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Anti War

The U.S. going toward civil unrest, economic collapse and protest very quickly! Obama's Tyrannical military surge has disillusioned the left and the right, causing them to be united against these very unpopular  'wars'.


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  • 5Fires

    Fabians are snakes, and very bad ones. Which is in part the Legend of the Mexican Flag. You see the Eagle plucking and killing the snake. much of that has to do with their independence from Spain, which is as bad as the Anglo royal families and societies.
    You see Santa Ana had no republican democratic right to signed rights of Spanish holdings to America. Texas belongs to Texas. Americans came to Texas because it wasn't part of America and the Tejanos did not consider themselves as being part of Mexico after Mexico won their independence.
    You can bet the Masons had much to do with the whole situation, and they did. Travis was a young Mason, as Houston, and I believe Stephan F. Austin as well. Santa Anna was natural born traitor and coward, from the start... he was probably a Fabian... The original goal of the anglo Texans and
    Tejanos was to be a free and independent nation, not part of Mexico or America.

    Moving the clock forward... La Raza and Azatlan are no better then the Fabians because Texas belongs toTexas. You can strike up a converstaion with just about any Tejano in Texas about this and you'll discover they will tell you the same thing - Texas belongs to Texas - Not Mexico! Not America! If Texas were to revolt and take all of Texas back they would have the full authority to do so and probably the blessings of the most high God. Texans will revolt and soon, and when they do it'snot going to be pretty. More then most of america realizes because of all the mythical legends they've been fed about Texas, - Texans know their history and they're to the point they've had just about enough of it. Keep your eyes on Texas because that's where it's probaly going to start.
  • Jeff

    Everybody get the message from Carl?

    This is good. The more they promote war the more the resistance will grow.
  • 5Fires

    @ Greg I think that's why sometimes you sense friction with me... I'm from Texas, and in that cultural perspective, I hold that Texas didn't become a part of America... America became a part of Texas... and as a Native American, I hold that the Europeans didn't established this land... the land exposed who they truly are.

    But now, all that is going to come to and end... those who respect and Love the intrinsic Freedom of this land are gathering and those who are trying and have tried to rewrite Freedom for their profits are in Afghanistan, and according to the holy word of the most high God, their time is at hand.
  • 5Fires

    It might be gettin' time to, Alamo up!
    BROWNSVILLE — The Zapata County sheriff Thursday was questioning why a Mexican military helicopter was hovering over homes on the Texas side of the Rio Grande.
  • 5Fires

    Before we stop any other wars... why don't we try to stop this one???
    BROWNSVILLE — Citing confirmed gunbattles, grenade attacks and “checkpoints” operated by Mexican drug cartels, the U.S. Consulate in Monterrey is urging U.S. residents to avoid roads and highways between that industrial city and the border communities of Nuevo Laredo and Reynosa.
  • 5Fires

    Comment by 5Fires 1 second ago Delete Comment OH shit... here we go again...
    By Iuri Dantas
    March 12 (Bloomberg) -- Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said world leaders are afraid that Israel may attack Iran if a diplomatic solution over the country’s nuclear program is not reached “quickly.”
    See entire story here

    The sabre rattling has been goin on and on but I just think the strike is going to come around 3/20/2010.

    When it does... it won't mean sudden total destruction for the US but it will most likely mean a large increase in number and frequency of Terror attacks in the US... IMHO
  • Farida Magdalena Gillot

  • 5Fires

    It's Friday Night and it time for a War Party!

