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The saddest post I've ever read. ( vaccine victim speaks out. )

You know what, I think if God had a message for us here it would be the one that goes... Be as Wise as a serpent And as Harmless as a dove. Another might be Seek justice for the oppressed, and that would be impossible without compassion.

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  • Doc Vega

    Sad, but this is the fate of those who don't take heed and refuse to do their due diligence but unfortunately critical thinking is at a minority these days.

  • Less Prone

    It's so cruel and unfair. So many innocent people fell for it and even now the wictims are ostracized and forced into silence by some ignorant useful idiots.  These stories should be collected in  articles and books and filmed for everyone to see. This is the greatest crime in the history of humanity.

  • cheeki kea

    You're right LP their stories must be heard but they are scattered among numerous websites and are often lost or hidden in avalanches of everything else. I understand your thought Doc V but although refusal to undertake research does suit a description for their actions of dismissal to reason I understand now how an average everyday individual couldn't be expected to have any mental capacity to identify or fathom such Profound Evil or the ability to know how to research it. We had an element of awareness that they did not and most of that was gained over many years of general truth searching and that is why we had that advantage.