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Going Commando (G.C)

A group for getting together and deciding which msm message boards to troll on. Preaching to the choir and information sharing is a good thing, but the battle is never in the war room. It's out there...

Let's get it done.

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  • Cryptocurrency

    Picture is sweet though. Could you make it say,"I'm shooting for two"?

    That would be sweet too.

  • Cryptocurrency

    Make it look sweet and I'll pass it to Melissa.

  • Central Scrutinizer


  • Cryptocurrency

    Holly, can you do what Lance did but with the old man? Gotta think of something funny as hell to say lol.

  • Central Scrutinizer

    best i can come up with in 8.5 minutes ;)

  • Central Scrutinizer

  • Cryptocurrency

    Not bad at all for 8.5 min :)

    Thanks for that!

  • Tara

    lol... funny pics H!

    It looks as if you guys are having fun over in libby land ;)

  • Central Scrutinizer

  • Cryptocurrency

    Hey, Tara. Yea, it's a blast! A lot of friendly's over there too. Then there's the satisfaction of reaching out to people individually. It's quite awesome.

  • Cryptocurrency

    I just got promoted to a Level 1 Super User lmfao!

  • Stacy Wade Harris II

    I keep looking for the posts on huffy but I can't tell who's who. Also, do I have to make a profile there?

  • Cryptocurrency

    Yea, you have to make a profile. Well, really just sign up. It's a real simple process.

    Sign up, and link your profile page here in group and I'll friend you on HuffPo. Once we're buds, you can track my comment activity. I'll also link you up with others participating.

    On sensitive stories they mod all comments. It may take some time for them to appear. My advice is don't leave long comments until you get a feel for what they allow and don't. They clearly have a paid staff of mods, and some of them are forum Nazis.

  • Central Scrutinizer

    woowee this ones primed for the pickin's ;)

    Colloidal Silver=BAD...


    these people may be too far

  • Stacy Wade Harris II

    I got registered. screen name spacedog65 . I'm not sure what you mean about linking to here.

  • Central Scrutinizer

    usually Hw00d or Cob on most of those "discussions"

  • Cryptocurrency

    Stacy H, go to your profile on Huffington, copy the link from your browser and paste it here. That way I can find you're page.

    Or just click this link to my page and look where it says "follow this member", next to the badges. Click on 'follow this member':

  • Stacy Wade Harris II

  • Central Scrutinizer

  • Cryptocurrency

    Got it. I'm now following you Stacy. Glad you could join us. Just jump in and start counter commenting. Good luck and let's spread the word!

  • Cryptocurrency

    Maria joined the Huff. We've got ourselves a little crew :)

  • Cryptocurrency

    Michelle Obama Oscars Appearance: First Lady Presents Best Picture To 'Argo'

    My comment:

    The Oscar for best actor in a leading roll goes to................... My husband, Barrack H. Obama. How you like dem rotten apples suckers? Gon bring that martial law on ya.

  • Cryptocurrency


    And the award goes to.... my husband, yo dictator n chief. see them military folks behind me? we's some imperialists. gon confiscate ya guns like you seen in katrina on youtube.

  • truth

  • Tara

    I know you guys are all gung ho into huffpo but... check this out:

    NRA Enemies, Rolling Stone Friends

    What does it take to secure a spot on the National Rifle Association's
    enemies list? Appearing on the cover of Rolling Stone doesn't

    What a bunch of BS! It's time to tell Rolling Stone and their beloved hypocrite, sell out celeb's to go F themselves.

  • Cryptocurrency

    Been hitting up the Huff today:

    Hey Tara, I'll check it out.

  • Cryptocurrency

  • Cryptocurrency

    580 comments in! Woot!

  • Cryptocurrency

    Reaching the dumb, def, and blind, one comment at a time!

  • Cryptocurrency

    602 comments in!

  • Central Scrutinizer

    This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.

    the headline is POOR NJ bastiches are in for it now, in it for more money, more tax's, more obammy phony care, more of you'se guys moving down here, etc

  • Cryptocurrency

    Debating liberals that are "smart" will actually keep you on your toes. They are a tough group to get through to, and some of them raise good points and challenges, but I have yet, after 600 comments to find one person to prove me out rightly wrong about any one issue.

    Thought they lit into me the other night when I made a bit of a pretentious comment about it being the first celebrity Whitehouse, so that may have been my first out right fumble lol.

  • Cryptocurrency

    Latest comment about Panetta telling armed service committee we get our marching orders from UN:

    “Yea, the video doesn't exist. You're right omg! Youtube is a fictional place where Muppets grow little flowers for sniffing and dance on little clouds of pixie dust.”

  • T Stirhen

    The video does exist. On both youtube and it should still be in the Senate, plus in the gov archives. It IS treason, not just impeachable. Becasue multiple people were killed as a direct result it also qualifies as mass murder, and Murder in the First.