    Please give a warm welcome to the BAAND!!!

    and please don't ask questions about the war

  • Jeff

    I agree with everything. Everything. Except Ron Pauls version of free markets which leaves the same overall critical circumstances intact. Still, he would be a start in the right direction if he were electable. He isn't in a Corporatocracy.
  • truth

    This Saturday, March 20th, the 7th Anniversary of the start of the Iraq War, join Peace Blimp Radio
  • Jeff

  • truth

  • Jeff

    We live in a Police State. Israel did 9/11. No body gives a shit.
  • Jeff

    It is Greg, but it's of ZERO value. Of that I'm convinced. It should be as explosive as 9/11 itself. It should be sounded from the rooftops and screamed from the streets and you know what? Nobody cares. I'm ashamed to be a member of the human race right now and I'm as pissed off as I was on 9/11. The perpetrator has been revealed by a credible source and no one cares. Welcome to 1984.
  • truth


    As soon as I crossed the barrier, I was slammed by a couple of cops, handcuffed and then actually run around the front of the White House while the cops tried to find a paddy wagon to stick me in—about 50 people were running with the cop and I, yelling: “Let her go, let her go.” When the officer and I finally got to the paddy wagon, I was surprised to find that only two others had followed me. One other crossed the line to bring our detained numbers up to eight.
  • truth

    US casualties double in Afghanistan
    The number of US troops killed in Afghanistan has roughly doubled in the first quarter of 2010 compared with the same period last year.
  • truth

  • truth

    Winning their hearts and minds - KABUL, Afghanistan — After initially denying involvement or any cover-up in the deaths of three Afghan women during a badly bungled American Special Operations assault in February, the American-led military command in Kabul admitted late on Sunday that its forces had, in fact, killed the women during the nighttime raid.
  • Jeff

    Gary, please understand, I AM ON YOUR SIDE.

    YES, the apathy is a form of psychological warfare by a Democratic government because, as Bernays said so eloquently, the people are too fucking stupid to rule themselves. He was right except that he also conceived of a benevolent dictatorship as opposed to the criminal cabal we have today.

    I'm also willing to recognize certain realities. I had a conversation with a guy yesterday running for Senate office in Connecticut. He's our age, wife, family, kids, career, son in the Marines, blah, blah, blah.

    He removed a post by a We Are Change member that called for a new investigation into 9/11. Nothing radical, no reference to theory, just a request for a new investigation. A very innocuous request.

    I emailed him with an equally innocuous response, referenced no events, no theory. Just that he should look carefully at the facts.

    His response? He was there. He was a first responder. He has a son in the Marines. He's satisfied that NIST and the government provided an adequate synopsis of events and the factual determinations have been made.

    Now, this is certainly not the first conversation I've had like this.

    So, what does one do when the majority of his compatriots, his buddies in his civil society are so severely deluded that their entire lives are one broad, long illusion and then they die? WTF man? I'm surrounded by fucking morons and YOU KNOW THIS. YOU KNOW IT.

    So I sit here pissed the fuck off recognizing that I can't change a fucking thing and if I examine the events very carefully I recognize clearly that if the Zionists were able to successfully pull off 9/11, and they were, then there's no end to their abilities even if a very few of us see through the smoke and mirrors. We just aren't enough.

    People are, with unequivocal determination, MORONS.

    Let me prove that statement, that people are MORONS.

    Here's the text reprint from a copy and paste:

    Jeff Prager April 22 at 8:26pm
    I appreciate that you were there and I appreciate that you have a child in the marines. My children chose other avenues equally supportive of the country.

    However, until enough Americans have researched and claimed interest in the events of 9/11 we will all continue to live the lie surrounding that event, which most national policy and almost all foreign policy is based on.

    Mr. Alan Sabrosky, the Former Director of Studies at the US Army War College and the former president of Italy, Fransesco Cossiga, directly responsible for exposing Operation Gladio to the world have both spoken out.

    That one might consciously decide to live a lie is unforgivable. The choice of ignorance is unforgivable and over 1,100 Architects and Engineers and over 300 First Responders are telling the truth. You should reconsider your position by examining the plethora of evidence available to the public. The evidence is simply overwhelming and one day in the future when the truth is known you will regret your current position.

