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The Desperate Democrat Resistance to Elon Musk and his DOGE Probes, but Never Fear Columbo is here!

The Democrats have pulled off murders, rioting,  and document shredding in order to stop Elon Musk and his DOGE staff form unveiling the lies and corruption! They did send one of their best to confront the federal agency office though.

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Excuse me Miss Buttwaters, but 36 trillion in debt and you don't know how, why, or who is responsible?

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Well, there was that vacation to Puerto Rico that me Nancy, Chuck, AOC, and Omar took, but we needed a break from the stress of laundering money! 

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Jeez you Democrats make me sick. Maybe we should head over to Kashe Patel's office for some conversations?

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Wait, before you go to the FBI why not have a fresh flask of fentanyl just delivered by the Drug Cartel? 

Wow! So this is what fentanyl does to you? How am I going to explain this to my wife? I'm starting to hallucinate! 

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So how do we Democrats at USAID look to you now? Can you see why so many people like the effects of the narcotic?

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If I didn't know better, I'd say that you drugged me to stall my investigation with all due respect, Mam, or Sir, or whatever you are.

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What you and your people at DOGE are doing is such a threat to Democracy! 

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Threat? Wow this stuff you gave me is the real threat! Whoa! 

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Now repeat after me. I found nothing incriminating here and I'm going to leave soon. These people are clean! Repeat again!

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Wait a minute! I'm starting to see things clearly now. I am here because you, forgive me if I'm wrong Sir, are guilty of embezzlement of taxpayer funds. Does that ring a bell?

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Sorry, if I seem to be heavy handed, Sir, but I'm afraid you need some persuasion, if I might be so bold to say.

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What's happening to me? I'm numb. I can't feel anything. It's like I'm fading away! Damn! I hate when that happens! 

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You see, Sir, when I fired that Taser at you, I might have been a bit impulsive but I wanted you to take me seriously. Will you come along quietly now?

See related image detail. My top 10 favourite Columbo episodes – THE COLUMBOPHILE BLOG

Forgive me for taking the liberty, Sir, of loading you in the backseat but you'll be pleased to know we're headed for the FBI Director's office. You should be coherent by then.