The Police have no affirmative duty to protect us - surprised or relived?

One really cool place to start is reading from this website -


"We are no longer naive. We will need to defend our homes, indeed our very lives, from now into the future. Only call 911 for an antidote for poison. The status quo is that the bad guys are there and gone before the police can even respond. All they can do is take information for the next of kin. Besides, the Supreme Court has already ruled that police have a duty to the community at large, not to any one individual. That's right - the police have "No Affirmative Duty to Protect" us, affirmed by many court decisions! When your home experiences an "home invasion," try defending yourself with your kid’s baseball bat against bad guys armed with AK-47's."

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I do not want the police - super criminals - or any scum military - extreme criminals - near my house. If I am invaded by ANYONE, it's over for them - and I have fare more than a lousy baseball bat.
Well said! I could not agree more and think you are the first to share my view of the police!

Wilson & Wilson said:
I do not want the police - super criminals - or any scum military - extreme criminals - near my house. If I am invaded by ANYONE, it's over for them - and I have fare more than a lousy baseball bat.
When I was robbed at gunpoint on my front steps, the cops poured into my house passing the perpetrators as they were getting away. In fact one of the cops almost ran into the guys and ended all shook up in my apartment. At least six of Oakland, California's finest ended wandering around looking at stuff in my apartment and none of them bothered to try and go after the thugs, who by the way executed a second armed robbery down the street as the cops were checking me out. So I would say relieved.
Wow, that is amazing! Well, I guess I could say you must be very attractive to turn the head of a cop but that would seem rude! So, I know - cops are trash...Coming home from rodeo at 11pm we picked up two children 7 and 14 hitch hiking home...the girl showed me a ticket where her friend who was driving them home had been picked up on a warrant...the cops told the kids to hitch hike home - the time was 7pm for the arrest - I took the paper and tracked it down and then the cops covered everything up and made me look like I was lying! It took me several weeks and tons of phone calls and finally my attorney and $1200 to get the cops to issue a public apology to me (not the kids) and all they said was I was a nice person for having picked up children so late at night! They still denied any wrongdoing! So, yep, I hate cops...less cops, less jails...a better planet!

claudette langley said:
When I was robbed at gunpoint on my front steps, the cops poured into my house passing the perpetrators as they were getting away. In fact one of the cops almost ran into the guys and ended all shook up in my apartment. At least six of Oakland, California's finest ended wandering around looking at stuff in my apartment and none of them bothered to try and go after the thugs, who by the way executed a second armed robbery down the street as the cops were checking me out. So I would say relieved.
One very cold winter's evening in Dallas I was just leaving my brother's apartment when I looked down the parking lot and saw two scum bags hiding behind a couple of cars ready to jump two women who were walking by in the middle of the drive. I slammed the door of my car to get their attention and to let them know I saw what they were doing. They both ran. I knew one of the bastards lived in my brother's apartment complex. I went back to my brother's place to use the phone and call the cops. I was questioned twice like I was playing a joke and hung up on. So, I called back and finally got the damned dispatch lady to call a police cruiser to the scene, meantime one of the scum bags got into his car and started it. I came back outside, he saw me, and ran from his car leaving it running with the lights on. I got back on the phone with the Dallas cops gave them the description of the car and the license plate number. It was bitterly cold out so I waited in my brother's place for the police who promptly drove by and didn't bother to stop even before I could get out to show them the car! Great work by the Dallas Police Department who are better at writing tickets than arresting criminals.
...a little surprised...not relieved...worried-- let me finish....

I am a little surprised that they have now actually admitted (publicly) that they're going to come help us "whenever they're goddamn good and ready" least they're being honest about it for once....

What worries me is not that they are going to come when I dial 911...I am NOT worried about their 9mm and 12 ga. justice.... What worries me is that they still have "the power of the pen".

In so many words...police officers (ALLLLL of them)...have the power to submit an affidavit regarding events that happened when they were not even present at the time. They need this power in order to do their jobs. theory I'm agreeable to that insofar as they need it to perform their duties as police officers. Without that power, the system would break down in a matter of minutes.....

What bothers me is that they can, do, and do often write whatever they like-- they serve themselves first, each other second, their paychecks (politicians) third, and the people last....dead last....

Can't shoot us? No problem...tazers don't make as much noise and don't leave marks-- not visible ones....
All good stories and lessons learned...

The Power of the Pen is coupled with the power of the computer - once you are suspected of something whether it proves true or false - it is on your record - so anyone can say anything and ruin your life!


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