9/11 , Afghanistan , IRAQ , Libya , Syria and IRAN all one big scam ( Documentary )

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I have even more respect for this man after seeing this film!

i want to watch this but its late ~ looks good i am sure i was lied to about this too 


1. Gaddafi wouldn't bow down to the Rothschild central reserve banking cartel.

2. Gadaffi Proposed $400 million African Satellite - gadaffi alone came up with $300 million for this project.

For those ask whats the big deal in it, it's really a huge set back for European western countries, because they get paid by Africa every year $500 million per year in rent for the services European satellite provides to Africa.
Africa being self sufficient is definitely a set back for western economy.

3. AMF: African Monetary Fund - No more borrowing from Rothschild Central Bank for African countries, AMF was planned to produce its own currency for Africa, backed by Gold standard.
Interest free.

4. Libya's $300 Billion Gold reserves.

5. Libya sits on Africa's largest oil and natural gas reserves.

6. Gadaffi planned to free the entire African continent from the clutches of Western imperialism.

7. Libya's Blue gold - Libya's priceless water basins.

* In Libya there are four major underground basins, these being the Kufra basin, the Sirt basin, the Morzuk basin and the Hamada basin, the first three of which contain combined reserves of 35,000 cubic kilometres of water. These vast reserves offer almost unlimited amounts of water for the Libyan people. *In the 1960s during oil exploration deep in the southern Libyan desert, vast reservoirs of high quality water were discovered in the form of aquifers. * thus Gadaffi, started the construction for the Phase I of the $25 Billion "Great Man made River Project" in 1984.

The Great Man-Made River (GMR) is a network of pipes that supplies water from the Sahara Desert in Libya, from the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System fossil aquifer. It is the world's largest irrigation project
As of now, almost all three phases has been finished by the Libyan administration .

It carries more than five million cubic metres of water per day across the desert to coastal areas, vastly increasing the amount of arable land. The cost of one cubic meter of water equals 35 cents. The cubic meter of desalinized water is $3.75. Scientists estimate the amount of water to be equivalent to the flow of 200 years of water in the Nile River.

~ this  made me very mad & sad ~ i remember being sickened when they murdered Gaddafi~i saw the youtube of his death on the streets ~  it just felt it was  wrong and i didn't  know much about him accept what i was suppose to know ~" he was a murderous dictator and an evil man who deserved what happened to him "  I hate my own criminal government for there crimes against the free people of Lybia and humanity in general ~ what has happened to the Lybian people since his death ?   I will not ever pay Federal taxes ~ SOLIDARITY  this has been my wish fuk there tax ~ fuk there new world order ~ STOP PAYING THEM! YOU ARE NEXT! THEY WILL DO TO US WHAT THEY DID TO LYBIA !  

Benghazi suddenly makes a lot more sense ~ 


Amnesty International has documented numerous cases of abuse and torture of detainees by local militias, and there have been many reports of reprisals against civilians living in perceived pro-Gadhafi areas. Militia rule is made possible by the weakness of the NTC, which never had real control over armed rebel forces during the war, and still does not. Plus, the council's opacity and corruption have been rapidly de-legitimizing it in the eyes of Libyans. In short rape, kidnapping, and murderous gangs of thugs rule the streets in Libya now! Western big business has moved in to cash in on the Libyan people's misery! That's what it was all about the Criminal Elite taking the countries wealth and resources from the Libyan people. Freedom what a joke unless you consider dodging bullets to go to your local store freedom! What NATO did to Libya should be a war crime against humanity! These same power crazed lunatics that did this to Libya control the Governments of the NATO countries, and have the same future planned for all of us as well! They are working hard to take away what little freedom we have left, and if we don’t except their slavery there’s always the FEMA camps!

