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The Tabloid Stand

Feel Free to post anything you find on the internets that is just so unbelievably ridiculous and strange here. Ranging from things people have done, to things the NWO is doing that is just so ridiculous/stupid, blatantly in your face idiocy.

Here's what Brad Pitt's got to look forward to ???? '-}

WoW Once one of the highest paid Stars in the late 70's, Jan Micheal Vincent's bout w/ Alcohol have maimed this guy, just wow...

Ya paying attention here Brad??.... throw away your liquor dude...and that useless scumbag Skankbitch Jolie with it if I were you...neither or are very good for you in the long

...Then Just Add Alcohol...

Airwolf ??...anyone????...anybody???...Beuller?? either...