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Marijuana- "Its not just for getting stoned anymore"

User or not, Marijuana prohibition is and has been hurting our economy and environment. Join, learn and educate others.

‘The Fight Over Medical Marijuana’

The Fight Over Medical Marijuana


Our federal marijuana policy is increasingly out of step with both the values of American citizens and with state law. The result is a system of justice that is schizophrenic and at times appalling.

Though the federal government considers marijuana a Schedule I Controlled Substance and bans its use for medical purposes, a growing number of states feel differently. Today, 18 states and Washington, D.C., have legalized medical marijuana for people suffering from debilitating medical conditions like cancer, epilepsy, severe nausea, multiple sclerosis and chronic pain. And on Tuesday, Colorado and Washington State voted to legalize marijuana for adult use, regardless of medical condition. But these states cannot stop the federal government from enforcing its own laws.

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    It's one thing confiscating the plants, but to then put the man in prison and with him facing many years inside, is outrageous!  He stuck to the 'state' law, so if they want to now impose 'federal' law on those they raided, they should at least give them grace from prosecution.  It's totally injust!