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The Launch Of Freedom Force

The First International Congress of Freedom Force was held on December 13 and 14, 2014, and was a major step forward in the development of the organization. Thirty-five delegates attended who selected the Speaker of the Congress and elected the first Leadership Council. The Council, in turn, appointed officers and created working committees to implement Development, Communications, Bylaws, and the Freedom Academy. At the conclusion of the event, G. Edward Griffin (Freedom Force Founder) said: "History was made. All goals were achieved. Freedom Force is in motion."

  • Amaterasu Solar

    I think They should invite Me...  Heh.

  • Less Prone

    You are invited.

    Interview - G. Edward Griffin Unmasks the Creature from Jekyll Island, Corbettreport

    On the eve of the 100th anniversary of the passage of the Federal Reserve Act we talk to G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature from Jekyll Island, about America’s central bank. We discuss the origins and functions of this monstrosity, as well as its role in maintaining and expanding the wealth and power base of the banking cartel that own and operate it. We also discuss the growing public awareness of the Fed and the rising movement of those seeking to abolish it.