Many people through out the Internet, always comment on videos and blog articles saying that there is no proof that the secret order of the Illuminati is real. This is terribly false, and even if they don’t believe that their favorite entertainers or politicians are Illuminati (which they probably are), that doesn’t mean that it is a fake secret society and there is no proof of their existance. This is a video series about the movie Angels and Demons. The narrating is done by Patrick Macnee, and it shows a lot of proof on how the KGB infiltrated the Vatican, and shows how they ultimately got a Pope on the inside. This was all done under the Illuminati’s orders. Here is the video series, it is a 7 part series, and I think it silences all nay sayers and critics. Do you think the Illuminati is a conspiracy theory? Well its conspiracy fact. Get over it. The evil organization is taking over our planet, and its leaders could even be from another planet. This video series is very eye opening and I ask you to pass it to everyone you know. People saying that the Illuminati doesn’t exist, are probably Illuminati themselves.
Patrick Macnee – Angels and Demons Revealed Part 1
Patrick Macnee – Angels and Demons Revealed Part 2
Patrick Macnee – Angels and Demons Revealed Part 3
Patrick Macnee – Angels and Demons Revealed Part 4
Patrick Macnee – Angels and Demons Revealed Part 5
Patrick Macnee – Angels and Demons Revealed Part 6
Patrick Macnee – Angels and Demons Revealed Part 7
Just because you don’t believe Jay-Z, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Kanye West, Rick Ross, Rihanna, or Jack Black to name a few, aren’t in the Illuminati it doesn’t mean that this evil secret organization doesn’t exist. The Vatican has been infiltrated. And the Knights Templar have now taken their revenge on the catholic faith for driving them underground. There is no place on Earth that the Illuminati has not infiltrated. Especially if that place or person has great influence over masses of people like entertainers and politicians. Accept the fact that someone famous that you know could be a part of the secret group of the Illuminati. Thank you for reading please leave your comments and tell me what you think.