Jan. 1 ............................New Years Day..................................Druid feast day
Jan. 7 ............................St. Winebald Day ..............................blood ritual,
Jan. 17 ...........................Satanic Revels ...................................sex ritual
Jan. 20 ...........................St. Agnes Eve
Jan. 20 ......................................................................................kidnapping, sacrifice preparation
Jan. 26 ...........................Grand Climax ....................................sex ritual, human sacrifice
(5 wks. & 1 day since equinox)
Feb. 2 ............................Candlemas .........................................sex ritual, one of the witches' Sabbats
Feb. 25 .........................Blood Host or St. Walpurgis Day .... blood ritual, animal sacrifice
March 1 ........................St. Eichatadt Day ...............................blood ritual, demon hommage
March 20 .......................Equinox Feast ..................................sex and blood rituals, Sabbat
March 24 ..................................................................................16 year old bride of Satan ritual
April 19-25...............................................................................kidnapping, sacrifice preparation
April 24 ........................St. Mark Eve
April 25 ........................Grand Climax ....................................female sacrifice (can be a child), sex & fertlity
ritual (5 wks. & 1 day since equinox)
April 26-30............. ......high holy days for Beltaine
April 30 ........................Walpurgis Night or May Eve............blood ritual,
one of the greatest witches' Sabbats
May 1 ............................Beltaine, Walpurgis or May Day ........blood ritual and/or fire festival
June 21 .........................Solstice Feast.................................... sex ritual, animal or human sacrifice
June 23 .........................Midsummer's Eve ........................... fire festival, most important times for the
practice of magick [sic]
July 1 ............................Demon Revels .................................. blood ritual, sex with demons
July 20-27 ............................................................................... kidnapping, sacrifice preparation
July 25 ..........................St. James Day
July 27 ..........................Grand Climax ................................... sex ritual, human female sacrifice
(5 wks. & 1 day since solistice)
July 31 or Aug. 1 ..........Lammas / Harvest............................. animal or human sacrifice, great Sabbat
Aug. 3 ...........................Satanic Revels .................................. sex ritual
Aug. 24 .........................St. Bartholomew Day....................... fire festival, great Sabbat
Sept. 7............................Marriage to the Beast ........................ sex &. blood rituals, female under 21
Sept. 20 .........................Midnight Host................................... hands of glory / blood ritual
Sept. 22 .........................Equinox Feast Day ........................... sex ritual
Oct 23-30 ................................................................................ kidnapping, sacrifice preparation
Oct 29-31 or 31 ............All Hallows' Eve .............................. blood ritual, fire festival, great Sabbat,
believe the dead return to earth this night
Nov. 1 ........................... Halloween ...................................... sex ritual
Nov. 4 ...........................Satanic Revels ...................................sex ritual
Nov. 11 ........................All Hallows' Eve...............................the ancient date, celebrated by some groups
Dec. 16-23................................................................................kidnapping, sacrifice preparation
Dec. 21 ..........................St. Thomas Day ...............................fire festival, great Sabbat
Dec. 22 .........................Solistic Feast Day .............................sex ritual (also burial ritual for some groups)
Dec. 24 .........................High Grand Climax ...........................blood ritual
taken from Fritz Springmeier book Be Wise as Serpents

Views: 12070

Replies to This Discussion

Sick evil people!

just curious, where did you get this?


I got this online but I'm not sure where lol its been a while!

Just a "heads up" regarding this upcoming April 25th 2013. 

Next week the Full Moon falls on April 25th. 2013.

> On April 25th, 2013 there is also a Full Moon "LUNAR" Eclipse.

> The Full Moon is in Scorpio - the sign of death and regeneration.

> On top of all that there are some very nasty aspects - 2 oppositions and one conjunction.

> Stay home if you can - do not be in large gatherings of people (i.e. Stadiums - rock concerts and so on). 

RE:  April 25 ......Grand Climax ......................female sacrifice (can be a child), sex & fertlity


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