    Jeff Prager
    Founder & Publisher - Retired
    Senior Magazine

    Here's Vinnies reply:

    Vincent Forras April 22 at 8:28pm
    Jeff, I do appreciate your point, however I have also done research and spoken to an equal number of engineers and specialists who came to a conclusion that I am able to accept with the best of my limited mental ability. I do hope that you are wrong on this. I will never say never on anything, since I should have never made it out alive. ..... Blessings... Vinny

    Fucking MORON, not worthy of breathing the same air as me. There is no excuse for ignorance and there's even less potential excuse for STOOPID.

    Sorry man, the realization that the majority of skin bags walking around are fucking worthless pukes makes me sick.
  • john

    About mind control Gary.
    I have a book The body Electric, kinda science fact over fiction, supposedly more like a novel. I don't really know, but it touches on the effects of electromagnetics and the human brain, and radion waves. I also saw a video of studies done with electromagnets and telepaths, also included a monkey that was controled by remote via electromagnets and radiowaves. Our brains operate on electromagnetic frequencies, the same as communication devices, just on different frequencies that we don't use "yet". It is science fact that is little known to normal people. So it is very possible to control the masses one way or another through EM waves. Anyone know what frequencies our brains operate on? Terahertz?
  • Jeff

    YES, EXACTLY, stumps and Chihuahua's. Precisely.

    And of course I'll give credit where credit is due, to most all of the people here on 12.160 and even to the almost 300 Facebook connections I have.

    BUT, that leaves 99.99% of America. Based on my observations a MINIMUM of 50% of them are MORONS.

    And YES, the indoctrination and propaganda begins with "mama" and "dada" and only gets worse. I think from the moment you learn to like television you're a cooked goose. I have a 22 year old kid in my home who's bright on the one hand and as dumb as a rock on the other and he's doomed. His life is going to SUCK because I can't reason with him, can't impart even the smallest parcel of valuable truth to his life and can't get through. Period. He's cooked. No high school diploma, no job, watching reruns of some dumbass sitcoms and thinks he's going to move out on his own soon. Duh.

    And so it goes.

    Here we preach to the choir and elsewhere we're considered a variety of denigrating terms generally associated with aluminum foil outer wear and head gear.
  • Jeff

    All very plausible Gary. Obviously some of us are immune.
  • Tara

  • truth

    Protests Nationwide Oppose $33 Billion to Escalate Afghan War
  • 5Fires

    Lindsey Williams was interviewed by Alex Jones a couple months ago. During that interview, Williams said that his sources from the inside of the "Global Elite" said, War with Iran in November, 2010, and the course between now and then is set to collapse the Economy to create Chaos and desperation. A "model" semilar to the crash of 29.

    I guess they're putting the final pieces in place for the big event

  • truth

  • Tara

    Options studied for a possible Pakistan strike

    The U.S. military is reviewing options for a unilateral strike in Pakistan in the event that a successful attack on American soil is traced to the country's tribal areas, according to senior military officials.
  • fireguy

    What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy?

    Mahatma Gandhi
  • 5Fires

    Sorry to interupt but BP has ceased all efforts to contain the leak. Now that will some how dovetail intop a False Flag with this issue with the Zionists... WE ARE IN TROUBLE!

    I still have a few more preps to make, but TS IS HTF! so, in all that y'all do from here on out, I encourage you to be ready to get out of the way because the moment we've all been watching for is here.

    Perhaps you'ver heard that Turkey is going to send another ship and this time it will be flanked by the Turkish Navy.

    It's funny that Rahm Emannuel was in Israel just last week , just before the Zionists Murders unleashed their dogs, the IDF.

    IMHO, I don't care if you wear towels and diapers on your head, or if you pray to the statue and beads on your dash board, or speak in toungues, or don't eat pork, so long as your religion doesn't require you to hurt me or those whom I Love, I will fight to defend your right to worship the God of your choice. There is nothing more that can drive me to deep seething anger then to attack and kill innocent people. The Zionist attacked the USS Liberty, and I think enough is enough!
  • Tula

