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Going Commando (G.C)

A group for getting together and deciding which msm message boards to troll on. Preaching to the choir and information sharing is a good thing, but the battle is never in the war room. It's out there...

Let's get it done.

I agree, way yoo much liberal ignorance on these political sites like Huffington

Another excellent site to target is Newsvine. I used to write there but they kicked me off. They will flat go after you with their ignorant pro-White House gibberish. I find a lot of these ignorant bastards are northeastern college students and dedicated lefties who live off the government or are big union supporters. I say left because these are the people supporting the White House it's not a paradigm ideological thing it is these people that are stupid enough to blindly support this administration.

My recommendations are Daily Kos, Newsvine (owned by NBC) Daily Beast there are others but these seem prominent.

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    Central Scrutinizer

    mental note: UK site "" = zionist controlled, Barry Sotero Davis loving, british msm site

    all comments moderated, will not post any comments that are detrimental to Barry Sotero Davis or the Wookie Wife

    figure I'd save some people some time if your @ the site

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      Doc Vega

      These sites on the internet embody the full example of incredible government oriented propaganda and lies spewed by the White House they are the administration lap dogs! As follows: Huffington Post, Daily Kos, Daily Beast, Newsvine, even the Examiner is now slipping and trying to curtail articles by its members critical of the Obama White House. We are seeing the steady infringement of censorship gripping even the internet now!

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        Roy Patterson

        I am on Newsvine and am able to post some pro-gun and conservative seeds. You just have to mix them with seeds that really mean nothing. I also belong to a couple of their groups. A better site than Newsvine is
