"Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind." Bob Marley

If you have not yet, share this with all the people that mean something to you..It is the least that you can do for them. 

It is a must see.

Truth, hidden away in lies and the "elite" keeping it from the masses for the entire existence of human on Earth..

An awakening that should have long happened..but has yet to come for most on this planet.

Visitations by extraterrestrials...We have never been alone..since man began his existence here on earth.

The truth, the world as we know it..is a lie and we keep blindly following and "believing".

There is evil here and it is more and more obvious and ominous as we trustingly continue..down the path most are on. 

Are you awaken yet? Have all the veils been lifted? Have you had your eyes clearly open? 

It will take time..and many will discourage you from awakening.
Media, government, religion, science...society, the elite control us and our world. They want you to accept there versions of "truth" and never question them, only follow and obey.

Truth is something that we all deserve for once in our lives, yet we have never had that opportunity. 

It is up to you..to change that!

It is time to awaken..and time to do something about this...before it is too late.

Views: 112

Replies to This Discussion

Thanks Robert!

Your welcome hope youy found it imformative the vid
Sweettina2 said:
Thanks Robert!
I liked this a lot Although I knew most of the factual content, the writer put it in simple terms many will understand, I am sharing it on my facebook! should cause quite a stir... Thanks again

add me on facebook in 2 weeks i ma releasing a clip on the illuminati and the nwo and im sure a stir will be caused.
graeme sutherland said:
I liked this a lot Although I knew most of the factual content, the writer put it in simple terms many will understand, I am sharing it on my facebook! should cause quite a stir... Thanks again


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