Amazingly, someone either risked their life or hit the wrong button because the supposedly private teleconference went out as open access to state and government agencies.
The plan was to use police and all the other agencies listed above to bull rush the gun owning citizenry and seize their guns and to do it very quickly so a counter operation wouldn’t have time to muster.
They then began to ridicule those who would be on the front lines in this operation and laughed at how easily they will be thrown under the bus.
Turns out some of the people being ridiculed were actually listening. It was police listening over their computers in their cars. Apparently they have made disks of the 2 hour meeting and only distributing it to other trusted police members. The source of this story is Mark Koernke of The Intelligence Report at The Micro Effect and Liberty Tree Radio.
Listen 20 minutes into the 8am broadcast for 8/4/16 for this to surface.
Apparently, the cops don’t want to release this publically<sp> because it could all be an op to see who would leak sensitive information.