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Did You Know??? - Tips, Tricks and Trivia about 12160

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  • truth

    DYK that you can add a pic and make it like a blog?

    Robin Cook - Former British Foreign Secretary - died on a hiking trip not long after saying this

    Robin Cook - Former British Foreign Secretary - died on a hiking tr...

    Add the pic, and when it says edit, add your content like above.

    This may catch the eye of some whom may have missed it otherwise:)

  • truth

  • truth

    DYK Members Posted

    Photos 112
    Videos 156
    Groups 3
    Blogs 62
    Forum 197
    in the Past 10 Days

  • truth

    DYK that you can delete or even approve comments on your post here?

  • truth

    Did you know that hundreds join the site only to promote their web sites and business? After a few post, they discover we don't care and we don't click :)

    Social Networking Etiquette 101

  • Central Scrutinizer

  • truth

    DYK this week our member post have been show cased on:

  • Central Scrutinizer


  • guest_blog

    DYK We have hundreds of thousands of regular weekly visitors to our member post?

  • guest_blog

    DYK that you can see all your friends favorite post on a link on profiles?

  • guest_blog

    worth a repeat - DYK that there is a share option below the 'like' feature and when you click on it, you can share your post whether it is a blog, vid, discussion, photo, ectera with friends in your friends list?

  • truth

    DYK the Average 12160 Visit Length is 0:59

  • truth

    DYK that according to google, there are 220,000 pages on 12160?

  • truth

    DYK that leaving comments on others post will get you more interest in your post here ? Comment Karma :)

  • truth

    DYK, that some members have their activity on site set as private, and if they commented on your post even weeks or years later you may have missed it if you don't receive site emails?

  • truth

    Did you know 12-160 is a popular shortwave frequency?

  • truth

    250 of the last 500 visiting this site, landed here:

  • truth

    DYK why your post aren't featured? Nine out of 10 TIMES  it is because it is a repeat.

  • truth

    DYK we have 189 groups on the site and 168 of them havent had a comment on them in over a year ?

  • truth

    DYK that Infowars employees  aren't allowed to join 12160 beacuse they were told  it is sub-par ?

  • truth

    Did You Know there is a Did You Know Group ???

  • Tara

    lol James... me thinks many did not know of the Did You Know Group. It's unfortunate because a lot of good tips and tricks of the ole ning-a-linger could very well be picked up here.

  • truth

    DYK I delete facebook links on member post I promote on other sites :)

  • Central Scrutinizer

    infowars can suck my...........

    .......fak those pretentious, primadonna assholes...they're bought & paid for anyways ;)

  • truth

    DYK that you can add a video, blog, discussion, or photo with ease from your profile or the main page :)
    in same place as this status feed thingie. 

  • truth

    DYK members posted

        yesterday    Past 10 Days
    Photos          18     111
    Videos           26     181
    Blogs             9     135
    Forum     -     13     121

    How many did you see?

  • guest_blog

    DYK we cant make everybody happy, and rarely try?

  • guest_blog

    DYK Adding a space after your post title (after the last letter)  will turn your url from this

    to this

    Thanks to our host, the first url does not work on our chat and does not work in some emails.

  • guest_blog

    DYK 4,737,214 people visited 12-160 since February 27, 2011?

  • mystery


  • truth

    DYK that 21 thousand people visited this site yesterday? Despite  the lack of comments and favs your post are being read by millions each year here.Thank you for them!

  • mystery

    Thats awesome James!!!!!

  • truth

    it is that. still blows me away, when we first started  a thousand people visiting was huge. Kind of scary to, every knock at the door I wonder if its gonna be a fed coming to talk to me about this place...lols. Who wants their name on the next 12160 site next year...not me!

  • truth

    DYK, that our host now allows admins to see when and where people log in, and that we now know we  have members that have not added a comment, or a single  post in years, yet still use our email system to contact our new and old members?

  • Central Scrutinizer

  • mystery

    Why would people be contacting new members? Old ones I can guess would be because they were once friends.

  • truth

    good question mystery

  • truth

    DYK - you can search for members here? left sde

  • truth

    DYK - that since moving our member photos to the right side of the page, views of your pics is now up over a 1000 percent a day?

  • truth

    Did You Know that members do not have to allow comments on their blogs and can approve or moderate each one?

  • truth

    DYK that the majority of our twitter feed is automated?

  • truth

    DYK that we have dozens of well known  site owners + contributors  that visit this site multiple times a day looking for info,  yet, never ever share their sources as you the members of 12160? 

  • truth

    Did You Know that google no longer indexes 12160 pages and every day we are asked to remove links to others site because we now lower their rankings as a result?

    Google Skynet

    Google Skynet

  • truth

    Did You Know that if your profile is private you can not be featured and will not show up on the front page active member list?

  • truth

    DYK  your pics more likely to get a view with a title,VS (3456785 ect )  plus then can be found in our site search or places like google

    click option then edit to  re-name

  • truth

  • truth

    DYK our blogs are shared on dozens of sites and social media pages automatically via our RSS feeds?

    As a result it is the most viewed category here.
  • truth

    DYK? - 7 Years ago This place was called SNARDFARKER!

  • truth

    DYK - 12160 members post have been shared on for 6 Years and 3 days?

  • Central Scrutinizer

    most excellent, I did not not know this, & now I do, dang, learned something new today  '-} 

    kaua mahalo Mike, aloha