1. The ADHD Kid
Signature smoking method: Steamroller
He stopped taking his Ritalin a long time ago because it made him feel dead inside. But then he was a total spaz. So to keep himself from jumping around like a psychotic banshee, he started smoking weed.
2. The Stoner Chick
Signature smoking method: Cute pink bowl that fits in her purse
When she’s smoking, this usually liberal arts-educated chick is cool as hell. She listens to good music, has a good laugh, and often goes without a bra.
3. The Artist
Signature smoking method: Homemade bong
It’s no secret – creative people smoke pot. It’s just how it is. But since this person is more productive when he smokes, he basically has a life-long free pass on smoking weed whenever he wants.
4. The Patient
Signature smoking method: Vaporizer
With 16 states having already made medical marijuana legal, it seems everyone these days has some serious medical condition requiring the magical powers of marijuana. But for the truly terminal, life doesn’t get much better than steaming up some pot in a vaporizer and watching re-runs of “Murder She Wrote”. Not that you have to be dying to enjoy that or anything…
5. The Outdoorsman
Signature smoking method: Bowl
This guy doesn’t fuck around. He knows what to do when you encounter a grizzly and how to tell time with the sun. He can make a bowl out of anything, knows which mushrooms to eat – and which ones to never eat.
6. The Retiree
Signature smoking method: Expensive pipe/bong
These Boomers have been waiting for this moment since Woodstock. After growing up in the 60s, they did the responsible thing, made their money, sent their kids to college and are now settling into the glory years of reading The New York Times, gardening and smoking a shit-load of weed.
7. The Connoisseur
Signature smoking method: The Hurricane Bong
Despite the fact that this guy always has the best weed available, The Connoisseur is kind of a douche to smoke with. Weed is wonderful. That just goes without saying. I don’t give a shit what you read in your Cannabible.
8. The Moocher
Signature smoking method: Whatever you’ve got
Not necessarily a bad guy – but still a pain in the ass – The Moocher only smokes weed when you smoke weed.
9. The True Stoner
Signature smoking method: Roach
This easy-going, goofy bastard always starts his days off with a wake-and-bake courtesy of his bedside bowl, followed by as much additional weed smoking as possible.
10. The Professional
Signature smoking method: Something strong
If you don’t catch this guy in the act, you’d never know he smokes at all. That’s because, most of the time, he’s working his ass off. But when he comes home from a hard day, the only way he can chill out is by getting really, really high.
11. The Teenager
Signature smoking method: Coke Can/Apple/Toilet Paper Steamrollers
As if they weren’t whacked-out of their minds already on mind-altering hormones, teenagers love to smoke pot. These newbies always think they have the best weed, but half the time it’s just a bag of grass clippings and sage.
12. The Gen-X Parents
Signature smoking method: Brownies
Deep down, these people are cynical and pissed off. In their spare time, they do yoga and attend wellness seminars and have the worst children on the planet. But you know what the perfect cure for all that is, don’t you? Yep, it’s weed. High five!
13. Ghetto kid
Signature smoking method: Dutchie, peach/grape blunt
No matter the The Ghetto Kid’s race or where he’s from, when he gets high, nine times out of ten, he’ll throw on a beat and start freestyling for hours, until it’s so boring you can’t even have fun smoking pot anymore. And when he’s not doing that, he complains about anything that’s pissed him off within the previous 36 hours, then shrugs it off like it’s nothing. And after all that, he’s still one of the best people to smoke with, ever.
14. The Redneck
Signature smoking method: Shitty metal bowl
This dude ‘just don’t give a fuck.’ He smokes and drinks at the same time, gets crazy at parties and loves to blow shit up. Chances are he grows all his own kick ass weed (in somebody else’s corn field).
15. The Metal Kid
Signature smoking method: Bowl
Nothing makes The Metal Kid happier than sitting in his basement apartment, listening to bands like Skeleton Witch and watching Metalocalypse. And for some reason, when a group of these surly fellows smokes, nobody talks – but nobody’s uncomfortable. Except you.
16. The Skater
Signature smoking method: One-hitter
You might mistake this guy for The Stoner or The Teenager. But unlike either of those assclowns, The Skater has an extremely high potential for raw havoc, no matter how much he’s smoked.
17. The Frat Guy
Signature smoking method: Joint
Because of constant sporting obligations in high school, The Frat Guy never smoked weed until just before graduation, or when he moved away to college. If you smoke him down, from then on, every time he sees you, he thinks you’re stoned, even when you’re not. These people usually stop smoking pot after college and forget how great it is.
Glad you finally joined the group : )
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