by Dr. Mercola
Dr. Mercola

The document on the WHO website linked below states that it is common procedure to release pandemic viruses into the population in order to get a jump ahead of the real pandemic, so as to fast track the vaccine for when it is needed.

In Europe, some manufacturers have conducted advance studies using a so-called “mock-up” vaccine. Mock-up vaccines contain an active ingredient for an influenza virus that has not circulated recently in human populations and thus mimics the novelty of a pandemic virus.

According to the website, “Such advance studies can greatly expedite regulatory approval.”

Sources: World Health Organization

Dr. Mercola’s Comments:

On June 11 the World Health Organization (WHO) raised its swine flu pandemic alert from a 5 to a 6. Phase 6 is the highest level alert, and reflects the speed with which a virus is spreading — not its severity.

This classification also allows for a vaccine to qualify for a “fast-track” procedure for licensing and approval, and this process is now ongoing for the swine flu vaccine.

What you may not know, however, is that WHO, together with health officials, regulatory authorities and vaccine manufacturers, have been working since 2007 – long before this new “threat” of swine flu emerged – to “explore a broad range of issues surrounding the regulatory approval of pandemic vaccines.”

According to the WHO website:

“Ways were sought to shorten the time between the emergence of a pandemic virus and the availability of safe and effective vaccines.”

One such method used in Europe is to conduct advance studies using a “mock-up” vaccine that contains an active ingredient for an influenza virus that has not circulated recently in human populations.

When testing these mock-up vaccines, it is very possible to release the novel influenza virus into the population, as its purpose is to “mimic the novelty of a pandemic virus” and “greatly expedite regulatory approval.”

Government officials have other tricks up their sleeves to ensure these new, barely tested vaccines easily make it to market as well, such as:

* Labeling the vaccine a “strain change” rather than an entirely “new” vaccine. This method states the new vaccine has built on technology used to produce vaccines for seasonal influenza, and the change for the pandemic vaccine is similar to a strain change used to produce a new seasonal vaccine each flu season.

In the United States, vaccine manufacturers are required to submit fewer data if they already have a licensed flu vaccine and will use the same manufacturing process for the pandemic vaccine.

* Using a “rolling review procedure.” This allows manufacturers to submit sets of data for regulatory review “as they become available.” In other words, they’re free to distribute the vaccine and then submit the safety data later on.

Would You Want a Fast-Tracked Vaccine Injected Into Your Body?

By very definition, fast-tracked vaccines are those that have received very little safety testing prior to being used. So any time you agree to get one, you are essentially a guinea pig.

Vaccine manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline has actually stated:

“Clinical trials will be limited, due to the need to provide the vaccine to governments as quickly as possible. Additional studies will therefore be required and conducted after the vaccine is made available.”

And WHO likewise says:

“Time constraints mean that clinical data at the time when pandemic vaccines are first administered will inevitably be limited. Further testing of safety and effectiveness will need to take place after administration of the vaccine has begun.”

Why would anyone who knows the facts sign up for a vaccine that really needs further safety studies … but won’t receive them until AFTER it’s already been given out? By then it will be too late.

So please realize that if you or your child receive a swine flu vaccine, you will be acting as a TEST subject.

Remember this vaccine will not be made using the methods of the past. In order to speed up the cultivation of the virus and the manufacturing process, they’re using human liver cells instead of chicken eggs. Whether this new procedure is better or worse than the old method, I can’t say … but it’s never been used before and they have not had time to conduct any human testing.

So, it’s a giant game of Russian Roulette that you simply want to avoid.

Nearly all of the vaccines created will also include thimerosal (mercury), and the toxic adjuvant squalene, both of which have been clearly shown to carry significant health risks.

You should know, too, that vaccine makers and federal officials have been rendered immune from lawsuits. Should anything go wrong with this current vaccine they will not have to pay a single cent to anyone!

Who Stands to Benefit From the Swine Flu Pandemic (and Future Pandemics)?

This is the question you need to ask yourself when you hear the media dishing out the latest statistics about the swine flu pandemic.

