Revealed: inside story of US envoy's assassination

Exclusive: America 'was warned of embassy attack but did nothing'

The killings of the US ambassador to Libya and three of his staff were likely to have been the result of a serious and continuing security breach, The Independent can reveal.

American officials believe the attack was planned, but Chris Stevens had been back in the country only a short while and the details of his visit to Benghazi, where he and his staff died, were meant to be confidential.

The US administration is now facing a crisis in Libya. Sensitive documents have gone missing from the consulate in Benghazi and the supposedly secret location of the "safe house" in the city, where the staff had retreated, came under sustained mortar attack. Other such refuges across the country are no longer deemed "safe".

Some of the missing papers from the consulate are said to list names of Libyans who are working with Americans, putting them potentially at risk from extremist groups, while some of the other documents are said to relate to oil contracts.

According to senior diplomatic sources, the US State Department had credible information 48 hours before mobs charged the consulate in Benghazi, and the embassy in Cairo, that American missions may be targeted, but no warnings were given for diplomats to go on high alert and "lockdown", under which movement is severely restricted.

Mr Stevens had been on a visit to Germany, Austria and Sweden and had just returned to Libya when the Benghazi trip took place with the US embassy's security staff deciding that the trip could be undertaken safely.

Eight Americans, some from the military, were....REST OF IT

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But yet is anyone here surprised???

  There is your Obama phony secret CIA Nobel Peace Prize turned psychopath lobotomized extension of Hillary the Zelda the Liar punk for the Bush41 racist criminal cabal in a nutshell. Sacrifice some poor fool manning his post for the most corrupt bunch of misfit genetic slag America can come up with watching the CFRtv for wisdom. And see the backstabbing Shadow Government in charge laughing at the misfortune and suffering of yet another martyr.

   Most of America is emotionally and morally prepared to slide down the chute already. Ron Paul sure knows how to pop a balloon. I always thought his eyes were too dilated.


This gives the shadow government a variety of options. None of it is good. All people of all nations must lay down their weapons and not let the 1% elites breed more conflict and hate. If we come together as one powerful force of global non-compliance, they lose. The shadow govenment can be defeated, but not with violence. I'm hoping we experience a great 2012 awakening that will make this happen. Bottom line, they have power over us, only because we allow it. This must end.

Totally agree with you! I am great to hear that people agree that it must be a non-violent way to stop the shadow government! To tell you the truth I am kind of scared to hear from people that they ready to take a weapon and get involved in another bloody war! My favorite phrase “The main achievement  of Satan is that he has managed to insure people he does not exist”  Same thing with World government. Most of the people do not believe in it ((


Because the news media and our government lie about everything -- and we already know the whole system is corrupt to the bone -- there's no telling how this all went down (or what will happen next). As I posted earlier on a different thread, the US has raped and pillaged so many nations for so long, I'm surprised we have not been attacked on our own soil. In knowing 9/11 was an inside job, that one don't count. Stay tuned. I'm sure the propaganda machine will unleash a barrage of digital bull on the idiot box. As I'm equally sure the toilet paper press will endlessly roll out the ink barrel.  

  • It is not tribal warfare. Libyans do not kill Libyans. This is CIA-led al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood to make excuse for Americans to run (though the GNC) Libya and steal everything they can and give nothing to Libyans whom Yankees kill…

    Stevens died of smoke anihilation. His body was transported by ambulance to the hospital where for 20 minutes they tried to resuscitate him.
    Muammar al-Qathafi was not murdered or assassinated. He was not even in Sirte. Stop believing Hillary’s fake videos and stop watching MSM news. Muammar is Supreme Commander of the Green Resistance and is very much still with us (aive) without any doubts…He gave us a Leadership announcement over Pal/Talk the night of 30 August 2012 as he promised to do..

    Not only do they blame the Green Resistance for the violence; they are blaming the COPTS for making the video.
    “Abuser of the Prophet, peace be upon him, help Copts…
    got Arab News Agency clips from the Dirty pornography movie which was produced by a group of expatriate Copts in the United States.”

