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TSA Awareness Project - Stop Irradiating Our Bodies and Fondling Our Children!

A Courageous 21 Year Old With 4th Amendment Written On His Chest Sues The TSA

Government photo of Aaron Tobey being held at Richmond International Airport on December 30


A 21-year-old Virginia man who wrote an abbreviated version of the Fourth Amendment on his body and stripped to his shorts at an airport security screening area is demanding $250,000 in damages for being detained on a disorderly conduct charge.

Aaron Tobey claims in a civil rights lawsuit (.pdf) that in December he was handcuffed and held for about 90 minutes by the Transportation Security Administration at the Richmond International Airport after he began removing his clothing to display on his chest a magic-marker protest of airport security measures.

“Amendment 4: The right of the people to be secure against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated,” his chest and gut read.

The University of Cincinnati student didn’t want to go through the advanced imaging technology X-ray machines that are cropping up at airports nationwide. Instead, when it was his turn to be screened, he was going to opt for an intrusive pat-down — and remove most of his clothing in the process.


Read Full Article Here:


(Ya just have to love this kid for his ballsiness, woot!)




A Virginia man who wrote an abbreviated version of the Fourth Amendment on his body and stripped to his shorts at an airport security screening area won a trial Friday in his lawsuit seeking $250,000 in damages for being detained on a disorderly conduct charge.

Aaron Tobey claimed in a civil rights lawsuit (.pdf) that in 2010 he was handcuffed and held for about 90 minutes by the Transportation Security Administration at the Richmond International Airport after he began removing his clothing to display on his chest a magic-marker protest of airport security measures.

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    Central Scrutinizer

    WTF??? know this kid, works for my brother @ 360 graphics.....Awesome job Aaron!!!!

    so now it making sense, brother told me about this a while ago....didnt realize it was him

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    Man With 4th Amendment Written on Chest Wins Trial Over Airport Arrest

    A Virginia man who wrote an abbreviated version of the Fourth Amendment on his body and stripped to his shorts at an airport security screening area won a trial Friday in his lawsuit seeking $250,000 in damages for being detained on a disorderly conduct charge.

    Aaron Tobey claimed in a civil rights lawsuit (.pdf) that in 2010 he was handcuffed and held for about 90 minutes by the Transportation Security Administration at the Richmond International Airport after he began removing his clothing to display on his chest a magic-marker protest of airport security measures.

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      Judge sides with TSA vs. naked man

      Man who stripped naked as a personal protest against security screenings found guilty in civil case filed by TSA. | [He] faces a $500 fine.


      Now, two years later, a judge has sided with the TSA. Brennan faces a $500 fine.

      "I will not pay a fine to make this go away," he said.

      Brennan plans to appeal.

      "I didn't take off my clothes to pay a fine," he said. "I took them off to make a point."