In the last few days alone, I’ve seen major news outlets warning that come flu season, the swine flu could kill 90,000 Americans and hospitalize 2 million. This sounds a lot like the fear-mongering that went on during the Bird Flu pandemic (that never materialized) back in 2005.

Back then scientists and governments were congratulating themselves for averting a threat that never was by stockpiling worthless vaccines. Now I’m having déjà vu.

In response to this newest swine flu pandemic, what did the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently suggest?

Swine flu shots for all! Of course, what else would you expect?

As the Washington Post reported, CDC said: “As soon as a vaccine is available, try to get it for everyone in your family.”

Well, you might be tempted to do just that if you believe the sensational number of swine flu deaths they’re predicting. But, really, these numbers are not based on facts.

WHO continues to define the severity of the H1N1 virus to be moderate, generally defined as an illness requiring neither hospitalization nor even medical care. Most cases are having MILD symptoms that clear up on their own.

Further, no one really knows for sure just how many cases of swine flu there are, because some countries are no longer confirming them by lab.

In the UK, for example, they now appear to be collecting swine flu data online and via the phone, based on nothing but self-assessment.

So did they really contract the swine flu?

Or did the vast majority of them simply have a case of the sniffles or a seasonal flu bug? Without laboratory confirmation, no one will ever know, but they sure are using those numbers to scare you!

Going back to my original question though, you must ask yourself who stands to benefit from all of this paranoia and hysteria.

Of course you know the answer to this one.

Big Pharma … which stands to gain up to $49 billion a year on the swine flu vaccine alone plus an infinite amount on top of that for future pandemic vaccines.

The vaccine manufacturers would love for every man, woman, and child to heed the CDC’s advice to get vaccinated. But now you know better.

The swine flu is typically a mild illness.

The swine flu vaccine has not been tested for safety or efficacy, but we DO know it will contain harmful additives.

The choice, to me, is obvious. And in the future, anytime a new “pandemic” appears and officials urge you to rush out and get a shot, please remember this article and ask yourself if it’s really you who stands to benefit from their advice.

Interestingly the swine flu vaccines are going to be available in the US around the time the finest vaccine conference in the world will be held. If you want to learn the absolute latest and best strategies for swine flu then Washington DC is the place to be October 2-4. I will be sharing my strategies live at the event.

So join me at the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) Web site, and join us in taking action against the potential threat of mandatory swine flu vaccinations.

October 2-4, 2009, the International Vaccine Conference will be held in Reston, Virginia (Near Washington, D.C.). It is the best vaccine conference in the world, and is only held about once every five years.

It is relatively inexpensive to attend, and highly recommended. But you’ll need to hurry to reserve your seat, as there is only room for 1,000 and the seats are going quickly.

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Replies to This Discussion

The reason I named my article's title "Vaccins, The W.H.O. , Dr Robertson , and the World's Collective Death Sentence !"
Summary of oral evidence: Dr John Wood and Dr James Robertson, National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC) 27 April 2006
Dr John Wood and Dr James Robertson are Principal Scientists in the Division of Virology at NIBSC. Dr Wood and Dr Robertson lead the NIBSC’s influenza group and their responsibilities include the control and standardisation of influenza vaccines. On behalf of the World Health Organisation (WHO) the NIBSC is involved in the serological testing of vaccine trials; the PREPARATION and DISTRIBUTION of INFLUENZA VIRUSES TO VACCINE MANUFACTURERS; and the COORDINATION of EU STRAIN SELECTION PROCESSES.

Drs Wood and Robertson were ASKED their OPINION on PRIMING the POPULATION for a PANDEMIC USING LIVE VACCINES and if they consider it to be a good idea. However the timing is critical; if LIVE H5N1 VACCINES are used now it would be CONSIDERED too DANGEROUS,but IF a PANDEMIC is IMMINENT the RISK may be JUSTIFIED. A STOCKPILE OF LIVE VACCINES,with the cleavage site removed,could be USED to PRIME the POPULATION IN ADVANCE of the PANDEMIC REACHING the UK. Even without an exact match in virus strain, it is predicted that this would provide a broad immunity to the population.

