken or plan to take to address
your firm's violations. If your firm fails to take corrective action
immediately, FDA may take enforcement action, such as seizure or
injunction for violations of the FFDC Act without further notice. Firms
that fail to take corrective action may also be referred to FDA's
Office of Criminal Investigations for possible criminal prosecution for
violations of the FFDC Act and other federal laws.

FDA is advising consumers not to purchase or use H1N1 Flu Virus-related products offered for sale that have not been approved, cleared, or authorized by FDA. Your firm will be added to a published list on FDA's website of firms and websites that have received warning letters from
FDA concerning marketing unapproved/uncleared, and unauthorized H1N1
Flu Virus-related products in violation of the FFDC Act. This list can
be found at http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/h1n1flu/. Once the
violative claims and/or products have been removed from your website,
and these corrective actions have been confirmed by the FDA, the
published list will be updated to indicate that your firm has taken
appropriate corrective action.

If you are not located in the United States, please note that unapproved, uncleared, or unauthorized products intended to diagnose, mitigate, prevent, treat, or cure the H1N1 Flu Virus offered for importation into the United States are subject to detention and refusal
of admission. We will advise the appropriate regulatory or law
enforcement officials in the country from which you operate that FDA
considers your product(s) listed above to be unapproved, uncleared, or
unauthorized products that cannot be legally sold to consumers in the
United States.

Please direct any inquiries to FDA at FDAFLUTASKFORCECFSAN@fda.hhs.gov.

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Replies to This Discussion

Same FDA that helped Bayer spread aids across the world? Same FDA that can't make up it's mind whether mercury fillings are safe or dangerous? Hey FDA, according to your record on public health, approval of flouride and aspartame, and any other number of public betrayal.... GO TO HELL! Silver has been proven and used for millenia. YOUR VACCINS and approved poisons are less than 100 years old and biasly tested by proponents of eugenics. It is YOU falsly advertising to the public false claims and dis-information! The "APPEARANCE" of authority doesn't work anymore. You and your luciferian agenda are exposed.

To the public...please disregard all threats and dis-information here. You are free to make your own choices about your health. After reviewing silver treatments and it's effects worldwide, I've found only 3 blue people from old mis-informed treatment. When I compare that to the dammage done en mass to the global public with flouride, or mass vaccination programs, or the chemtrail spraying.....don't waist your time trying to scare me over silver! I KNOW what and who to be scared of!

Your reservations over silver and it's claims and your threats expose the true denial dementia. The global elite are spraying us with chemical and biological agents, flouride and chemical fillers are weakening and destroying our insides, global food companies are breaking all natural laws and using the global population for it's experiments, and lab engineered weaponized bio-agents and drugs and poisons are either coming for us or about to be forced into us. What do we have to fear from you or silver? So you'll taser me and stick me in a cell to catch my airborn death? Wow....big threat! This basically tells us silver works good, and IS a threat to ECONOMIC interests, not us! Care to show us any more cards in your hands FDA???
Ooooh You said it so well!!! Come to my blog and post your comments on it all you like.

luggnutz said:

Same FDA that helped Bayer spread aids across the world? Same FDA that can't make up it's mind whether mercury fillings are safe or dangerous? Hey FDA, according to your record on public health, approval of flouride and aspartame, and any other number of public betrayal.... GO TO HELL! Silver has been proven and used for millenia. YOUR VACCINS and approved poisons are less than 100 years old and biasly tested by proponents of eugenics. It is YOU falsly advertising to the public false claims and dis-information! The "APPEARANCE" of authority doesn't work anymore. You and your luciferian agenda are exposed.

To the public...please disregard all threats and dis-information here. You are free to make your own choices about your health. After reviewing silver treatments and it's effects worldwide, I've found only 3 blue people from old mis-informed treatment. When I compare that to the dammage done en mass to the global public with flouride, or mass vaccination programs, or the chemtrail spraying.....don't waist your time trying to scare me over silver! I KNOW what and who to be scared of!

Your reservations over silver and it's claims and your threats expose the true denial dementia. The global elite are spraying us with chemical and biological agents, flouride and chemical fillers are weakening and destroying our insides, global food companies are breaking all natural laws and using the global population for it's experiments, and lab engineered weaponized bio-agents and drugs and poisons are either coming for us or about to be forced into us. What do we have to fear from you or silver? So you'll taser me and stick me in a cell to catch my airborn death? Wow....big threat! This basically tells us silver works good, and IS a threat to ECONOMIC interests, not us! Care to show us any more cards in your hands FDA???
I agree luggnutz, silver has been used for thousands of years as an immune booster and viral remedy and preventative. It is why silverware was always, well, silverware! People were never as ill as now a days when they ate with silver utensils, real silver.

When you google colloidal silver, you get the a big scary tale about how it turns you silver. I have only ever seen one photo, the same photo spread all over the net to warn of the terrible dangers, this old man who is all turned silver, scary!

