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Thank You From The Bundy's & Shocking Truth About the BLM

This note is from Mr & Mrs Bundy:

 The BLM Have left where they were staying! They then let the Cattle released! They are moving towards the Ranch this very instant, WE WANT TO THANK YOU VERY VERY VERY MUCH!

Americans Stand Up To Police State Thugs At Bundy Ranch Standoff [Video]

Sheriff Richard Mack Interview - Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and the BLM - Ed & Ethan Show

PLUS his speech at the rally in Nevada

Who owns the West? - Percentage of each state deemed "federal property"

Radio Host Pete Santili vs. Daniel P. Love, BLM Special Agent

Clark County Commisioner Says Bundy Supporters,"Better Have Funeral Plans!

The truth about BLM:

BLM is actually a sub-corporation of UNITED STATES INCORPORATED, a private foreign owned off-shore corporation since its last incorporation in 1925, copyrighted, trademarked and registered in Puerto Rico.

Under the Reorganization Act of Washington District of Columbia, by it’s own private business charter, neither the BLM, nor any other federal/corporate agency has lawful/legal authority, jurisdiction or interstate nexus within the 50 state geographical landmass.

This truly was a Davy & Goliath story!
  • truth

    Rawhide - The Blues Brothers


    "BLM is actually a sub-corporation of UNITED STATES INCORPORATED, a private foreign owned off-shore corporation since its last incorporation in 1925, copyrighted, trademarked and registered in Puerto Rico.

    Under the Reorganization Act of Washington District of Columbia, by it’s own private business charter, neither the BLM, nor any other federal/corporate agency has lawful/legal authority, jurisdiction or interstate nexus within the 50 state geographical landmass."

    Accepting this as fact, it seems then, to be no more than the ancient Roman/Jewish empire's expansionist world domination mob, going about their delusional business.

    Somehow, I think America is awake now, and a majority are ready to make a Stand?

  • Sweettina2

    You got it JD! And right on, thousands of people have made a stand....and it worked! 

    @ James LOLOL!  I love it!