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I, Robot

They are here, they aren't by-products of Hollywood Sci-Fi anymore. Be aware that they will be self-aware and because the main use will be Military, this all adds up to one Helluva future techno-mess.

  • Central Scrutinizer

  • Central Scrutinizer

  • Central Scrutinizer

  • Central Scrutinizer



    Photo Caption: Raytheon proposed to construct Guardian, a new, self-powered, lightweight, robust, dexterous humanoid robot that will build on the team’s experience with human-scale exoskeletons. The Guardian robot will expand its Exoskeleton (XOS) concept, introducing innovative technologies such as large range of motion, high specific torque/power actuators and a rapidly modulated fluid supply for overall power efficiency. 

  • Central Scrutinizer

  • Central Scrutinizer

  • Central Scrutinizer

  • B or D

    Japanese unveil iPhone-controlled battle robot this was in 2012

    A Japanese electronics company has unveiled a cutting-edge battle robot Kuratas, signifying a new era in military industry.

    The battle mech, designed by Suidobashi Heavy Industry, stands at four meters and weighs over four tons. It can be controlled both from inside the cockpit and from the safety of your smartphone connected to a 3G network.

    Kuratas is fitted out with a set of futuristic weapons, including a Gatling gun capable of firing 6000 rounds a minute and activated when the pilot smiles – its designers therefore asked to be less smiley when inside the robot.  

    The cost of this new robot is estimated at some $1.4 million. The mech has 30 hydraulic joints, allowing for its unhindered movement.

    The tech wonder was released two years after the launch of the project in 2010. In its video presentation, the company gives a step-by-step guide on how to operate this complex battle machine, which can move at a speed of some 10 km per hour.

    Now in the video, you will see the "laugh gun" and the water rocket launcher.. They both are part of a program for the machine at the time. lol. They have a strange humor.

  • B or D

    World's Top3 Humanoid Robots - Asimo vs HPR-4 vs NAO!

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  • 14300

    I have seen quite a few of the "Robot videos" and I feel like we will be living in the movie "The Terminator".  I wonder if a Solar Flare would shut them down?

  • Central Scrutinizer

  • Central Scrutinizer

    all for that DS ;)

  • Central Scrutinizer

  • Central Scrutinizer