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EYE on RNC - 2012 Republican National Convention | Tampa Bay, Florida Protest watch -police state

It’s a Bird, it’s a Plane, it’s a RNC Drone

TAMPA— It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a…drone?

Convention-goers gearing up for the Republican National Convention next week should prepare themselves for some clandestine company, according to the Tampa Tribune, as it has been announced that drones will be dispatched to help safeguard the highly publicized event.

As known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, drones have been perfected in war zones from Afghanistan to Iraq and Libya, and have been seen regularly on the Mexican and Canadian borders.

The vehicles contain surveillance gear used to track suspected troublemakers who may be looking to wreak havoc at the Republican’s nominating convention for former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney.

