The Intelligence Report


The Intelligence Report

The Intelligence Report can be heard live Monday thru Friday at 8am to 10am eastern on TheMicroEffect ,5pm 6pm and 8pm on Libertytreeradio.

Location: Occupied territories
Members: 73
Latest Activity: Feb 28, 2014

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Live Video Stream 5-9pm

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Morning Intelligence Report (9am - 11am Eastern)

Afternoon Intelligence Report (5pm - 7pm and 8pm-9pm Eastern)


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If Liberty Tree Radio is off line or full, HIGHER BANDWIDTH LISTENERS go to Liberty Tree Radio Ustream ,HTNWO with Spike Timmons or IntelReport and connect there. LOWER BANDWIDTH LISTENERS GO TO Indiana Freedom Talk Radio and connect there. More ustream feeds will be listed as they come on line. E-mail me your ustream address if you want it listed here. We have not hit a limit on Ustrean listeners at this point so it is a good way to listen. And it is a better quality stream.


Spike Timmons

IndianaFreedomTalkRadio You can just click the link or right click and save the .pls file to your desktop. Then open with your favorite media player.

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Comment by TheLasersShadow on February 28, 2014 at 8:48am

The show is still going strong, 2/28/2014

Comment by peter b dunn on August 28, 2012 at 12:51pm Papuans claim Australian link to death squad

Trained in forensics, intelligence gathering, surveillance and law enforcement by officials from the US, the UK and Australia, they have played a crucial role in Indonesia's counter-terrorism efforts.

They are ruthless, often killing suspects, and their anti-terrorism mandate is now creeping into other areas like policing West Papuan separatists.

In December 2010, Detachment 88 killed militant Papuan activist Kelly Kwalik.




Comment by Negative Offset on July 26, 2012 at 3:39am

I'm a long-time short-wave listener who started listening to 'The Intelligence Report' via in April of 2007. All of the mp3 archives are still there on the site for anyone interested, lots of good information still there not just for The Intelligence Report but also lots of other mp3's from other WTPRN broadcasters too. Also lots of mp3's of The Intelligence Report available going back a good while. Also check out my Infometal Noisebomb Band Negative Offset if you're into that sorta thing. Just filled out another 'Permission to Play' form on the site, will be sending the CD off soon to Mark/Ed & one to Spike as well for his broadcast of 'Hammering The New World Order'.

Comment by peter b dunn on July 25, 2012 at 5:58am

may may not be new info  but here it is

Aussie sub springs leak after sinking warshipABC
July 25, 2012, 6:58 pm

The Defence Force has reported a flood inside one of its Collins Class submarines.

Defence says a machine space in HMAS Farncomb started to fill with sea water after a hose split.

The department said in a statement the flooding was minor and the situation was dealt with quickly.

No personnel were injured and Farncomb is currently returning to Pearl Harbour in Hawaii to replace the hose.

An investigation into the leak is yet to commence.

The submarine was taking part in a war-games mission, Exercise RIMPAC, after a 13,000-nautical-mile journey over the past five months.

The exercise involved the successful sinking of former United States navy ship Kilaueawith with an Mk 48 torpedo.

Comment by peter b dunn on April 3, 2012 at 7:36am

re the  several tornadoes mark had to put up with  i was reminded of this


Haarp in  australia

4 info


Comment by guest_blog on March 19, 2012 at 1:31pm

On Thursday, March 15th between 5:40pm eastern the Koernke

property was hit by a tornado. No one was injured, however there is a lot of damage.

Please Donate to LTR tohelp them repair the damages. Donate here

Comment by Travis Emmanuel on July 1, 2011 at 9:15am
How can I find the louisiana Milita?
Comment by TheLasersShadow on February 15, 2011 at 8:52pm


A Visitor From The Past
by Thelen Paulk
I had a dream the other night I didn't understand.

A figure walking through the mist with a flintlock in his hand. His clothes were torn and dirty, as he stood there by my bed. He took off his three cornered hat and speaking low, he said:

"We fought a revolution, to secure our liberty. We wrote the Constitution, as a shield from tyranny. For future generations, this legacy we gave, in this, the land of the free and the home of the brave. You buy permits to travel, and permits to own a gun. Permits to start a business, or to build a place for one. On land that you believe you own, you pay a yearly rent. Although you have no voice in choosing, how the money's spent."

"Your children must attend a school that doesn't educate. Your Christian values can't be taught, according to the state. You read about the current news in a regulated press. You pay a tax you do not owe, to please the foreign I.R.S. Your money is no longer made of silver, or of gold. You trade your wealth for paper, so your lives can be controlled."

"You pay for crimes that make our Nation turn from God in shame. You've taken Satan's number, as you've traded in your name. You've given government control, to those who do you harm."

"So they can padlock churches, and steal the family farm. And keep our country deep in debt, put men of God in jail. Harass your fellow countrymen, while corrupted courts prevail. Your public servants don't uphold the solemn oath they've sworn. They defy and rape the nation, and leave it's fabric tattered and torn."

"Your leaders ship artillery and guns to foreign shores. And send your sons to slaughter, fighting other people's wars. Can you regain the freedom for which we fought and died?"

"Or don't you have the courage, or the faith to stand with pride? Are there no more values for which you'll fight to save? Or do you wish your children to live in fear as a slave?"

"People of the Republic arise and take a stand! Defend the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land! Preserve our Great Republic, and God Given Right! And pray to God, to keep the torch of Freedom burning bright!"

As I awoke he vanished, in the mist from whence he came. His words were true, we are not Free, we have ourselves to blame. For even now as tyrants trample each God Given Right, we only watch and tremble, too afraid to stand and fight.

If he stood by your bedside, in a dream, while you're asleep, and wonders what remains of our Rights he fought so hard to keep, What would be your answer, if he called out from the grave;


Comment by peter b dunn on December 20, 2010 at 8:13pm


Dozens of sailors are suspected of running a drug trafficking ring out of Sydney's Garden Island naval base.

A core group of sailors is believed to be operating the lucrative drug distribution network from the Sydney Harbour Base, News Ltd reported on Tuesday.

NSW police and the Department of Defence are investigating the suspected drug ring, which is believed to involve the sale of drugs to backpackers visiting Sydney.

If proved, it would be one of the most serious drug-related scandals to hit the Australian Defence Force (ADF), which has struggled to contain the use of illicit drugs in its ranks.

A Defence spokesman confirmed the ADF investigative service was examining the allegations.


Comment by SpikeTimmons on December 1, 2010 at 4:36am
I just wanted to let you know that none of the reflectors you have listed are operational. I run the only one left. is the address to listen. Also at I have posted a listener S.O.P. With all the information on connecting to the network. This helps out considerably when the main network is down, and I as the back up network have to step in. People always start whiggin out because they can['t get the program live. Well here is the answer! Please update the group. And thanks for keeping the group up.

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