Posted at: 05/20/2011 10:46 PM | Updated at: 05/20/2011 11:13 PM
By: Heather Mills, KOB Eyewitness News 4



Saturday night, a certified TSA official will be at the Santa Fe High School prom to oversee student searches.


This all comes after two Capital High School students, sisters, filed a lawsuit saying they were groped by a security agent at Capital High School's prom last month. On Friday, the court ordered Santa Fe Public Schools and the security company ASI to provide at least one TSA certified person at the Santa Fe High School prom and the Capital High School graduation.


The restraining order also spells out the specific ways security can perform searches. It says a pat-down is only to be used if there are reasonable grounds and that pat-downs should not be used as a first approach for every student.


KOB Eyewitness News 4 talked to one of the sisters suing the district earlier this week. Candice Herrera said, "She grabbed my breast and shook the inner part of my bra and shook it and then picked up the front of my dress to mid thigh and she was patting down my bare legs."

Capital's Principal told us she was standing right there when students were searched and doesn't remember any students complaining about the pat downs.

Meanwhile, Santa Fe Public Schools says it's happy to comply with the Federal Court's decision, saying, student safety is a priority.

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The school board or anyone for that matter, should never be given the authority to request anyone to pat down anyone else.

Let the kids pat and grope eachother on the dancefloor, not the TSA or anyone else.


Maybe a half a million law suites againts school boards of America or Tam-track or the bus terminals or banks or the ballpark would put a stop to all this crazyness the American people are about to endure.


Mayby the Santa Fa School Board in Texas should rent a Full Body Scanner for every dance, and wind up having the 'Class of 2011' babyless as a bonis.

Time for another T-shirt, si?


Love the t-shirt, Larry!  They should be sold near the entrance to every airport that uses full-body scanners.



No TSA Agents At Prom Despite Court Ruling

State Police Supervise Santa Fe High School Prom Security

POSTED: 4:44 pm MDT May 22, 2011
UPDATED: 4:53 pm MDT May 22, 2011

There were no TSA agents patting down students at the Santa Fe High School prom on Saturday night, despite a federal judge's ruling that there had to be.This is after two sisters from another Santa Fe district high school said they were groped at a recent dance.A federal judge ruled on Friday that TSA certified personnel must now supervise district pat downs, like those at dances or graduations."With it being late Friday afternoon, there just wasn't time to achieve that," Santa Fe superintendent Bobbie Gutierrez said.Gutierrez said instead of TSA agents, the court is allowing Santa Fe High School to use state police for the prom."They didn't touch me personally, just had me pull out my phone, all my personal items," student Timothy Velasquez said.The Herrera sisters, who said they were violated at a recent Capital High School prom, filed a case against the Santa Fe Public Schools.


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