TN Police will draw blood on "No Refusal" Labor Day weekend in Shelby, Tipton counties

'No refusal' Labor Day weekend to combat DUI in Shelby, Tipton counties

Memphis police, Tennessee state troopers, sheriff's deputies and police in Shelby and Tipton counties will use a new weapon provided by state lawmakers to combat driving under the influence this Labor Day weekend, officials announced Friday. A new "no refusal" law allows law enforcement officers to obtain search warrants and have blood samples drawn if drivers suspected of being under the influence refuse blood alcohol tests.

Jim Weber/The Commercial Appeal files

Memphis police, Tennessee state troopers, sheriff's deputies and police in Shelby and Tipton counties will use a new weapon provided by state lawmakers to combat driving under the influence this Labor Day weekend, officials announced Friday. A new "no refusal" law allows law enforcement officers to obtain search warrants and have blood samples drawn if drivers suspected of being under the influence refuse blood alcohol tests.

A new "no refusal" law allows law enforcement officers to obtain search warrants and have blood samples drawn if drivers suspected of being under the influence refuse blood alcohol tests.

Views: 1859

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What a cesspool!


  Drunk driving is a bloody stupid activity. Right up there with voting for Romney or Obama. Al 'D' Gore is a NWO vampire from Tennessee. If you think I am being sophomoric and immature, consider the fact that he got a 'D' in his only college science class (bonehead 'Natural Science 100') before queen lizard of The English Crown hired him on as her official 'Global Warming' wizard. Talk about the blind leading the blind, or a blind drunk gentleman taking a turn at the wheel for freedom. It makes total sense that Tennessee has a Highway Vampire Patrol. Probably a large Freemasonry contingent there.

   Odds are Dr. Ron Paul is going to announce an independent run for the presidency on Late Night with Jay Leno on Tuesday, September 5th.

tuesday is the fourth not the fifth. today is sept 2nd [SUNDAY], its impossible for tuesday to be the 5th. next question. [and your right, you cant fix stupid]

Wrong, All the way around, theres nothing right about this, I hope the citizens sue the living crap out of the state.

Mandatory DNA testing up next?

I am got news for you if they find any drug in your blood you're going down it's not about alcohol

I think that if a cop ever pulled me over looking like this I would die from laughter long before he'd get that blood sample. Do they realize how ridiculous this is? It's surreal !

Al Whore, I mean Gore, isn't from TN, he mostly grew up in DC. His dad wasn't too well liked here either. Nothing surprises me here anymore. The governor we have people voted him in because he is a Republican, that didn't work too well, he sold Knoxville to the UN when he was governor for the Global Footprint crap. People were ok with that too all around. His brother owns Pilot fuel stations. Then look at Corker and Alexander in DC and at the rate he sends emails, Roe. We use to be strong, independent people here in TN (note the term use to be). I think we've been neutered these days. Hell, even the mountains ain't what they were.   

Nothing good about this at all. When they are the bottom of the pit,then that is what we are left with.

How long before were all assigned our very own officer to be with us throughout the day to make sure we are toeing the line? The POTUS could use it to prop up his increase in available jobs.


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