Advanced storage practices, using Nitrogen gas , liquid nitrogen (LN2) , and or Argon.

This may be above and beyond the scope of this discussion,

BUT knowledge is power. Just as food and water are essenital to survival.

Reading these posts I've noticed CO2 used as a purge. CO2 unless it is run through a drier can carry moisture (H2O and other compounds).

In some cases this is just fine.

In other cases it can lead to rancidity, oxidation of oils within the food/ plant seed tissue. Example : oats /Oatmeal , grain ect.

Nitrogen is a better alternative if it is available.

The following can be applied using "food grade vacuum seal bags or Mylar bags.

Mylar mitigates light transmission that can alter compounds during storage.

Anything that you store in plasitc / glass containers (tempered glass being preferable although it can break. Much of the plastic used in the food industry {and canned goods for that matter} have plasticisers in them, Things like BPA.

If you have not heard of this I suggesat you research it).

What I'm driving at is "use an opaque glass (or plastic if you have to), much for the same reasons Mylar is used.

If it's in a clear container then by all means keep light from it.

Box package/ them up accordingly

The following is not for all to do but if you have access you may prefer this method of preservation.

This process uses gasses that are considered "simple asphyxiants".

I have done a large amount of packaging and preservation for the military in the past.

Food, Hospital equipment & supplies, weapons etc.

What they did was to purge the packages with nitrogen (being heavier than the air round us) displaces the oxygen and is virtually moisture free.

This can get pricey, BUT if you weld, have a friend that welds you have access to nitrogen.

If you live near a welding supply you can access nitrogen supplies and liquid nitrogen as well.

LN2 (liquid nitrogen) is a cryogenic material and "REQUIRES" special handling as well as the "proper safety gear".

Nitrogen being one of the cheapest gasses is usually used as opposed to the BEST choice, which would be Argon, EXCEPT argon is the second most expensive gas available to the public, with helium being the most expensive.

Argon is used extensively in the processing of vegetable oils and olive oil.


The process is purge the bag / container then vacuum seal (if available)if not reduce the amount of gas in the bag/ container/vessel, being certain to NOT let any ambient air enter the holding vessel.  Then  Double seal.

There are safety guidelines to follow when you use these gasses.

Nitrogen is a simple asphyxiant, it displaces oxygen. It takes a large amount of gas to do this, ie: a leaking cylinder in a enclosed room.

A Dewar flask is a enclosed area (the large ones have pressure release valves (safety valve) that dump when a set pressure is reached to prevent tank rupture and an even worse situation.

For weapons , ammunition, and metal storage.

As for weapons : 

Oil well and seal in a NITROGEN or ARGON  environment only.

Do NOT ALLOW PURE OXYGEN NEAR ANY OIL PRODUCT,  As spontaneous combustion WILL occur, because of the rapid oxidation process creating heat and leading to a chemical chain reaction.

As for ammunition -  A simple nitrogen purge type packaging is perfect. The less oxygen the better. Brass oxidizes quite rapidly, and some ammunition has a light oil coating.

Black powder - package the container the same as ammunition.


Metal Storage - simple nitrogen purge for any food related items.

Others you may consider a light oil coating.


When opening packaging that an oil was used in the process, avoid all possible cross contamination with non food related and food supplies.


Please pardon my ramblings.

Semper Paratus

Acta Non Verba !

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