Amateur radio also known as Ham radio is a powerful wireless communications medium that has been around since 1901. In the decades since the equipment used for amateur radio has developed along with commercial radio hardware. The creation of the transistor in the late 1950s helped lower the cost of Ham radios which allowed them to become more widely available. Other significant advancements include the creation of repeater networks and the integration of microprocessors into radio equipment.
Many Ham operators use their radios in place of cell phones and land based telephone services. This allows them to save a considerable amount of money on their communication costs.
There are three classes of amateur radio licenses; from lowest to highest they are Technician, General and Extra. The higher the license the greater the frequency privileges you receive. Before you can receive the General or Extra class licenses you have to pass the Technician test. The tests have to be passed in order because you can’t skip licenses...
Roy Patterson
I have my Technician License and an studing for my General License. For any one interested in Ham Radio, just Google "Ham Radio" and you will get a lot of info.
Sep 9, 2012
ARRL Field Day is June 22-23:
Jun 19, 2013
Ham Amateur Radio
Dec 1, 2013