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Captain Reality 2023

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Captain Reality of 2023


How much we needed Captain Reality

In the year of 2023

With the DOJ considering Americans the enemy

Vengeance will come not surprisingly,

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They all cry, “We are HAMAS!”

That is until Captain Reality gives a grenade a toss

All the self-proclaimed terrorists were lost

And it wasn’t due to a shortage of dental floss,

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Two carjackers having such a good time

Captain Reality and his Ak-47 neutralize the slime

Paid rioters attacking police lines

While Captain Reality attaches Tasers to their spines,

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Little wonder how he makes them whine!

As a sniper Captain Reality really shines

Picks off the ANTIFA thugs one at a time

Pulls back the trigger and shouts, “Now your mine!”

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Illegal aliens flowing across the US border

But Captain Reality has his own orders

As he assembles a muzzle loaded mortar

Quickly turns the wave of criminals into disorder!

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The drug cartel seems to be having their day

But, Captain Reality has come to play

He positions his M60 machine gun without delay

Bullet riddled drug dealers will be floating on the Rio Grande today,

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Captain Reality how you make them pay

For it might as well be Satan to whom they pray

Was it plastic explosive that made that smoke so gray?

Captain Reality winks right back at you as if to say.

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