Suzi it sickens me that the American people would support this evil that is being spread thought-out the World under the American flag which is supposes to represent freedom to the World not death! I saw corruption when I worked as a Deputy in the County level, and I can only imagine how much worse it is in the federal level! We the people must make a stand for what is right, not what is politically right! Cowardice asks the question - is it safe? Expediency asks the question - is it politic? Vanity asks the question - is it popular? But conscience asks the question - is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular; but one must take it BECAUSE it is right. Martin Luther King  (1929 - 1968)

tell me what you know about why Gaddafi was main streamed as a Murderous dictator. I am open minded but i have been raised in this MATRIX .. I looked at the video and my mind saw something else especially in the pictures of him in the convertable car no fear of reprisal or assassination~ i have since looked at videos of his girl army and this contradicts that women are not allowed to do anything stuff we are told ~ these woman loved being body guards ~

Gaddafi was packaged to the world in a way that  if i were to say~ i think Gaddafi was a great man and a true revolutionary and beloved by his people ~ most people would think i lost it ~ had a screw loose~ the thing i hear the most is he murdered his own people and was a dictator ~ it was a good thing to get rid of him at all cost~ is there any evidence that he was a dictator who murdered his own people other than something said over and over again? like whisper down the lane? Last night on the final presidential debates they pushed forward how wonderful it was that we got rid of this horrible dictator and freed the Lybian people form such a terrible force of evil and millions of people watched it and believe that Lybia is way better off because off because of what we did and the masses seem to revel in his death ~ if the information in this video is really true and i am 95% of the way believing the exact opposite ~ so what does that make me now? 

 what i saw on tv last night in the presidential debates ~much was said about Lybia is one of the biggest lies in history if this video is accurate ~ what say you ?

i really want to know ~ How do we know what is the truth~ who is telling the truth?

if it is true that Gaddafi gave his people a real sunny future and he was truly loved by the people  we did a horrible thing and it is just being compounded by the lies of 911 

The reason why is because Gaddafi was a stumbling block for them. He wanted to free his people from the debt slavery we have here, and he had enought gold to make this change. He was going to come up with a gold standard to support his money and to do away with the Federal Reserve note! The International Banking Cartel that run much of the World could not let this happen. Gaddafi was going to quit selling oil in U.S. dollars which means if this caught on in the middle east the dollar would quickly loose it's value. The U.S. and Western European economies which are already falling apart from so much debt would have been destabilized even more. If you study history the powers that be that control the Media always will make you believe that their enemies are also your enemies. For instance if you were in NAZI Germany during World War 2 you would have heard that England and the U.S. were the bad guys, because the powers to be that ran that country wanted you to hate their enemies as mush as they did. I was raised the same way to believe Gaffaffi was an evil dictator, but a few years ago I started researching and found out that he is not the villian I had been told he was. I know when you have been lied to so much it's hard to know what the truth is. Believe me if you would have told me Gaddafi wasn't a bad guy about 5 years ago I would have thought you were a nut. I was your typical conservative cop, and I thought I knew about the World. I was wrong because like everybody else I had been lied too by the people who control this country from behind the shadows.

 i understand the why ~ what i don't understand is the how? Was there any evidence of his murderous ways? Was it really just propaganda spin with no actual evidence~? I need to read more about this for some reason it seems very important to me ~ the resent Benghazi catastrophe ~ what a mess where is the truth here~ i found this picture and my first thought was why is the sign in english ~~~ this one is supposedly in Dublin found on wikipedia  

The worst thing is they say is Gaddafi sponsored state terrorism ~ does any one ever ask for evidence?

What happened in Benghazi seemed to me that if what you say is all true if i were a Lybian i may want retrobution on 911 to the people who i believed destroyed my country and futhermore  blamed people who looked like me for 911 knowing 911 is just there excuse to do anything they want and i think the ambassador was selling weapons to Alciada its such a mess ~ Do i know for sure of course not but just thinking it gives my country a reason to detain me these days ~ very scary J.Patriot 



17 Crimes committed by Gaddafi against Libyan people

June 28 | Posted by admin | جرائم

February 17, the start of the Free Libya Revolution. These are only the recent ones. The list of crimes he and his family have committed against the Libyan people during his 42 year reign would go on forever. It will certainly be a long time before the memories die.

