Simon picked up many of his women from the “Warsaw Salon” - an artistic, liberal circle. In his writing Simon described these girls as ‘white mice’ - “sensitive, and adoring women who believed they were doing their duty towards political correctness by helping the poor refugee.
"Several of the infected women had contracted the virus from Simon during his visit to Gdansk in 2006 to organise the anti-racist “Music against Intolerance and Violence” festival.
One girl infected by Simon explained later: “I was fascinated by human rights activist fighting with racial stereotypes. Soon we started to meet, went to bed. I didn’t suspect that he could infect me with HIV virus and even less, hide from me that he is infected.....I also thought that suspecting him of being infected would equal giving way to stereotypes. Thus we made love unprotected.”
After his death, reporters contacted Simon’s mother back in Africa.
Her response was: “The White Man killed my son.”
Alpha male I guess, what a gimmick
Jan 17, 2019
christine kelly
LMAO you cannot 'infect" anyone with hiv.
Jan 18, 2019
Sam Sammy
@christine kelly What do you mean you can not infect anyone with HIV?
Jan 18, 2019
'Thus we made love unprotected'
She does not know what Love is. She is incapable of Love. She can only lust. The arrested development and impossible equality spoken of by Churchill being imposed on us by the jew is almost complete. I bet she does not even blame the criminal for her disease. Since she is suffering from such a worse sickness (liberalism) her slow death by being eaten alive is deserved.
Jan 18, 2019
christine kelly
hiv is NOT A DISEASE. please get educated. hiv is a retro virus . everyone has i.
Jan 18, 2019
Marklar's Ghost
It's a retro virus because you get it doing the Hustle.
Jan 18, 2019
Sam Sammy
@christine kelly Yeah, its funny, thanks for that GREAT info.... smmfh
Jan 18, 2019
Christine please learn to parse words. DIS as in not or as in opposition or opposed to. EASE as in easy or as in painless or as in free of sickness. Disease is exactly the word that fits my post. It is your interpretation that is lacking.
"You cannot infect anyone with H.I.V.?
So how does one become H.I.V. positive then?
Jan 19, 2019
christine kelly
joe= wendy, please learn to stop trying to be grammar nazi's. i suggest you get educated on what hiv is beyond your tabloid hysteria. but then real science is too much for those who follow hysterical untruths.
Jan 19, 2019
So how does one become H.I.V. positive then?
Jan 19, 2019