    أنها ليست حرب قبلية. الليبيون لا تقتل الليبيين. هذا هو CIA التي يقودها تنظيم القاعدة وجماعة الإخوان مسلم لجعل عذر للأميركيين لتشغيل (على الرغم من GNC) ليبيا وسرقة كل ما بوسعهم وتعطي شيئا لليبيين الذين قتل يانكيز …
    توفي ستيفنز الإبادة الدخان. تم نقل جثته بواسطة سيارة إسعاف إلى المستشفى لمدة 20 دقيقة حيث حاولوا اسعافه.
    لم يقتل معمر القذافي أو اغتياله. لم يكن حتى في سرت. وقف الاعتقاد الفيديو هيلاري وهمية والتوقف عن مشاهدة الأخبار MSM. معمر هو القائد الأعلى للمقاومة الخضراء وإلى حد كبير لا يزال لدينا (aive) دون أي شكوك … وقدم لنا أكثر من إعلان القيادة بال / نقاش ليلة 30 أغسطس 2012 كما وعد القيام به ..
    ليس فقط أنها لا إلقاء اللوم على المقاومة الأخضر للعنف، بل هي إلقاء اللوم على الأقباط لجعل الفيديو.
    “المسيء للنبي، صلي الله عليه وسلم، ومساعدة الأقباط …
    حصلت وكالة الأنباء العربية مقاطع من الفيلم الإباحية القذرة التي تم إنتاجها من قبل مجموعة من أقباط المهجر في الولايات المتحدة. ”
    أنا أقول لك، كل ذلك يشير إلى هيلاري كلينتون ساحرة والملكة “إبداعات” لها!
    (و) للأسف، يبدو أن الأب. Fredrico لومباردي من الفاتيكان (السكرتير الصحفي) من الإعانة على نشر الكذبة.
    وأعتقد أن الأب. Lomabardi يعمل لغير CIA الأمريكية لهذه العبارة تأتي من البابا بنديكتوس السادس عشر نفسه (وليس حرية التنقل البابا منذ أبريل 2011) أو من الكاردينال برتوني، أمين الفاتيكان للدولة (الذين يسخر NWO) … انهم جميعا من لومباردي الأب الآن … الذي يجعل جميع “السياسة الخارجية” الفاتيكان البيانات. [لومباردي، للأسف، والفرح أعرب أيضا عن "تغيير النظام ايجابية" عندما سقطت طرابلس في 23 آب 2011؛ و "تخفيف الحصار على نظام عنف" عندما أبلغ كذبا أن معمر هو "ميت" في 20 أكتوبر 2011)] .

    I am telling you–It all points to witch Queen Hillary Clinton and her “creations” !

    (and) unfortunately, it appears that Fr. Fredrico Lombardi of the Vatican (press secretary) is helping to spread the lie.
    I think that Fr. Lomabardi works for the American CIA—non of these statement are coming from Pope Benedict XVI himself (not fom the Pope since April 2011) or from Cardinal Bertone, the Vatican’s Secretary of State (whom the NWO derides)…They are all from Father Lombardi…who now makes all Vatican “foreign policy” statements. [Lombardi, unfortunately, also expressed joy of "positive regime change" when Tripoli fell on 23 August 2011; and "relief of closure to a regime of violance" when it was FALSELY reported that Muammar was "dead" on 20 October 2011)].


    Obama’s drones to start snooping attacking targets in LIBYA:

    The truth about Libya – الحقيقة من اجل ليبيا · 6 479 :

    No-fly zone over Benghazi, Libya, enacted for 48 hours, flights suspended.

    Alexander Beck of ” Millions Supporting Al Gaddafi” informs us:
    Breaking News
    “The so called New government of Libya took pro-Gaddafi soldiers from the prisons of Misurata to Benghazi and they will handle over them to USA just to accused them of the murder of the rat of America “.

    disgusting dirty Americans–to make a “show” of “justice served” to the American people, whom they are feeding and sowing so much hate and vengeance–They again will make INNOCENTS “scapegopats”!!!!!

    Drones to be used in response to Libya attacks
    First on CNN: Drones are expected to be used to track down targets that may be tied to the attack on U.S. State Department personnel.

U.S. rebuts British report on Libya

The Libyan consulate is pictured. | AP Photo

Officials say there is no intelligence indicated the attack was premeditated. | AP Photo

The newspaper, The Independent, plastered its cover with the headline, “Revealed: inside story of US envoy’s assassination,” and reported inside: “The killings of the US ambassador to Libya and three of his staff were likely to have been the result of a serious and continuing security breach … American officials believe the attack was planned."

The article continued: "According to....Read more



Jim Stone, Freelance Journalist, with extensive help from James Farganne and Darren Brown, Sep 13 2012.
This will no doubt get plastered all over the web, but like just about anything I put up, it originated here. WE TOTALLY HAVE THE SCAMMING MEDIA BY THE BALLS HERE, WE CAN WAKE UP THE SHEEP WITH THIS, ARCHIVE AND POST!!!


So how, PRAY TELL, was a U.S. consulate raided there, people murdered there, and butt raped in the name of Mohammed? This is BEYOND wag the dog!

Here is the link to the Department of State web site,with a complete list of All U.S. embassies, consulates, and diplomatic missions world wide.

There is one in Libya, obviously in Tripoli. And I will state right now that I have that Embassy page saved and captured, in case someone decides to bury this by faking Benghazi in for a while.
To further bolster this fact, Here is Google Maps of Benghazi Libya.,or.r_gc.r_pw....

Delete Benghazi Libya from the search window, and type the word EMBASSY or CONSULATE there. Because one does not exist in Benghazi, it will throw you to an alternative location near you. Here is the Wikipedia list, no doubt soon to be faked, it will happen fast here Wont last long

and if any fakes get thrown in, well, there are TONS of lists out there, and I will just snag another. They can’t bury this lie.

