Tropical Storm Isaac grew better organized overnight and continued on a track that potentially could put it some where off the South Florida coast by early Monday.

The threat to Caribbean islands was clear and more immediate, with the first rain bands already reaching the islands of the Lesser Antilles. Warnings and watches were also posted for Puerto Rico to the Dominican Republic, which along with Haiti could see heavy rains, flooding and mud slides from up to 20 inches of rain.

At 11 a.m., the National Hurricane Center said Isaac was churning west at a rapid 21 mph clip. Its maximum winds remained at 45 mph but satellite images showed the storm looking increasingly healthier. Forecasters said conditions were favorable for continued strengthening, with Isaac possibly reaching hurricane status Thursday as it passes south of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. On its current mostly westward track, Isaac would be near or crossing Hispaniola by Friday.

As the weekend approaches, there is more uncertainty about Isaac’s direction.



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I hope it dosen't take Charlie's path in 2004

Tropical Storm Isaac makes landfall in Haiti

Survivors of the 2010 earthquake still in makeshift camps are particularly vulnerable

Gale-force winds and driving rain are lashing the coast of Haiti after Tropical Storm Isaac made landfall.

The US National Hurricane Centre says the heavy rainfall is a "major threat" and may cause floods and mudslides.

Aid groups warn that some 400,000 Haitians still living in makeshift camps after the deadly earthquake of 2010 are extremely vulnerable.

Storm warnings are also in place for neighbouring Dominican Republic, as well as Cuba and parts of Florida.

The United States National Hurricane Centre (NHC) predicts that the storm will move near or over Cuba later on Saturday and approach the Florida Keys on Sunday.

It said Isaac had displayed "some increase in forward speed" as it ripped across Haiti.

The storm could pose a potential threat to Florida during the US Republican National Convention.

Tropical Storm Isaac could shorten GOP convention

The Associated Press
Los Angeles Times‎ - by Paul West‎ - 1 hour ago
GOP officials may soon face a choice: warn attendees to stay away from the national convention, cancel sessions or wait

Tropical Storm Issac Path: Moves West, Will Likely Become Hurricane...


The Corporate media are ecstatic that ISAAC is now projected to pass west of Tampa and not interfere with the GOP convention. Left unsaid; the new track aims the storm at Louisiana, the still-recovering-from-Katrina New Orleans, and that sink hole near the salt cavern full of radioactive waste!

Hey, if the weather turns real foul during the GOP convention and they all get stranded with no water or food, do ya think Obama will send "Brownie" to save em? Lol

  1. Westward-moving Isaac a little stronger

    Westward-moving Isaac a little stronger

    Tropical Storm Isaac has strengthened a bit, according to reports from a hurricane hunter aircraft. Computer models show the storm bypassing the Tampa Bay area, but we remain in the cone of uncertainty. 

I live in central FL. and herd its track has moved a little back to the Fl west coast its still the cone of uncertainty where this storm is heading I remember Charlie and they siad it was going to hit Tampa but it didn't we got nieled here in central Fl. now they are saying its wobbleing.

listen up new track for Isaac as of 5 pm he is moved more to the North side of cuba and will hit Fl. much concern for central Fl. as we will be to the right side of the storm.
  1. Tropical storm Isaac heads for Florida‎ - 25 minutes ago
    Tropical storm Isaac remains somewhat disorganized this evening as it slowly marches towards the Florida keys. As has been the case much of ...


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