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Impending Attack on Syria

Tracking the latest developments involving the impending military assault on Syria.

US, Saudis to grant 9,000 ISIS fighters free passage from Iraqi Mosul to Syria – source

"The US and Saudi Arabia have agreed to grant free passage to thousands of Islamic State militants before the Iraqi city of Mosul is stormed. The jihadists will be redeployed to fight against the government in Syria, a military-diplomatic source told RIA Novosti. "

"According to the anonymous diplomatic source, US President Barack Obama has already sanctioned an operation to liberate Mosul, due to take place in October."


I srael
ervice               thanks their supporters.

We are already in mid October, a month from presidential election, time is running out and someone must be getting very nervous.

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    Less Prone

    After Mosul Falls, ISIS will Flee to Syria. Then What?

    Syria’s army and Hezbollah and Iranian allies are preparing for a massive invasion by thousands of Isis fighters who will be driven out of Iraq when Mosul falls. The real purpose behind the much-trumpeted US-planned “liberation” of the Iraqi city, the Syrian military suspect, is to swamp Syria with the hordes of Isis fighters who will flee their Iraqi capital in favour of their “mini-capital” of Raqqa inside Syria itself.
