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Lesbian couple try to FORCE son into a “genderqueer” relationship with them...yes, with them!

(MRCTV) -- A lesbian couple featured in a BuzzFeed video on “gender non-conforming” parenting is trying to force their son to have a “queer” relationship with his gender despite his protests.

In Buzzfeed’s “I Am A Gender Non-Conforming Parent” video, Dashiell and Michelle explain how they raise their son, Atticus, as a lesbian couple with a “gender non-conforming” parent.



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    david james

    I think I'm the only one who thinks this is just wrong. These two FREAKS should not be raising ANY child.  They should be staked in town square, then tarred and feathered.

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      Deep Space


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        Amy Morrison

        In many countries, lesbians are not allowed to raise children because the governments think they cannot raise well a child. I think they should fight for their rights, because the most important thing is to love that child. On another hand, the child could have problems in the future if people will know he wasn’t raised in a normal family and he could be bullied by them. My girlfriend left me for a girl and I didn’t know how to get over breakup. I am glad I was supported by my mother who was there for me.