Is this the point where I shed a tear and repent my evil ways? Eyes are feeling kinda dry though. Maybe I need some Visine, or better yet maybe some Vapor Rub. Works for Glen Beck.
Well, at least I know where all those love letters from Anons are coming from now. Sorry NH, you'll have to butter those gerbils yourself.
an email I received:
Why is Chatango on the frond page again? All it takes is someone like Geo or 181 to make the whole site look bad and ruin good first impressions for people visiting for all of us.
With out seeming to rude, isn't it obvious? I put it back up.
I like having it there, and will try one more time.
There is a number of moderators now on the chat. If folks get obnoxious they will get a time out or be banned.
Yes, I do like having the chat on he main page. Previously it let me catch people's comments when they wanted my attention though I was doing other things besides chatting. Apparently they didn't know general browsing of the site makes you show up on the Chatango user list but because of the front page embed I noticed them trying to get my attention anyway.
fearless broadcasting being the focal point of the site
I noticed the stuff on the top of the main page is outdated and there isn't any music in the music player. I have been explaining to people who were considering joining the site that it's more involved than the tweek jones radio show and chatango but they still wouldn't join.
Kim KLC set up the page, I will forward this to her.
i like having the chatango on the main page,tho didnt like it if people were actin bad on there making the whole site look bad.but if there's moderators to stop that then cool!
Hey amigos, I'm the new kid, "Dean from Abilene," (TX), and looking forward to getting to explore your site, getting to know all of you, hopefully creating some good friendships, maybe learning some things, and hopefully maybe even contributing some good in some way, but I'm already disappointed that there is not really a "HAM RADIO" page. When I clicked on the link, I got an error msg stating "no such site exists," and as I am an avid ham radio operator and feel quite strongly that when TSHTF, ham radio will be one of very, VERY few mediums of communications, and considering what this web site is all about, I would think that everyone here having access to info on how to become a ham, equipment needed, how to communicate during emergencies and when all other communications are down, etc, would be very important to us ALL. Was that part of the site closed due to no interest? I am a public safety/civilian military communications technician in "real life," and feel I could be helpful to that part of your project here, if you wanted to re-open it. And what about guns and ammo? I LOVE to target shoot, collect guns, maintain guns, reload ammo, teach others how to shoot safely...essential skill for when TSHTF, wouldn't you agree? What about emergency first aid, basic survival skills & equipment, how to make biodiesel, how to can and preserve food, etc...There are many other areas related to what I am THINKING your common interests are, that are not mentioned here, at least not where I have looked thus far; perhaps I am just overlooking it all somehow? Would someone talk to me about this sometime when convenient? I don't mean to be a pain in the hiney to anyone; I just think these are important topics, don't you? I may only check in once or twice a week for now, but I promise you I will be back and will reply to all responses. Thanks for your time, I wish you ALL The Best! God bless The United States of America; DEATH to socialism, communism and the NWO!
I do not like being insulted and the same to my friends by an administrator of the site. Marklar attitude is that of no one I wish to be associated with. There is not enough participation on this site. I think it is becoming a social site and not what you intended it to. I have met some life long to be friends. I will give credit to the site for that. Thank you for your concern, BW