No wonder the Libyans are pissed! Is ANY of this real? Are there ANY embassy raids or riots happening ANYWHERE? This kind of desperate lying would indeed be used if an attack on Iran was SO IMMINENT THAT THE CONSEQUENCES OF GETTING CAUGHT IN THE LIE ARE IRRELEVANT. All they need is to fake it till they make the vote, and then say OOPS, we got the story wrong.

This begs the question, WHERE did the pictures and video come from? Answer. The U.S. and Israel are so guilty of so many war crimes that this type of footage is commonplace in archives. Since the consulate does not exist, they can put up any picture of any building they want and call it that, and no one is going to say “that is not what it looks like”.

Many of you are worried about what is coming next. They handed us the silver bullet. Please use this bullet to shoot out the heart of the media werewolf, THIS IS THE BIG CHANCE. This lie is SO BRAZEN and SO OBVIOUS that it should be enough to tip the balance and destroy the credibility of CNN, FOX, ABC, YOU NAME IT, ONCE AND FOR ALL WITH ANYONE. Don’t miss this chance, because once awaken to the fact that the media really does lie, a blinded lamb will often go bull stomping crazy.

And with the darkness of this hour, we definitely need it.

This article has withstood the scrutiny of several people on the forum who worked through the night to protect the credibility of this web site (and I thank them). One of them pointed out THIS ARTICLE, which speaks of the reopening of the U.S. embassy in Tripoli on 27 August 2012, which had to be rebuilt new after the war. Don’t let this confuse you, there is no Benghazi embassy, consulate, or diplomatic mission too new to be in any record.

Article dated 6-6-2012 speaks of a “Benghazi embassy”, which in the current wag is being called a “consulate” or “mission”.

One of the forum members found what may have been a toe dip propaganda piece dated 6-6 2012, where a story of a bombing against this “benghazi embassy” was floated to see if anyone would call the media on it’s bullshit. There was no significant coverage of this topic on ANY American news outlet, which I believe is fishy. If you were going to do a test run for a fictitious embassy, it would be best to do it in a limited way. My guess is they floated this story ahead of time to see if it would hold up before using this fictitious embassy for a major propaganda run in the U.S. and I simply do not believe CNNNBCABCFOXASS would not have been ALL OVER such a bombing. No comments from the President? Yeah right! Let’s see a photo of this “Benghazi embassy” dated prior to Sep11. Even these articles dated June 6 do not have that, nor have we found any pictures anywhere else.
And if this “Benghazi embassy” was around 4 months ago, how long before that did it exist? Why are they calling it an “embassy” in this article, and a consulate/mission in the current rip? How long would it take the state department, Wikipedia, and all other web sites, including ones that update daily, to show this “mission?” Is (a minimum) of four months enough?

Oh, I know, it was run by OSAMA BIN LADEN, and therefore was not a favorite, and he is crazy, which is why it has been called a CONSULATE, an EMBASSY, and a “DIPLOMATIC MISSION” in the various reports, three representations so different that they are not the same thing at all! That works in fiction I guess!


More details emerge on U.S. ambassador's last moments

Benghazi, Libya (CNN) -- Three days before the deadly assault on the United States consulate in Libya, a local security official says he met with American diplomats in the city and warned them about deteriorating security.

Jamal Mabrouk, a member of the February 17th Brigade, told CNN that he and a battalion commander had a meeting about the economy and security.

He said they told the diplomats that the security situation wasn't good for international business.

"The situation is frightening, it scares us," Mabrouk said they told the U.S. officials. He did not say how they responded.

Mabrouk said it was not the first time he has warned foreigners about the worsening security situation in the face of the growing presence of armed jihadist groups in the Benghazi area.

The main building in the compound is in charred ruins.

Disagreement over how attack began

The suite where the body of the ambassador was found was protected by a large door with steel bars; the windows had steel bars.

His body was recovered after looters broke into the room. It appears his security detail left him in the room while they tried to deal with the attack.

There are numerous questions about what happened at the consulate where protesters had gathered to demonstrate against the film "Innocence of Muslims," which reportedly was made in California by a filmmaker whose identity is unclear.

Chief among the questions is what happened to U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, who went missing during the attack.

The State Department has not released...REST


A desk inside the burnt U.S. Consulate building in Benghazi, Libya, on Thursday, September 13, two days after an attack on the building in which the U.S. ambassador and three other U.S. nationals were killed. The attack came as protesters outside the compound rallied against a movie that unflatteringly portrays Islam's Prophet Mohammed. <a href='' target='_blank'>Photos: Protesters storm U.S. Embassy buildings</a>

The Benghazi dead
September 14, 2012 -- Updated 0053 GMT (0853 HKT)
Sean Smith was a computer expert legendary in the gaming world. Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were former Navy SEAL commandos.


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