1-   Shooting at unarmed protestors

2-  Burning houses of people in Tripoli who called Al Jazeera

3-  Looting houses of people suspected to have protested against Gaddafi

4-  Torturing kidnapped people to death

5-  Shutting off water, electricity and communication to cities

6-  Indiscriminate shelling of cities with BM21 grad rockets & tanks

7-  Attacking ambulances & hospitals and killing injured

8-  Using ambulances to move forces & attack on protestors

9-  Kill doctors for treating injured people after hospitals were closed for people

10- Using State TV to encourage violence.

11- Attacking & destroying mosques

12- Using sleeper cells in Benghazi to randomly shoot at civilians to create chaos

13- Forcing migrant workers to join mercenary training camps

14- Stealing all money, phones & other stuff of refuges

15- Attacking livestock near attacked cities

16- Destroying graves of dead protestors, taking away bodies to unknown place

17- Bringing in people to dance with Gaddafi pictures in massacred cities.


I hope the awful man leaves in the near future

My point is~ was there ever any evidence that Gaddafi ever did any of the above things? 

Suzie I hope this article, and video from RT News will help you.

Libya: does Nato have any pretext for its onslaught?

Amid the allegations of rape and butchery – where is the supporting documentation?

Alexander Cockburn

It's pitiful, but scarcely surprising. After all the endless disclosures of Nato's lies concerning its onslaughts on the former Yugoslavia in the late 1990s, and the hundreds of postmortems and official inquiries into the propaganda blitz before the attack on Iraq in 2003, the Western press is more gullible regarding Libya, less inclined to question official claims than in those earlier failures.

The bar was already low, but now that those supposed lessons have been acknowledged and ignored, it has been lowered even further.

Who can argue with a straight face that UN Resolution 1973, passed on March 17, permits efforts to assassinate Gaddafi by bombs and missiles or escalations in the arsenal of regime change, such as the deployment of British Apache helicopters or the intense bombing of Tripoli on Tuesday?

A hundred years from now this UN/Nato intervention will be seen as a shameless imperial enterprise in the old style, with the increasingly ridiculous rationale of a mission "to protect civilians and civilian-populated areas", as hollow as the self-righteous British claims that the conquest of India was primarily about saving widows from suttee.

In the past few weeks we have had amply documented records of ferocious repression across the Middle East. There are body counts and vivid reports out of Syria. The violence that finally prompted President Saleh's flight from Yemen to Saudi Arabia was relayed in graphic reportage.

Admittedly, the US press has been less energetic in relaying the savageries being inflicted on erstwhile democracy-seekers in Bahrain, thus reflecting the desire of President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton that the topic not be mentioned. Whereas 'Libya' appears at least 14 times in the three major declarations issued at the recent G8 summit in Deauville, and 'Syria' 12 times, 'Bahrain' appears not at all.

Contrast these detailed reports with the amazing vagueness of news stories coming out of Libya. Here, remember, we have a regime accused in Resolution 1973 of "widespread and systematic attacks... against the civilian population [that] may amount to crimes against humanity." We have a press corps and insurgents ready and eager to report anything discreditable to the Gaddafi regime.

Yet since mid-February the reporting out of Libya has had a striking lack of persuasive documentation of butcheries or abuses commensurate with the language lavished on the regime's presumptive conduct.

Though human rights groups have furnished some detailed accounts of specific repressions, time and again one reads vague phrases like "thousands reportedly killed by Gaddafi's mercenaries" or Gaddafi "massacring his own people," delivered without the slightest effort to furnish supporting evidence.

This is not said out of any singular respect for Gaddafi. But it was the second-hand allegation of fearsome massacres that drove both news coverage and UN activities - particularly in the early stage, when UN Resolution 1970 was adopted, calling for sanctions and the referral of Gaddafi's closest circle to the International Criminal Court, for an investigation, which Louis Moreno-Ocampo almost immediately agreed to do on March 3.

