March 31, 2016 by Guest Contributor
The man who has been relentlessly trolling Portland area LaVoy Finicum supporters has now been identified as Peter Fournier.
Fournier has recently been spotted at a Finicum memorial rally, on March 5th, with a bull horn, shouting all sorts of immature insults at the crowd as part of a counter protest.
Most recently, on March 26th, he rented a U Haul truck and paraded around a crowd offering support to the jailed Malheur refuge occupiers, taunting them, taking pictures of their children, and taping signs to truck such as “pooptriots” and “Jury Nullification Is Not Justice”. He evidently resorted to renting the truck because he didn’t want to use his own vehicle and wanted to hide his identity.
He can be seen at the 1:55 mark in this video:
On his twitter account, where he goes by the name “John Schmidt” under the handle @uglyportland1, he even gloated that the truck was damaged due to the stickers and signs that he put on, but that he didn’t have to pay for it because he bought the insurance for the truck, even though he rented it with the expectation that it would be damaged. I wonder if U Haul knew of this, and if it that’s a violation of the rental or insurance agreement?
He also decided to take a couple of jabs at Victoria Sharp, the teenage girl who was in the truck that Finicum was driving on the evening of the shooting.
Peter Fournier’s mugshot, October, 2009. Back when he had hair. Taken after he was charged with assault after attacking a news cameraman. (Click to enlarge)
Mr. Fournier, himself, is no stranger to legal dealings. In 2009 he was charged with assault after attacking a KATU cameraman and flashing a badge, claiming to be law enforcement, as the news network taking some B roll for a weather report.
Photography Is Not A Crime (PINAC) reported:
Peter Fournier can be seen approaching KATU news videographer Bob Bullock as he was filming footage for a weather report.
Fournier is covering his face as he approaches, then pushes his back against Bullock’s camera. He then calls Bullock a “loser reporter.”
And at one point, he pulls out a badge and acts as if he is a cop.”
The twisted tale continues for Fournier, was also the subject of a 2011 Willamette Week story entitled “BAD NEIGHBOR”, where his neighbors complained about the way he had maintained the property of his $1.8 Million mansion that he let fall apart, which borders Portland’s beloved Laurelhurst Park.
Waist-high grass sways on the lawn. A brush pile of ancient rhododendrons chokes the elegant semicircular brick driveway. Ugly plaster patches mar the home’s façade, and half-finished security gates stand watch over a property now occupied only by a couple of previously homeless caretakers.
Peter Fournier did have family money. Documents show he is a descendent of the founder of Procter & Gamble, which last year ranked 22nd on the Fortune 500 list of America’s largest companies. (Fournier’s middle name is Procter.)
When he moved to Laurelhurst, Fournier, a 1997 Georgetown Law graduate, told neighbors he had started a new business—Residential Security Patrol.
Next door to Fournier lived Dick Kroll, 72, and the late Park Bailey. The two were longtime Laurelhurst residents who bought and renovated houses.
Police records and neighbors’ accounts show the dispute took many forms: Fournier allegedly threatened Kroll and Bailey, he frequently yelled homophobic slurs, he blasted conservative talk radio at them with outdoor speakers for hours, and he would shine spotlights from his property into their windows for nights on end.
“It all started when he tried to claim a piece of my land with his fence,” Kroll says. “And before long, he had a halogen floodlight pointed at my house all night long.”
Fournier and his wife became so well known to police that officers took the unusual step of entering a “flag” in their computer system if either was involved in a call.
Typically, if police are called to a neighborhood, especially in a low-crime area such as Laurelhurst, one officer responds. Not so with the Fourniers.
“Please flag [the Fourniers’ Laurelhurst and Ladd’s Addition addresses],” says an April 19, 2010, police report. “Mandatory two-officer response for all calls for witness and verification reasons.”
Fournier also tangled with contractors and creditors. Shortly after the Fourniers moved to Laurelhurst, for instance, a city inspector ordered Fournier and several neighbors to repair their sidewalks.
Fournier hired Metro Sidewalk Repair in May 2007 for $1,400 worth of repairs. Metro Sidewalk did the work and the city inspector signed off on it—but Fournier refused to pay his bill. It wasn’t as if he lacked the funds: His mortgage was $8,400 a month and he had paid the home renovation firm Hammer and Hand nearly $150,000 to spiff up his new house.
Willamette Week also got into the assault story:
Fournier flashed a badge and “called me a ‘fucking stupid, fucking loser reporter,'” Bullock wrote in a now-pending lawsuit. “[Fournier] then swung his hand at me striking the camera twice, which I was holding while filming.
“[Fournier] then grabbed the camera and knocked me to the ground. With [Fournier] over the top of me, I remained on the ground. [Fournier] then held me down with his foot pressed violently against my chest cavity.” (Bullock captured much of the incident with his camera. Watch the footage at
Fournier was convicted of assault and sentenced to four days in jail and two years of probation.
He also runs a mock website called
He was also taking pictures of other kids at the Finicum rally.
Some of Fournier’s supporters encouraged him to carry a gun, which he’s probably not legally allowed to do, thanks to his assault case.
He’s also whining about a supposed assault that happened to him. I wonder how many of his friends know about his violent past?
With the next round of court dates and a Gavin Seim rally in Salem next week, one has to wonder if this violent, unhinged, loose cannon will show up again.
Now that this coward has been outed, it'd be in his best interest to go into deep hiding for a very long time.
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