    Coup D'etat: Pentagon & Obama Declare Congress Ceremonial.


    Published on Mar 8, 2012

    Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution. Whereas the cornerstone of the Republic is honoring Congress's exclusive power to declare war under article I, section 8, clause 11 of the Constitution: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That it is the sense of Congress that, except in response to an actual or imminent attack against the territory of the United States, the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress violates Congress's exclusive power to declare war under article I, section 8, clause 11 of the Constitution and therefore constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.

    Under the terms of Jones' resolution, both Panetta and Obama would be subject to impeachment for abusing their power and violating the Constitution in disregarding the authority of Congress and placing a foreign power above its jurisdiction.

    Despite the Pentagon's efforts to claim that Panetta's words were misinterpreted, the Obama administration itself has routinely cited the authority of the United Nations in relation to last year's invasion of Libya, which was conducted without approval from Congress.

    In June last year, President Obama arrogantly expressed his hostility to the rule of law when he dismissed the need to get congressional authorization to commit the United States to a military intervention in Libya, churlishly dismissing criticism and remarking, "I don't even have to get to the Constitutional question."

    Obama tried to legitimize his failure to obtain Congressional approval for military involvement by sending a letter to Speaker of the House John Boehner in which he said the military assault was "authorized by the United Nations (U.N.) Security Council."

    In boldly asserting the authority of international powers over and above the legislative branch, Panetta and Obama are openly declaring that they no longer represent the American people and instead are water carriers for a global dictatorship that has usurped the sovereignty of the United States.
  • Central Scrutinizer

    Over @ the fraudster's wife's news fart about fighting juvenile fatass disease ;)

  • Cryptocurrency

    @ T Stirhen

    Read my comment again. I was being facetious.

  • Central Scrutinizer

    Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano Regrets Surprise Announcement of Immigrant Release

    Field Day!!!

  • Cryptocurrency

  • Cryptocurrency

    700 infobombs successfully dropped on the HuffPo!

  • Cryptocurrency

    BTW, I figured it out. Pose as a liberal. It's the only way to get through to them :) ;) ;)

    Smile and a double wink.

  • Central Scrutinizer

    MoS Diary: Adele lands her biggest ever gig at Michelle Obama's 50t...


    "Who the heck throws birthday parties for a Wookie ????
    Hans Solo, come pick up your pet side-kick, its totally ruining this place
    More smoke & mirrors distractions for the masses!!!"

  • Cryptocurrency

    I'm tellin' ya, pose as a liberal, and they at least consider what you're saying.

    Anyway, one of my latest comments:

    Superbugs!? Yea, right. Mankind has existed for thousands of years, and now with the advent of modern medicine the superbugs just crawl out of the wood work. Oh, and they're invincible.

    Is there anything people WON'T believe anymore? Seriously!?

    The masters of the lie...

  • Cryptocurrency

    Schoolin kids:

    I get you. Look at the the globalist's writings going back to the 30's. The left talked about using false liberalism, which is really communism. This globalist system is an amalgamation of political systems of control. Look at the constitutional monarchies such as UK, Canada, Australia, and about 15 other nations all under the 'soft' rule of the Queen, and her royal Windsor bloodline.

    These mechanisms off communism, fascism, and socialistic models, all work on different profile elements of the populace. Consider whom would a liberal most identify with? A communist. Who would a conservative identify with? A fascist. Why? Libs are the atheists, the risk takers, more self centered types; a cousin of communism. Neo-cons, are the fake opposition. They pray to God, go to war, give out billions in corporate welfare then pass the torch to the Dems; the Neo-con Repubs are all about corporatism. Making laws that protect corporations and allow them to take advantage of the consumer in every possible way by the LAWS they created. That's the Fascist approach to consolidation.

    Add it all up, and you've got just over a century of overt, takeover, through covert methodologies in this country. They really needed that Federal Reserve system. Fractional reserve banking. This system,  monopolizes the printing of the nations money, and it became the world's reserve currency for a reason. Take all the worlds resources by fiat, and then implode everything and consolidate the rest.

    Biggest theft in human history.

  • Cryptocurrency

    925 comments in and hitting them hard!

  • TheLasersShadow

    I think you have an over abundance of empathy for the helpless and stupid lol I just can't muster the care to soldier on like you do

  • TheLasersShadow

    I may still drop a comment here and there but damn 925 is a rampage

  • Cryptocurrency

    980 as of now.

    I know, many of them are helplessly stupid. Though some are just misinformed and can be quite reasonable. That's who I really look for. Some are just angry, and spitefully loyal to their subjugators, even so, after some discourse, sometimes they soften up.  

  • Cryptocurrency

    1004 now!

  • Cryptocurrency

    They deleted me lmao!

  • TheLasersShadow