News reports in mid-March, such as those by McClatchy reporters Jonathan Landay, Warren Strobel and Shashank Bengali, contain no claims of anything approaching a "crime against humanity," the allegation in Resolution 1973. Yet by February 23 the propaganda blitz was in full spate, with Clinton denouncing Gaddafi and Reagan's "mad dog of the Middle East" phrase from 1986  exhumed as the preferred way of describing the Libyan leader.

The UN commissioner for human rights, Navi Pillay, started denouncing the Libyan government as early as February 18; UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon joined Pillay on February 21. The UN News Center reported that Ban was "outraged at press reports that the Libyan authorities have been firing at demonstrators from war planes and helicopters" (my italics).

On this kind of basis, the Security Council's February 22 session, devoted to 'Peace and Security in Africa', became instead devoted to denouncing Libya. In these early days, no one who represented the Libyan government was permitted to address the council. Only defectors speaking on behalf of Libya were given the floor.

Now remember that on March 10, French President Sarkozy, a major player in Nato's coalition of the willing against Libya, declared the Libyan National Transition Council the only legitimate representative of the Libyan people.

So Gaddafi was facing a formal armed insurrection - not a protest movement demanding "democracy" - led by a shadowy entity based in Benghazi, one of whose more diligent enterprises appears to have been the establishment of a 'central bank'. Seven days later, Resolution 1973 made clear that attempts to suppress this insurrection would elicit armed intervention by Nato.

On June 6 the independent International Crisis Group issued a report 'Making Sense of Libya', which stated forthrightly that Nato was in the business of "regime change" and was strongly critical of Nato's refusal to respond to calls for ceasefire and negotiation, a stance which the International Crisis Group says is guaranteed to prolong the conflict, and the tribulations of all Libyans.

On the issue of Gaddafi's alleged war crimes, the ICG noted reports of mass rapes by government militias, but declared that at the same time, "much Western media coverage has from the outset presented a very one-sided view of the logic of events, portraying the protest movement as entirely peaceful and repeatedly suggesting that the regime's security forces were unaccountably massacring unarmed demonstrators who presented no real security challenge.

"This version would appear to ignore evidence that the protest movement exhibited a violent aspect from very early on... There is also evidence that, as the regime claimed, the demonstrations were infiltrated by violent elements. Likewise, there are grounds for questioning the more sensational reports that the regime was using its air force to slaughter demonstrators, let alone engaging in anything remotely warranting use of the term 'genocide'."

In this context, since the International Criminal Court's record of subservience to Nato's requirements is one of near 100 per cent compliance, one can view with reasonable cynicism its timing in issuing accusations of mass rape against Gaddafi's militia immediately in the wake of this week's Nato bombing onslaught on Tripoli.
Nato says it has flown more than 3,000 missions, and it is clear that despite the Benghazi rebels' pretensions and effusive coverage in the Nato powers' homelands, the rebels have been unable to make any effective military showing.

In other words, the only serious challenge to Gaddafi is a pirate coalition of Nato forces operating without the slightest mandate in international law, currently engaged in bombing a major city - Tripoli - filled with civilians.

The indifference of the Western press, not to mention the liberal/left in the United States, to these obvious facts has emboldened the coalition to ever more brazen affronts to law, with bluff calls from British generals amid the embarrassing stalemate to cut the cackle and send in the troops.

America's clients in Bahrain and Riyadh can watch the undignified pantomime with a tranquil heart, welcoming this splendid demonstration that they have nothing to fear from Obama's fine speeches or Clinton's references to democratic aspirations, well aware that Nato's warplanes and helicopters are operating under the usual double standard - with the Western press furnishing all appropriate services.   · 

Read more: http://www.theweek.co.uk/politics/4841/libya-does-nato-have-any-pre...

Thank you J.Patriot ~ Ria posted a video and some links that helped me also ~ http://www.hrw.org/reports/2012/10/16/death-dictator-0 


I can't believe i hated this man and i didn't even know him ~ i judged him without a  trial only because the TV said so ~ i swear i will never listen to any accusation of any one without proof ever again i am kinda ashamed that i ever did~

here is  Ria's post i was talking about http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XK3DXRQKVgE


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