This group is dedicated to Aaron and Melissa Dykes !
This handy dandy FEMA “Talking to the Media” tri-fold instructional card can’t hurt!
FEMA’s “Talking to the Media” card includes helpful “Transitional Phrases” and “Interview Tips and Techniques” dos and do nots…
Received this from a fan. I think my personal favorite is the reminder to “stay in your lane.” You know, “Meaning, keep it basic.”
“Hey Napolitano, what’s up with all those mass bullet buys? Do you know something we don’t about why DHS needs billions of hollow point bullets?”
“That’s an interesting question, but to finish what I was saying…”
Potential jokes are seemingly endless. If a FEMA worker sees something, he or she should say something…but not before checking this card first!
Actually, this reminds me of that one time during the 2007 southern California wildfires when FEMA set up a press conference filled entirely with members of its own staff posing as reporters. The real press was only given a 15-minute lead on purpose, completely insufficient time to show up. A few ‘softball’ questions were asked and answered by then-Deputy Administrator Harvey Johnson, and he even bothered to stand at an official-looking podium and everything while he took his time praising FEMA’s response to the emergency.
As the Washington Post reports:
“We’re told the questions were asked by Cindy Taylor, FEMA’s deputy director of external affairs, and by “Mike” Widomski, the deputy director of public affairs. Director of External Affairs John “Pat” Philbin asked a question, and another came, we understand, from someone who sounds like press aide Ali Kirin.”
Not a single tough question was asked. Imagine that. Clips from the press conference even aired on several mainstream media outlets including FOX and MSNBC.
For more on FEMA’s respect for the press and high regard for transparency, sees FEMA Attempts Media Black Out in New Orleans and FEMA a Disaster for Freedom of the Press: Katrina victims ‘not allowed’ to talk to media, reporter told.
Archive for the ‘Featured’ Category
FEMA’s Scripted Media Talking Points Card
on May 14, 13 • in Doublespeak, Featured • with No Comments
(Truthstream Ever wonder how Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano keeps her cool during all of those stressful press conferences? This handy dandy FEMA “Talking to the Media” tri-fold instructional card can’t hurt! Received this from a fan. I think my personal favorite is the reminder to “stay in your lane.” You know, “Meaning, keep it basic.” “Hey Napolitano, what’s up with all those mass bullet buys? Do you know something we don’t about why DHS needs billions of hollow point bullets?” “That’s an interesting question, but to finish what I was saying…” Potential jokes
Read More »Grow Your Own Food in 3 Days
on May 12, 13 • in Featured, Homegrown, Love > Fear • with 1 Comment
(Truthstream Growing organic sprouts is as local & cheap as food production gets. Sprouts are a great way to start your path to health and independence. Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton discuss how simple it is to produce your own food on a kitchen countertop. Keep the trays rotated for daily harvests. The majority of sprouting supplies are cheap and incredibly easy to use. The BPA-free Victorio 4-tray sprouter, shown in the video, distributes water evenly and collects used water at the bottom. Organic and ready for long-term storage, broccoli sprout seeds and many
Read More »War Criminal Brought to Justice, While U.S. Role Overlooked
on May 12, 13 • in Featured, News • with No Comments
(Truthstream A Guatemalan court found Gen. Efraín Ríos Montt, who ruled for 17 months under a military junta during Guatemala’s 36 year civil war, guilty of genocide and “crimes against humanity,” sentencing the 86-year old to 80 years behind bars. “We are completely convinced of the intent to destroy the Ixil ethnic group,” Judge Barrios said during the ruling, according to the NY Times. Few dispute the dark criminal reign of Gen. Montt, who was seen internationally at the time as a “pariah” during his reign. Wikipedia summarizes his actions: This government was overthrown
Read More »White House Science Czar Denies Extreme Population Control Views
on May 10, 13 • in Connect-the-Dots, Featured • with 5 Comments
(Truthstream One of America’s leading population control advocates denies holding a nasty Eugenics creed. Compulsory abortion. Under-the-skin birth control implants. Government authorized reproduction. A Planetary Regime to regulate the population and ration food and resources. A sterilant added to water supplies or food staples. The expansion of mandatory family planning and population restrictions. An earth teetering on the edge of destruction. All of this and more is discussed frankly in the 1977 textbook, Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment, written jointly by John P. Holdren, Paul Ehrlich and his wife Anne Ehrlich. Tireless activist Luke Rudkowski,
Read More »Media Lauds Scientist Who Bragged About Cancer in Vaccines
on May 10, 13 • in Featured, News • with 2 Comments
(Truthstream Vaccination continues to be heralded as one of the top achievements in medicine while all of the evidence to the contrary continues to be ignored. Earlier this week, The New York Times ran a 1500-word puff piece lauding the work of top Merck vaccine “pioneer” Dr. Maurice R. Hilleman. Here’s a quote: “To a remarkable extent, we owe our well-being, and in many cases our lives, to the work of one man and to events that happened 50 years ago this spring.” The article goes on to say some credit Hilleman with having
Read More »Concept Art: Be a Drone Pilot!
on May 9, 13 • in Doublespeak, Featured • with 1 Comment
(Truthstream Take a look at this World War II-era U.S. Army recruitment propaganda: If this poster were updated for today, I imagine it might look something like this: Here are a few facts about our nation’s drone program: The U.S. Air Force is currently training more drone pilots than any other kind of pilot. By pilot, they mean guy who sits at a terminal in a military base and remotely controls a drone to blow people up who have not had any due process thousands of miles away in countries where war has never
Read More »May 14, 2013
Food for Thought: Aspartame Depression and SSRIs
May 14, 2013
by Joseph Campbell: Mythos
May 14, 2013