Would the Illuminati Sacrifice Israel?

April 17, 2012

ykwar.jpeg(left, Sadat & Mubarak during Yom Kippur war)

Israel is the spawn of the Illuminati. 
Would they ever allow it to be destroyed? 
Was Israel really
in mortal danger in 1973?   

by Henry Makow Ph. D.

On Oct 6 1973, Egypt and Syria launched a coordinated surprise attack on Israel. 

Israeli defenders on the Suez Canal and the Golan Heights were outnumbered and overwhelmed. Israel took heavy casualties and was considering the nuclear option. 

Was Israel really in mortal danger? 

Israel is the Rothschilds' personal fiefdom - their personal family army, nuclear arsenal and intelligence service, all in one. 

(Israeli Supreme Court, left, has a pyramid on roof.)

Jerusalem is destined to be the pagan religious and governmental center of their World Government. They designed and paid for the Israeli parliament (Knesset) and the new Masonic-themedSupreme Court Building, destined to arbitrate global disputes. Their mugs are plastered all over Israeli currency.

edmond_rothschild_500_shekel.jpg(Edmund de Rothschild, "father" of Israel)

If Israel really had been in mortal danger, it would contradict our belief that the Rothschild bankers secretly control world events.


About two months ago, Moscow-based, Israeli journalist Israel Shamir received a secret 20-page report written in Jan. 1975 by the Soviet ambassador to Cairo,Vladimir M.Vinogradov.

(Left,  Kissinger)

According to Vinogradov, a veteran diplomat who later  became Russian Foreign Minister, the Yom Kippur War was a conspiracy organized by Henry Kissinger in cahoots with Anwar Sadat and Golda Meir.  The respective motives were:

1. The US would replace Russia in the hearts of the Arabs by saving Egypt from another defeat. The price of oil would soar and the Arabs would show their appreciation by accepting US dollars for it. 

2.  Golda Meir (Israel) was willing to sacrifice 2500 Israelis dead and 7500 wounded to oblige its biggest benefactor. The US would also emerge as Israel's savior and therefore the ideal peace broker between a chastened Israel and an Egypt which has regained its pride. The Syrian army would be destroyed. Estimates suggest Arab dead and casualties were 6 times Israel's.    

3. Anwar Sadat was isolated domestically and his prestige was at its nadir. He needed to placate the nation by avenging the 1967 defeat. Probably a CIA asset, he disliked the USSR and was opposed to socialism.


1. Like Stalin on the eve of Operation Barbarossa, Israel ignored the Egyptian troop build-up and warnings of imminent invasion.

275px-Bridge_Crossing.jpg2. After overwhelming Israeli positions on the east bank of the canal, the Egyptians did not advance into the Sinai, nor were there plans for this. They simply stopped. The Israelis were able to concentrate all their forces in the Golan and were able to defeat the Syrians. Hafez el Assad knew he had been betrayed by his ally!

3. When the Israelis began to move their forces south, Sadat vetoed an offer by the Jordanians to attack their flank. 

4. Sadat ordered a 40 km gap be left between his Second and Third Armies. This allowed General Sharon to slip through, cross the Suez Canal and encircle the Egyptian armies. 

5. The US saved Israel with an airlift of badly needed supplies; and it "saved" Egypt by ordering a stop to the Israeli advance to Cairo.

"Achieved by lies and treason, the Camp David Peace treaty still guards Israeli and American interests, " Shamir concludes. 

shamir.jpeg(Israel Shamir, left)

"Sadat's name in the pantheon of Egyptian heroes was safe until now...[The war] sealed the fate of the Soviet presence and eminence in the Arab world.. Thanks to the American takeover of Egypt, petrodollar schemes were formed, and the dollar that began its decline in 1971 by losing its gold standard - recovered and became again a full-fledged world reserve currency. The oil of the Saudis and of sheikdoms being sold for dollars became the new lifeline for the American empire."


Like the Yom Kippur War, most wars are choreographed. The outcome is determined in advance. Of course, the participants are not privy to these plans.

If there is a war with Iran, or a larger conflagration, the fix will be in. I don't think Israel will be destroyed, certainly not Jerusalem. 

This doesn't mean Israelis won't be scared out of their wits. Zionism thrives on convincing Jews their very existence is under constant threat, like it was on Yom Kippur 1973.. 

Related - Are World Wars Orchestrated?

Hitler & Bormann Were Traitors 

Views: 372

Replies to This Discussion

Israel is a sock puppet of the US and the UN. I still can't understand how people conclude that Israel controls the US. Israel has only existed for like 55 years lol.

Israel is significant because A) it is the holy land and religion is a powerful means of control. Just as powerful as government. B) the creation of Israel was fulfillment of bible prophecy, and they love to follow that script; they gain more control over the naive masses and perpetuate a superstitious fear. C) the Arab states are a big obstacle in the way of controlling the region. Don't forget it was the Arab nations that caused the League of Nations to fail. The League of Nations being the first attempt at world government. D) Israel provides an excellent staging ground for military operations and a powerfully funded globalist ally, with a sophisticated intelligence apparatus (the Mossad). E) Israel is the perfect little brother catalyst, someone picks on Israel, our holy baby brother, and it gives the US reason to bang the war drums; it's all a big show for the idiots.

No doubt Israel will be pivotal in the creation of global government.

The thing is that its the Zionist that control Israel and they in turn own all of the US the money and the trillions and its very complicated  and yes it is the Holy LAND BUT THAT holy land it was given by the UN not God at least not yet.

Would the zionist Illuminati sacrifice the whole of Israel?  Yes is the answer to that, just to achieve the goals that they want to achieve!  That is global governance.

This is sick and they have no right to want to do a global governance even though it is prophetical that this does happen but it still makes it not right that this is something that they will ultimately fail even if they achieve a one world beast system!

I would have the whole lot of them executed if I could!  The last thing we need on this planet is a one world Currency, central Bank, Government or Military!    We only need nations all attacking their own governments and the first ones to do that come over to other nations to help them throw out their governments until the entire world is free!   Then it will be the Sovereign People that rule themselves and all have a responsibility to be of service to their own nations.  We can work together as one human race to end all poverty, starvation and disease!  All resources will be shared equally.  We must not have a materialistic world!  We have to live with nature as much as possible, only using what we need.  It doesn't mean we have to be primative, but more simplistic in what we need and use.


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