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TSA Awareness Project - Stop Irradiating Our Bodies and Fondling Our Children!

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  • Nikki

    The problem is that not enough people are upset about getting felt up or radiated.  Since Thanksgiving we haven't heard anything about it in MSM.  And there's a lot of propaganda in right wing radio telling people not to fly unless everyone has been scanned or patted down.  They even say that you've got to do a better job teaching your children to obey the TSA agents.  I just want to puke when I hear this BS.
  • Anthony Kimbrough

    My kids are 18,20,31 and the oldest grandkid is 10. I guess I'm a bad parent because none of them trust anybody from the gov. I teach them to obey God (11 rules) and the rest is subject to if they want to obey.
  • Nikki

    A few years ago we had wildfires in our neighborhood.  The fireman came down our street and ordered everyone to evacuate.  Now I knew for a fact that most of the fires had been extinguished and I just turned off my lights and went to bed.  A few of the neighbors who obeyed the orders sat in traffic for hours and when the order was rescinded they just turned around and came home.  They had a miserable experience while I, on the other hand, had a pleasant evening.  The next day these neighbors berated me for not teaching my child to obey orders.  They said it didn't matter that the evacuation order was a mistake that I had missed an opportunity to teach my child to obey authority.  WTF!  I think I taught my child critical thinking.  If we had been in real danger of course we would have left.  But to these people the most important thing was obeying orders even though they knew there was no danger.
  • Nikki

    @Larry, you have a point. That might be a reason.  I think that most have been brainwashed about 'terrorists' and they think everyone must be 'thoroughly' searched or it's not safe to get on the plane.  They say 'it's the price we must pay for safety' so they gladly get in line to be radiated or molested.  The idea of having their rights violated never enters their feeble minds.
  • Nikki

    Thank you, Larry. Aw, I love Caspar!  And Christina Ricci was so young and sweet in that movie.  Yes indeed, their minds are feeble from the fluroide and chemical in the food and chemtrails.  At one time Americans had high IQs.  I saw something recently about math textbooks from 100 years ago and they were much more advanced than today's texts. And reading and writing abilities are not what they once were either.
  • truth

    'Pop Culture Icon Rihanna Put Through TSA Naked Body Scanner In Show Of Power'
  • truth

  • truth

    ‪TSA Agent Arrested over 15 year old Sex Slave in Orange County‬‏!
  • truth

  • Nikki

    @Greg, I had a feeling I shouldn't get my hopes up on this vote.
  • Maria De Wind

    Sen. Paul spoke at a full committee hearing of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee regarding invasive TSA searches.

  • Maria De Wind

  • Nikki

    In a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the DHS, EPIC says it's obtained documents concerning the scanners' radiation risks, including agency emails, radiation studies, memoranda of agreement concerning radiation testing programs and the results of some radiation tests.


    Janet Napolitano has been caught in so many blatant lies it's hard to keep count.

    Most recently she claimed that John Hopkins University verified the safety of the full body radiation devices that are mandatory for fliers wishing to avoid sexual battery at the hands of TSA employees. Johns Hopkins never endorsed these machines.

    The fact is the only people who have tested the radiation output of the machine are the Michael Chertoff promoted companies that manufacture and sell them.

    The news media?

    Totally asleep at the wheel.
  • Nikki

    For sure, Larry.  And I have a family member who MUST travel for his job, no getting around it.  He's past the point of ever having children but I do worry about cancer from the radiation.
  • Nikki

    Cancer Surge in tsa employees

  • Metalchemist

    What about the latest (farce) scare tactic the gooberment (misspelled intentionally) is perpitarting?
    Saying that terrorists may have explosives surgically implanted on their bodies.
    Get ready for cavity searches if you want to travel by air, rail, bus...
    "The amount of tyranny you will live under is the exact amount you will tolerate. Benjamin Franklin.

    I am finding myself becoming EXCEDDINGLY INTOLERANT to any and ALL things government related.

    Semper Peratus!
  • Nikki

  • truth

    TSA fires 28 over improper luggage screening at Honolulu airport

    The Transportation Security Administration fired 28 of its employees -- in addition to three who resigned or retired -- following a probe that revealed bags were allowed onto planes at Hawaii's Honolulu International Airport without being properly screened, the agency said Sunday.

  • truth

    TSA Takeover Of America – Army Of TSA Agents Conduct Random Searche...

    The full scale Department of Homeland Security takeover of America shifted into high gear Tuesday with an army of TSA agents conducting illegal, 4th amendment killing, random searches throughout Tennessee.

    The Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response (VIPR) program was put into motion at 2 public bus stations as well as at 5 weigh stations throughout the state.

    The program is billed as a must have anti terrorism measure when in reality no terrorists have ever been arrested by TSA and all the supposed terrorists who have been arrested in America since 9/11 have literally been run by the FBI.

  • truth

  • guest_blog

    Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 10/24/11 - TSA Highway Searches
  • truth

    85-year-old woman may sue TSA after being strip searched at JFK Air...

    When Zimmerman reached a security checkpoint, she asked if she could forgo the advanced image technology screening equipment, fearing it might interfere with her defibrillator.

    She said she normally gets patted down. But this time, she says that two female agents escorted her to a private room and began to remove her clothes.

    “I was outraged,” said Zimmerman, a retired receptionist.

    Pic not showing  Vince.

  • truth

  • Nikki

  • Nikki

  • Amaterasu Solar

    Frank:  No You don't have security issues.  No more than We had 25 years ago - except for the ones the NWO has been manufacturing - and THEY will get them through if THEY want them through.