    I do Not Know who Dee is but WOW Great Illustrations!
  • Tula

    Thanks Greg...Found the website!
  • truth

  • truth

  • Tula

    House Votes To Kill Net Neutrality-Done
  • Burbia

    A more militarized CIA for a more militarized America
  • Brian Cooper

    With all corporations the goal is profit,profit at any cost. Check out some of our governments investments and you see why we have continual war.   Constitutional government is a farce. Mussolini would be proud.
  • Brian Cooper

    When people realize that our government is just another giant Corporation then they might understand the severity of allowing  a Corporation the  same rights as human beings.
  • Anthony Kimbrough



      Actually the "Federal Government" is not what was first installed, they are a corporation... legally. They are hired by our government to be manage the country's affairs. This was not originally intended. If you look at who has Diplomatic Immunity you will see that "they" do, along with the WTO and other organizations as they are NOT considered citizens of the USA. Washington, DC is sovereign to itself, apart from the rest of the country, just as is The Vatican is not part of Rome and London is not part of England.  This in effect makes them above the law, and nobody should be above the law of the land, especially in a Republic that stands on the Law of the Land.


    In short, the act like a corporation because they are a corporation, and corporations are only loyal to their shareholders to be profitable. That would be, IMHO, the banking cartel.

  • truth

    Ron Paul says young people tired of US wars -
  • truth

  • guest_blog

  • guest_blog

    More US Soldiers Committed Suicide Than Died in Combat in 2010 &...

    For the second year (2010) in a row, more US soldiers killed themselves (468) than died in combat (462).

  • truth

    Home for Christmas

    Five aircraft carriers, four big-deck amphibious assault ships, a full cast of “small boy” surface warships, along with nuclear submarines and support ships, are crowding the base, giving a comfortably snug feeling to the waterfront. Similar scenes — although not with the gathering of flattops seen here — are taking place at other fleet concentration areas like San Diego and Pearl Harbor.

  • Tara

    I like this Tara  : )

  • mystery

    Thanks for the invite Greg

  • Anthony Kimbrough

    Around here lately the "in" thing is to get a carry permit. Fingerprint, name, address, and probably a lot more info sent to the state. I think Hitler done the same thing.

    The Military they fear along with the average American who defends their own. It isn't that we have a gun problem here, or anywhere else. Its that we have a moral problem. All religions and even though who say they don't have one have ground rules for decency. We seem to have the moral compass set wrong these days. I seen a cop friend at the store here and in this small town they're working their tails off. I told him I had to deter a few lately that seemed to want to sneak by. He didn't have a problem with that, he has plenty to do. 

     Between the TV and legal drugs... we are doomed if something don't give as a society. Makes one wonder how we made it this far as a species if not by God. We start out weak as babies. Get a little smarter then distracted easily. We seem to war anything and everything we don't understand, especially our own kind. We destroy beauty for money, fiat currency which we would wipe with if we were commanded if wasn't toilet paper.  We strive and deplete resources due to our thoughts of excess. History tells us we've eaten our own. Worst of all, we listen to those who say they are educated, yet are evil in intent.

  • Anthony Kimbrough

    Oh yea, the money pictures seem to sum it all up.

  • Anthony Kimbrough

    They'll have a list to go by, when the time comes. I suspect too a member of the doomsday gang is collecting names too. They'll board the train one day thinking they're headed to Disney World.

  • truth

    'I don't feel sorry for them': Bush risks wrath of injured veterans...

    Friday, May 31, 2013 1:50 PM

    George W Bush has risked a backlash from veterans by claiming that he does not feel sorry for soldiers who were injured after he sent them into battle.

    The former President said that that 'to a certain extent you can’t help it' when men got hurt on the battlefield.

    He claimed that because soldiers are volunteers it absolved him from blame to a degree - and claimed that none of them were angry about their injuries.

  • truth

    Ron Paul: We've learned nothing from Iraq, Afghanistan

    Monday, June 24, 2013 11:23 AM

    “We left Iraq after a decade of fighting, and the country is in far worse shape than when we attacked in 2003,” he continued. “After trillions of dollars wasted and tens of thousands of lives lost, Iraq is a devastated, desperate and violent place with a presence of al Qaeda.