I'm personally sceptical of the "superior formulated" silver waters that sell for huge dollars, but I do consume standard colloidal silver, available from my local health food store.

I have been a heavy smoker, excessively heavy, for 25 years. The addiction has all but killed me but due to my tenaciousness (stupidity), I have been relentless in my habit, even though the simple act of mowing my lawn was triggering my lungs into violent spasms and my heart into fibrillation that would have me collapsing to the ground.

After ingesting colloidal silver for a couple of weeks, I can only describe the results as a miracle. My lungs are clear and unobstructed, I can engage in physical activity once more, this I was not expecting.

Big Pharma has an open field for assaulting us with their brand name poisons, all FDA approved of course, and with no liability for the horrendous damages their products inflict upon us.

At the same time, no one is allowed to claim that natural or herbal based products, or even food for that matter, are able to prevent or treat illness. Under the law of lunacy, anything that is claimed to be medically beneficial has to be categorized and approved by the FDA as a drug.

There was a case a while back where the makers of Cheerios had been bold enough to claim that eating Cheerios in combination with a balanced diet and exercise could help to reduce cholesterol and therefore the risk of heart disease. It’s not really much of a claim when you read it carefully, I would guess that eating cardboard in combination with a balanced diet and exercise could also help to reduce cholesterol. The FDA however asserted that, by definition, anything that has a medical benefit has to be a drug and that being the case, it requires their approval. With Cheerios now being an unapproved drug, the FDA demanded the makers remove their claim.

The FDA can seize products and charge the executives of the company with a crime that could land them in jail if they have dared to make health claims about said products.

Recently a small business, Wilderness Family Naturals, to avoid criminal prosecution, were forced to consent to the payment of all legal expenses resulting from a court case lodged against them by the FDA. The legal fees amount to $100,000.00. The company was charged by the FDA with crimes against the federal state because within their website, honey, coconut oil and other products “were sitting too close to the health benefits brochures”. The company must also agree to pay for their own inspections by the FDA, a regulation many health food stores are crumbling under. link

The FDA is able to enforce this insanity due to a whole string of legislation enacted over recent years. As usual, it is all in the name of anti-terrorism. Although there seems no apparent link, “bio terrorism preparedness planning” and subsequent bills in support of, have concocted a complicated entangled structure of command involving FDA, BARDA, Military, Government and Pharmaceutical companies. BioShield Act of 2004, then the proposed BioShield 2 (S. 1873) which was defeated but later mutated into S. 3678 approved in 2006.

It’s all part of a bigger, world wide agenda known as CODEX.

And vaccines, they are PISH!

The Syringe of Death - PDF (Dr Laibow) Posted by Mizzy
Vaccines have not eradicated diseases: vaccines spread diseases. Attenuated viruses (infective, weakened versions of the dangerous ones) are commonly used in vaccines so that your body will develop an immune ‘memory’ for that virus. The next time your immune system meets that specific virus, it rapidly combats it by producing large numbers of antibodies. This practice and theory derive from the dawn of vaccination: Edward Jenner’s pioneering use of cowpox pus inoculations to eliminate smallpox.
This innovative and surprising medical treatment is touted as one of the triumphs of modern medicine. It makes a wonderful story but, in fact, inoculation not only spread smallpox, it caused well-documented epidemics of syphilis and leprosy in inoculated people, especially babies (who have immature immune systems). In spite of the documented associated dangers of leprosy, syphilis, smallpox, death and blindness, England provided free vaccination in 1840, made it compulsory in 1853, and punished lack of vaccination with seizure of property and imprisonment in 1857 (which should sound familiar). It took a British Royal Commission some 41 years more to put a stop to the deaths and disease that Jenner’s unproven technique caused. Finally, in 1898, England’s compulsory smallpox vaccination laws were overturned.

In 1854, the first year of British compulsory vaccination, deaths from syphilis in infants under 1 year increased by 50% and continued to rise steadily after that. In 1802 Jenner was paid 10,000 pounds by the House of Commons. Shortly afterwards, it became clear that vaccines did not work. Rather than lose face, the House of Commons granted Jenner another 20,000 pounds in 1807 and 3,000 pounds a year thereafter.

Neither Jenner’s cowpox inoculation nor modern smallpox inoculation did anything to eliminate smallpox (quite the contrary). The fact is, Dr. Charles A. R. Campbell discovered that smallpox is transmitted by the flying bedbug, Cimex lectularius, and that eliminating this parasitic insect from human habitation eliminates smallpox, too. Personal hygiene and better housekeeping eliminated the deadly scourge.

When the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the planet “smallpox free” in
1980, they did so administratively, not medically: small pox incidence was reduced, but not gone, despite nearly universal vaccination. What to do? WHO solved the problem cleverly: they renamed the disease “cowpox” and “monkey pox”. Shazam: a smallpox free planet, quicker than you can say, 'Junk Science!'
I ordered some Siler Sol. Must be something to it if the corruptor's don't like it. :-)


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