  • Nikki

  • Amaterasu Solar

    @ Nikki The dad's comments made Me so angry.  "Yeah, We know there are these threats but Our daughter is not one of them."  (paraphrase)

    WHAT threats?  The ones the power elite construct?  We are just as safe now as We were 25 years ago - except where the NWO wants a problem to create a reaction so as to implement a solution.

  • Nikki

    I agree, AS. Just goes to show how even the victims of TSA tyranny still don't get it.

  • marla adams

    Thugs authorized the TSA and thugs, predators and low lifes, who couldnt get a job doing ANYTHING ELSE, are performing the illegal molestation.  WE need the military, who dont let low lifes in, to perform this service as I would trust them more than these perverts who have been hired.

  • raymond _______

    Southpark done a really,true to life,episode about the TSA.

    On a more serious note these silent terminator machines scan the body in terahertz,where it unzips the double helix and that has to cause genetic damage to you children,as you pass genes on.

    I read somewhere that D N A tests from a person who works around the scanners.when magnified,shows up as little black blobs,instead of the normal,D N A spiral.Dont walk through these machines if you can help it.

  • truth

    San Diego man stranded after told on no-fly list
    07-04-2012  •  AP 
    A US citizen of Somali descent has been stranded in Bahrain for 2 weeks after being told his name appears on the U.S. government's no-fly list does not understand why he has been tagged as a suspected terrorist and is talking to U.S. lawyers. 

  • Nikki

    I heard about this on local news. He was advised to fly to Tijuana and walk across the border. The no-fly list does not stop you from entering the country in a vehicle or on foot.

  • Anthony Kimbrough

    ralmao, good one Larry.

  • Ender M

    The Rules are for the peasents.....

  • raymond _______

    Two Genetically Modified souless organisms...

  • truth

    Airplane 2: The Sequel predicts the TSA

    1 week ago · 6,006 views · 1.35 GB bandwidth
  • Nikki

  • Nathan

    A federal officer was watching passengers at Sacramento International Airport on Wednesday when one caught his eye.           

    A young man in line, unshaven and carrying a backpack, apparently looked suspicious.

    The officer was not a typical Transportation Security Administration screener. He was a specially trained Behavior Detection Officer.  BDOs work in the agency's Screening of Passengers by Observation Techniques program (SPOT) and are trained to study a person's face and body language for hints of his mental state.           

    They roam all parts of the airport, including curbside.

  • Nathan

    Everyone keeps harping on how the Israelis have licked their security problems through effective profiling of airline passengers, so the TSA decided it would give it a whirl—but it turns out TSA “Behavior Detection Officers” can’t do that well, either. Internal whistleblowers claim they’re engaging in racism, prompting “retraining,” according to thisCNN report.

    In the meantime, the agency has apparently decided to target the biggest actual threat to its continued existence—the Paul family. Yesterday, eight TSA agents descended on 77-year-old Ron Paul, his 76-year-old wife, and their granddaughter at the tiny Clearwater, FL airport as the Paul family was boarding a private plane to return home after it had become clear there was no reason for them to stay at the Republican National Convention.

    (For those of us who don’t normally travel by private plane, TSA does not usually operate at private airplane terminals. The fact that eight TSA officers spontaneously decided to target this particular private plane is thus all the more noteworthy.)

  • Nathan

    EPIC Airport Body Scanner Case: TSA Defies Court, Seeks More Delay

  • Nathan

    Cruelty, contempt and mockery: The new standard of global repression

    A couple of days ago I learned that Andrea Fornella Abbott, 41, was found guilty on Tuesday of disorderly conduct after being arrested in July 2011 at Nashville International Airport. She had faced up to 30 days in jail and a $50 fine, but the judge placed her on probation for a year because she has no criminal record. 'So what?', you may ask. The thing that bothered me was her alleged 'disorderly conduct'. Her 'crime' was to argue with TSA agents, insisting they don't touch her 14 year-old daughter's private parts during a 'routine pat-down', before refusing to go through with the invasive procedure herself. You see, the disorderly conduct did not come from a mother justifiably concerned about the privacy and intimacy of her daughter and herself, but from the agents and the TSA who have institutionalized 'disorderly' - let's be frank here - pathological conduct, all based on the Big Lie of the War on Terror.

    Here is footage of the event. Although it has no audio, it is clear that Andrea Fornella was only arguing her point. So much for the illusion of free speech.

  • apeman2502

      As long as the TSA and DHS continue to allow the 9-11, HAARP, Wall Street looting, Fukushima perps, etc., to walk free, their sole purpose as employees of the criminal ruling gay S&M cabal will be to indoctrinate Americans into a lives of degradation and sodomy and slavery. You people are being 'had'. When was the last time you heard of a Bush appointee or Obama appointee doing anything half-intelligent or competently? The CFRtv has you by both ears.

  • Nathan

  • truth

    Journalist: TSA Agents Are Wearing Badges UPSIDE DOWN To Stay Anonymous -

  • truth

    Tips from the TSA: Cakes and Pies ‘are subject to additional screening’

    Adan Salazar
    November 19, 2012

    The TSA is on high alert for any suspicious turkey compliments this Thanksgiving holiday, and in alleged efforts to expedite travelers they’ve released a list of prohibited items and holiday travel tips.

    Read more

  • truth

  • raymond _______

    Its just sick.

  • Anthony Kimbrough

    OK, Truth
    "The TSA was created as part of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act, sponsored by Don Young in the United States House of Representatives[2] and Ernest Hollings in the Senate,[3] passed by the 107th U.S. Congress, and signed into law by President George W. Bush on November 19, 2001. Originally part of the United States Department of Transportation, the TSA was moved to the Department of Homeland Security on March 25, 2003."

  • truth