Understand your enemy and understand the weapons they use so you may then use those same weapons in reverse.

The money system is the head of the snake.

Cut the head off the snake and the rest of it will whither and die.

The time for talk is over and the time has come for action. It is now time for the people of the world to stop complying with the system.


Stop complying with it and you will shut it down. And the best form of non compliance is love. Approach every issue with love.

It is much easier to fight for principles than to live up to them and it takes a far braver man to stand up for what is right and spit in the face of authority than it does to blindly follow orders due to fear of the consequences. Understand that we are all one and the key to real change and unity in this world lies with love.

Its time to shut them down and starve them out.

Start NOW!

Views: 71

Replies to This Discussion

I agree 100% Robert. That is why after the crash of 2008 I wrote my blog "The Illusion of Wealth", to show everyone it's all images and illusions and slavery they live under. Many people need to read or reread that blog and think long and hard about what they want their life to have meant at the end of this. You are all giving your very being for fake paper and illusions of wealth-power-control.
Also, you all might want to realize as the price of gas and milk and bread continue to rise without roof, it is not really the price of these things that are going up, but rather, it is the value of the paper you continue to pay with that keeps dropping like a rock in the ocean ! As they continue to devalue and sink the currencies we all live on now, it should become clearer to most of you that our only avenue is NON-COMPLIANCE !!
Time to show what you are REALLY MADE OF.....INSIDE.....NOT THE OUTER ILLUSIONS !!

to better understand how they screw us with fake illusionary laws, aaaand....
to better understand the screw job being done to us Canadians.

Read the 1st 2 and watch the 3rd one, then you'll be better prepared to face what you MUST FACE.....THE TRUTH !!!
Spreading on the "Face" (facebook) now !!!

We live in a world of Illusion where the bankers elites , globalists, Illuminati, New World Order, what ever you want to call them have created a system where we are sheeps and we will be led to the slaughter in the end times by this group once they have all their power and lock us in the grid where it will be impossible to buy or sell and its called the mark of the beast.
luggnutz said:
I agree 100% Robert. That is why after the crash of 2008 I wrote my blog "The Illusion of Wealth", to show everyone it's all images and illusions and slavery they live under. Many people need to read or reread that blog and think long and hard about what they want their life to have meant at the end of this. You are all giving your very being for fake paper and illusions of wealth-power-control.
Also, you all might want to realize as the price of gas and milk and bread continue to rise without roof, it is not really the price of these things that are going up, but rather, it is the value of the paper you continue to pay with that keeps dropping like a rock in the ocean ! As they continue to devalue and sink the currencies we all live on now, it should become clearer to most of you that our only avenue is NON-COMPLIANCE !!
Time to show what you are REALLY MADE OF.....INSIDE.....NOT THE OUTER ILLUSIONS !!

to better understand how they screw us with fake illusionary laws, aaaand....
to better understand the screw job being done to us Canadians.

Read the 1st 2 and watch the 3rd one, then you'll be better prepared to face what you MUST FACE.....THE TRUTH !!!

Robert Carobene said:

We live in a world of Illusion where the bankers elites , globalists, Illuminati, New World Order, what ever you want to call them have created a system where we are sheeps and we will be led to the slaughter in the end times by this group once they have all their power and lock us in the grid where it will be impossible to buy or sell and its called the mark of the beast.
luggnutz said:
I agree 100% Robert. That is why after the crash of 2008 I wrote my blog "The Illusion of Wealth", to show everyone it's all images and illusions and slavery they live under. Many people need to read or reread that blog and think long and hard about what they want their life to have meant at the end of this. You are all giving your very being for fake paper and illusions of wealth-power-control.
Also, you all might want to realize as the price of gas and milk and bread continue to rise without roof, it is not really the price of these things that are going up, but rather, it is the value of the paper you continue to pay with that keeps dropping like a rock in the ocean ! As they continue to devalue and sink the currencies we all live on now, it should become clearer to most of you that our only avenue is NON-COMPLIANCE !!
Time to show what you are REALLY MADE OF.....INSIDE.....NOT THE OUTER ILLUSIONS !!

to better understand how they screw us with fake illusionary laws, aaaand....
to better understand the screw job being done to us Canadians.

Read the 1st 2 and watch the 3rd one, then you'll be better prepared to face what you MUST FACE.....THE TRUTH !!!

Right the hell on! Thats it in a nutshell, Robert, and luggnutz. They are stepping up and advancing these chemtrails, they want the population down and they are gettin their wish ALL around this globe. They are unleashing bacteria/virus epidemics in many countries. They call it an "outbreak".....its MURDER! GENOCIDE!
There are up to 7 planes at once in the Dallas skies a few days out of the week. I have personally been affected by them, as well as others (neighbors, family here and in other states), ppl online around the world. Telling people about them makes me sound crazy sometimes, HELL, I feel insane talking about it!!! They are killing our asses and it flat ass sounds crazy! I pray G Edward Griffins new doc will wake up more, gonna buy lots of copies and send them everywhere. Thanks for the links, headed there now.

People are waking up now but is it to late I sure hope not but the more we get people the better it is to wake them up!
Sweettina2 said:

Robert Carobene said:

We live in a world of Illusion where the bankers elites , globalists, Illuminati, New World Order, what ever you want to call them have created a system where we are sheeps and we will be led to the slaughter in the end times by this group once they have all their power and lock us in the grid where it will be impossible to buy or sell and its called the mark of the beast.
luggnutz said:
I agree 100% Robert. That is why after the crash of 2008 I wrote my blog "The Illusion of Wealth", to show everyone it's all images and illusions and slavery they live under. Many people need to read or reread that blog and think long and hard about what they want their life to have meant at the end of this. You are all giving your very being for fake paper and illusions of wealth-power-control.
Also, you all might want to realize as the price of gas and milk and bread continue to rise without roof, it is not really the price of these things that are going up, but rather, it is the value of the paper you continue to pay with that keeps dropping like a rock in the ocean ! As they continue to devalue and sink the currencies we all live on now, it should become clearer to most of you that our only avenue is NON-COMPLIANCE !!
Time to show what you are REALLY MADE OF.....INSIDE.....NOT THE OUTER ILLUSIONS !!

to better understand how they screw us with fake illusionary laws, aaaand....
to better understand the screw job being done to us Canadians.

Read the 1st 2 and watch the 3rd one, then you'll be better prepared to face what you MUST FACE.....THE TRUTH !!!

Right the hell on! Thats it in a nutshell, Robert, and luggnutz. They are stepping up and advancing these chemtrails, they want the population down and they are gettin their wish ALL around this globe. They are unleashing bacteria/virus epidemics in many countries. They call it an "outbreak".....its MURDER! GENOCIDE!
There are up to 7 planes at once in the Dallas skies a few days out of the week. I have personally been affected by them, as well as others (neighbors, family here and in other states), ppl online around the world. Telling people about them makes me sound crazy sometimes, HELL, I feel insane talking about it!!! They are killing our asses and it flat ass sounds crazy! I pray G Edward Griffins new doc will wake up more, gonna buy lots of copies and send them everywhere. Thanks for the links, headed there now.


"Destroying the New World Order"



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