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The Comment Section is Closed

This group is intended to be a collection of comments that are funny. Some may need to be put in context to understand the humor. Some may be self explanatory. Try and show the topic from the web page and your choice of listed comments you find funny with links you wish to share. The relevancy of creating this group is to share what makes us laugh. It can be collected from anywhere found on the internet. Reading the absurdity people come up with is a favorite past time for me and I would like this to be a place for you to express your brand of humor and share with others.
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  • Burbia

    The 32 comments for peiyun pianist

  • Burbia

    Crying Hippy leaves a comment, "Now you know why Hilary loves wearing them scarfs so much, ever notice the scarfs don't colour match her outfit?"

  • Burbia

    Check out the brutes bullying Lyndsay Shepherd at Laurier University over pronouns like ze zer and zim.

    Here is a recent video of the ongoing controversy

    The comment section points out how attractive Lyndsay is. It occured to me she is a lot of what the left isn't. Naturally beautiful. 

  • Burbia

  • Burbia

  • Burbia

  • Burbia

    These are some of the responses on redacted to the MAGA hat incident.

    The left’s arguments boil down to “that’s what happens when you dress like that”.

    Where are all the outraged feminists?

  • Burbia

    Get local website

    Ahmedd, get the stones...

  • Burbia

    Charlie Sheen in video about drug addicts with black cultural overdose music appropriation from Brazil. All the elements for success...oh the comments...

    Buried somewhere in all the other than english comments are these two gems...

    Two and a half drug addicts

    This comment section is boring


  • Burbia

    Nice to do something fun and be in the music video for an independent band from Victoria, BC (the city I was born in)! Free speech stuff is def important but reading/hearing the same arguments for & against free speech for half a year sure gets tiresome!!

  • Burbia

  • Burbia

    Welp. They're going beyond shutting down the comment section. Any MSM translators out there?

  • Burbia

    'We really like your president. We hope to see him re-elected,' the head of Chinese military intelligence told Clinton donor Johnny Chung. 'I will give you 300,000 US dollars. You can give it to the president and the Democratic Party.'

    I'm sure Johhny Chung knows the Comb-Over isn't Democrat, but knows they will inevitibly have him re-elected.
  • Burbia

    n sp15 hours ago
    Well at leasy we had a full 1:14 before "The Holocaust" was invoked

    November 26, 2018 - 11:41 AM EST
    Video shows driver trying to run over Jews near Los Angeles synagogue

    "The driver, who has been identified as 32-year-old Mohammed Mohammed, reversed and tried to hit them again, according to the the local outlet." Quote from the Hill:

  • Central Scrutinizer about blind ignorant bastards who are media fed by the the comments'll make ya sick

    Warrior's Salute: Dole Pays Bush Respect...

  • Burbia

    Yeah, I looked through the comments, I just don't know who is more free,  the knowing or the not knowing?

  • Burbia

    Idk. Follow the comments of chosen_few in this video. Adrenochrome injections causes black eyes on the left, according to him.

  • Parrhesia

    I saw a video that surmised the black eyes were caused by injections of an "archon like" (gnostic) virus.    The curve ended part extending from the eye is the virus (archon) like represented by the Eye of Ra.

  • Burbia

    That sounds interesting. I missed that somehow.

  • Burbia

    Dominic 14 hrs ago

    A book for girls only? What about the other 77 genders?

    Brittany Pettibone 14 hrs ago

    You got me there.

    Sayresy Devino.

    or "What makes us attack helicopters"...

    N Bor 13 hrs ago.

    Damn, you didn't include attack helicopter

  • Burbia

  • Burbia

    A lot is implied here in this short video. Charlotte is a character in Poppy's videos which can be symbolic of dissociative identity disorder. As Charlotte is flashed on the screen at 4 seconds in. Charlotte is also a manequin.The hands are the abusers and Poppy is the MK ultrra victim. Just a few comments are pointing in the right direction.

  • Burbia

    There are all sorts of great commentary from this video about deplatforming money.
  • Burbia

  • Burbia

    El stupido la stupida pinche cavacho

  • Burbia

    Just about every comment is smashing the outrage community...

  • Burbia

  • Burbia

  • Burbia

    It's interesting all the comments from this ADL tweet.
  • Burbia

    So, let's say you have a half hour to kill...for arguments sake to read the comments in this video

  • Burbia

    Check the comments from this video. Brutal. Only one in long list of comments stated bro is illegal. Ive seen that before.
  • Burbia

    I noticed Barbara4u2c do a video on this. Then I noticed Voat also point this out...

  • Burbia

    A back handed comment is in there about how her Slavic accent isn't even notiecable. Here she is again on the comment section is closed.

  • Burbia

  • Burbia

    This video is up. It's down. It has funny comments. Here Is the Youtube  video.

    Here is a back up link...

    She pulls a Elon Musk and names the jew by not naming the jew...

  • Burbia

  • Burbia

  • Burbia

    "No one cared who he was til he put the beanie on." Anon 4chan

  • Burbia

    A Rothschild tweets, check out the comments...

  • Burbia

    Oops. Maybe you saw the tweet I tried to add...

  • Burbia

  • Burbia

  • Burbia

  • Burbia

  • Burbia

    Issac Cross in the comment section wins the internet today...

  • Burbia

  • Burbia

    Just when 8chan gets shut down, this guy pops up!

  • Burbia

    Did not see one comment not in the know for this movie trailer

  • Burbia

  • Burbia