JUSTIFICATION: :Is a Global Flu Pandemic Imminent? Avian Influenza Infection in Humans Kelly M. Pyrek 03/01/2005 (justification published BEFORE declaration of intent….ALL BASES COVERED!) or or :BBC Page last updated at 10:39 GMT, Thursday, 30 April 2009 11:39 UK WHO fears pandemic is ‘imminent’.


Ticket 72899, Dr Robertson-CDC-WHO Guilty of Intentional Genocide‏
From: (
Sent: May 4, 2009 1:02:07 PM
WHO isn't running these experiments
In any case, it's clear that this mock-up process is pursued by vaccine manufacturers, not the WHO itself, so I disagree with any report that states the WHO itself released a pandemic virus into the population. The WHO is merely explaining what a mock-up vaccine is. They aren't the ones manufacturing these mock-up vaccines or testing them on humans. That's being done by the drug companies.

It also seems that calling the mock-up virus a "pandemic virus" may be inaccurate. There's no way for us to know whether the mock-up virus is a pandemic virus or just some harmless flu strain that poses no threat and isn't even contagious. Of course, if the drug companies were maliciously trying to cause a pandemic, this is one way they could potentially get it off the ground. And that's a distinct possibility, given all the profit the drug companies are generating from the swine flu pandemic. But it's still just conjecture at this point (unless there's some other documentation proof on this that I don't know about, which is certainly possible).

The bottom line? These "mock-up" vaccines are a worrisome issue. It's clear that swine flu vaccines are essentially experimental and that the People are being treated like guinea pigs in all this. The motivation is clearly a Big Pharma profit motive. But I'm not aware of any evidence suggesting that the World Health Organization itself released a pandemic virus into the population via "mock-up" vaccines. That notion may be an inadvertent misinterpretation of the publicly available documents.

The job of releasing a pandemic virus into the wild was likely accomplished by the drug companies, if anyone. And they don't really need to use vaccines to release a new pandemic into the population... All they need is to drive around Mexico City with one infected person who sneezes on a few doorknobs.

Abandoning all science in the name of vaccine propaganda
What's really worrisome about all this, by the way, is that the mock-up vaccine process allows drug companies to win pre-approval for a pandemic vaccine even before the pandemic appears! Once the pandemic is under way, the drug manufacturer essentially pulls a laboratory copy-and-paste maneuver to pop the pandemic virus into the vaccines, replacing the mock-up virus. From there, it's an orgy of mass injections using this completely untested new pandemic viral strain!

Essentially, the "mock-up vaccine" process allows drug companies to gain approval for vaccines before they even exist.

How, exactly, is this good science? It isn't, of course. It's just more vaccine mongering by Big Pharma combined with the utter abandonment of good science. Pandemic vaccines were never about science in the first place, of course. They're all about making money and scaring people into signing up for injections that will likely kill more people than they save.

I'm glad people are raising awareness of the "mock-up" vaccine issue. It's a topic that deserves closer inspection. It could even turn out to be one of the vectors through which a pandemic is inadvertently (or intentionally) unleashed.
WHO isn't running these experiments??? Drs Wood and Robertson were ASKED their OPINION on PRIMING the POPULATION for a PANDEMIC USING LIVE VACCINES. So who asked them this question? According to the document...the W.H.O.!!!
In any case, it's clear that this mock-up process is pursued by vaccine manufacturers, not the WHO itself, so I disagree with any report that states the WHO itself released a pandemic virus into the population.
Well then, you aren't disagreeing with me, you are disagreeing with the NIBSC and their published report.
On behalf of the World Health Organisation (WHO) the NIBSC is involved in the serological testing of vaccine trials; the PREPARATION and DISTRIBUTION of INFLUENZA VIRUSES TO VACCINE MANUFACTURERS; and the COORDINATION of EU STRAIN SELECTION PROCESSES.

On behalf of the World Health Organisation (WHO).....something somebody mis-understands here ??? THEY wrote it, not me!


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