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US Taxpayers Paid More To Israeli Defense Budget Than Israelis


The Israeli army’s chief of staff states that in the past three years, “US taxpayers have contributed more to the Israeli defense budget than Israeli taxpayers,” according to a report in the Jerusalem Post, a prominent Israeli newspaper.

According to the report, Lieutenant-General Gabi Ashkenazi made the statement during a Ashkenazispeech on September 11th. In it he emphasized: “We must preserve ties with the United States. I believe this is a security necessity.”

According to the newspaper the speech was at the Calcalist Conference, which appears to be an annual event in Tel Aviv sponsored by the Calcalist newspaper, an Israeli Hebrew-only daily financial newspaper. It is is part of the group that publishes Yedioth Ahronoth, the largest circulation newspaper in Israel.

American taxpayers give Israel over $3 billion per year (that is equivalent to US$8 million per day), more than to any other nation, despite the fact that Israel is smaller than New Jersey and is in the top 30 richest countries in the world.


Per capita, Israelis receive $10,000 more U.S. tax money than average.


Some of the other top recipients of US tax money, Egypt and Jordan, were provided this assistance in return for diplomatic recognition of the Israeli state.

According to the Congressional Research Service, Israel is given this money in a lump sum at the beginning of the fiscal year. Americans then pay interest on money they have given to Israel, while Israel makes interest on it.

In recent years Israel has reported a lower unemployment rate than the US and a better account balance.

Ashkenazi’s statements are extremely significant, since this is the first time that an Israeli leader has pointed out that American taxpayers pay more to Israel’s defense budget than do Israelis.

If the costs of the Iraq war, which was largely pushed by Israel partisans in the Bush administration, were added into the equation, the American tax money on behalf of Israel would quite likely dwarf the amount paid by Israeli taxpayers.

Some top economists predict that the cost of the Iraq war will be $3 trillion.

Israel has a population of about 7 million people.

Today, Israel partisans are similarly pushing attacks on Iran.

Israel has frequently been accused of using American funds in violation of U.S. arms control laws.


Read further by clicking here --> Ashkenazi and War Crimes Accusations



To know the amount contributed State-wise, District-wise, County-wise or City-wise, over a 10-years period, to Military Aid to Israel is indicated on THIS INTERACTIVE MAP OF AMERICA.

Click on THIS INTERACTIVE MAP OF AMERICA to learn how much money your state will give in weapons to Israel from 2009-2018 and what that money could fund instead for community needs. Below that, you can filter the results for your Congressional district, county, and city as well.

[Note: Counties and cities with less than 20,000 people are not included in the map.]


  • Tara

    Ughh!!! As I'm working a slave labor job, the wee bit wages I make is going to aide not a friend, but an enemy. These bastards don't give a F about us Americans. Most of us here are not the supposed 'chosen ones'.