"The brutal ordeal unfolded at Kaiserslautern train station, where the young woman was on an escalator when she was allegedly groped from behind by the Eritrean man. As any woman would, she reacted instinctively, attempting to ward off her attacker. A confrontation ensued, during which the woman, fearing for her safety, drew a switchblade."
Germany Criminalizing Self-Defense
by Less Prone
Germany’s Open Borders Have Made It a War Zone for Women—And Now They’re Criminalizing Self-Defense
"The brutal ordeal unfolded at Kaiserslautern train station, where the young woman was on an escalator when she was allegedly groped from behind by the Eritrean man. As any woman would, she reacted instinctively, attempting to ward off her attacker. A confrontation ensued, during which the woman, fearing for her safety, drew a switchblade."