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See related image detail. The Overnight Ghost Hunt At The Inn At Merridun In South Carolina Is ...


To everyone you know you’re expendable

Getting what you want these days-commendable

Standing up for what’s right- reprehensible

Critical thinking in this day and age-incomprehensible,

Image result for high noon 

Like being in the movie “High Noon”

You’ll face the outlaws alone with a sense of doom

As an oppressive government looms

For your sense of patriotism you’ll be impugned,

Image result for the impugned patriot


Just admit to yourself you’ve been lost

All points of reference have been tossed

The price you’ll pay for the truth at such a cost

Like a Confederate sniper hidden in Spanish moss,

Image result for truth at such a cost 

Like trying to find the answers to who really is the boss

You’ll just get stonewalled and overcome with exhaust

You can bet the tomb will be neatly embossed

Remember the victims can’t be buried in permafrost,

Image result for tomb that was embossed 

When government is the illusion

You’ll be treated as the intrusion

Unless of course it’s for sanitized inclusion

In this chaotic world there is no solution,

 Image result for the cost of telling the truth

How many times I tried

But instead encountered a lie

Little did it matter that I cried

It was all my fault as it was implied,

 Image result for all your fault

Your words might be mesmerizing

But actions speak louder when categorizing

Thoughtless actions could lead to thousands vaporizing

In a mushroom cloud of war time rationalizing.

Image result for atomic soldiers