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This group is intended to be a collection of comments that are funny. Some may need to be put in context to understand the humor. Some may be self explanatory. Try and show the topic from the web page and your choice of listed comments you find funny with links you wish to share. The relevancy of creating this group is to share what makes us laugh. It can be collected from anywhere found on the internet. Reading the absurdity people come up with is a favorite past time for me and I would like this to be a place for you to express your brand of humor and share with others.
  • Burbia

    SEBASTIAN BACH Says 'It's Pretty Obvious That A Plane Did Not Crash Into The Pentagon' On 9/11

    Chuck Smith
    Penis Model at The Krusty Krab
    "I remember that day........ I was eating my waffle fries and waiting up on the call back from Skid Row's manager, since I left him a message 11 months ago. Suddenly, the workers dropped their sandwiches and told me we had to get out, that the terrorists were about to crash a plane into the Chic-Fil-A. I grabbed my laptop, ran out the door with my pants around my ankles, and left a message on SR's manager's phone about how I almost died, which is why they should hire me back"
    Like · Reply · Mark as spam · 4 · 11 hrs

    Rufiz Onfire
    Andy Griffin yeah maybe Paul is right? After all security cameras weren't invented until 2007, but surely someone witnessed that steam powered plane nearing the Pentagon? I might flick on the wireless tonight and see if any new telegrams have be sent to them about it.
    Like · Reply · Mark as spam · 6 hrs
  • Burbia

    Nice try. We all know Greg is your dad.
    ericv00 1 Day ago

    This link is to a ShoeonHead video with her parents answering questions. The comment is referencing the boyfriend of ShoeonHead, who is Greg.
  • Burbia

    Assange: Google Is Not What It Seems (pizzagate)
    submitted 11 hours ago by new4now
    [–] DeathTwoMasons 0 points (+2|-2) 9 hours ago (edited 9 hours ago)
    Google is not what it seems!...Thanks Assange!...Didn't know that years ago!...Sooo....How was the Children of god cult experience? How was going out wihth Lady Gaga while supposedly running for your life from the NWO? So how was MIA singer as a friend? You shure do spend a lot of time with those who are part of the cult. You sure did grow up with those who were part of the CIA pedo cult experiment. You sure have exposed next to nothing. You sure have never been stopped by the global criminal network. Guess they just can't stop you? Gueess their news is forced to report your words? Guess we are supposed to be dumb enough to by this psyop of a lone wolf freedom fighter who escapes the NWO global criminal network? Bullshit.
  • Burbia

    lynn de rothschild saying good bye to twitter.

  • Burbia

    4th blast in Austin leads police to believe a 'serial bomber' is on the loose

    Updated 5:32 PM ET, Mon March 19, 2018


    Suspect identified: Sam Hyde

    comment: He can't keep getting away with this.

    Another comment: FBI, is that you?

    those were a couple comments buried in the story from/pol 4chan that i find entertaining.

  • Burbia

    Austin Serial Bomber Dead: Blows Himself Up After Shootout With Police

    IAmRunningMan TheRideNeverEnds Wed, 03/21/2018 - 06:56Permalink

    police tracked the bomber to a hotel in the Round Rock area using cell phone technology, security video, store receipts


    Profile picture for user saldulilem

    saldulilem Wed, 03/21/2018 - 06:30Permalink

    Is the passport safe?

  • Burbia

    • /pol 4chan thoughts on mass migration into europe

    >Who are the ones pushing it? 
    >Why are they doing it?
    1. To destabilize the enemies of Israel
    2. To Depopulate the areas where Israel plan to expand.
    3. To make Europeans start hating muslims and start supporting jews and Israel.
    4. To lover the wages for workers and create more consumers that they can profit off.
    4. To racemix the white population until we become too stupid to look trough the media indoctrination.
    >How did the shift happen from Syrian refugees to African refugees and why no one seem to be questioning it at all?
    There were never such a shift. Africans have been poring into Europe constantly for decades, but the media has presented it as othervise.
    >How did so many people got brainwashed into this narrative out of nowhere?
    This happened slowly trough the decades trough propaganda.
    >Is it possible to stop it?
    Yes. We must show visible resistance in the streets and encourage more people to speak out. Remember that we are the majority. There are more white geniuses than there are jews in the entire world. If they can do it, we can certainly beat them at it.

    Uhm , we toppled gaddafi you dingus

    Go look at a map

    Thats why so many africans can sneak in now

  • Burbia

    Life was never easy for me. When I was a kid I started off in Brooklyn. My father gave me a SMALL loan of $1,000,000 :P

    Mad Mothz • 2 years ago

  • Burbia

  • Burbia

  • Burbia

  • Burbia

  • Burbia

    Just about any comment in this video...
  • Burbia

    Another comment section where just about any comment is aware of what is happening outsude of the main stream.
  • Burbia

    Anon /pol 4chan
  • Burbia

    Another just about any comment in this video

  • Burbia

    Great story and insight. I see this as a sampling of where America is at right now about the seriousness of control we are being subjected to. Check out the comments...

  • Burbia

    Found this link at /pol. The frequent comment is about demonetised videos. Just about all comments are interesting...

  • Burbia

    Bill Clinton Notes Cultural Shift In "What You Can Do To Somebody Against Their Will"
    Not only is the premis for this article a gold mine, check out the comment section. Another just about any comment is worth noting but too any to note.
  • Burbia

  • Burbia

    Check the comments for this video
  • Central Scrutinizer

    had to go look Burbia...WoW, surprised ThemTube is allowing all these anti-zio comments...just goes to show that We, The People are fed up with Israel's bullshit in real time ;)

  • Burbia

    A Catholic priest slapping an infant. Comments are not just anti-religion. Saw this over at Pizzagate Voat.
  • Burbia

    Great comments in video and the comment section...