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Rise of the Reds

Learn military tactics to repel an invasion by a foreign military force. An all encompassing study of small unit tactics and movements including, "pepper potting", shoot and scoot, bounding/leap frogging maneuvers, linear ambushes and ambush types such as the L ambush, inverted wedge formation, swarming, hammer and anvil, and much more.

  • Lloyd Vance

    Thank you for inviting me, your very kind, you know my friend look at the title again under the new NDAA Laws we could get into trouble, so please consider to change the message

  • youhavetoforgiveme

    By the recent logic being used by Washington, I could be labeled a terrorist (WMD gas attack) for the crime of farting.

  • Flippity flip

    thank you for the invite

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    Lloyd, NDAA is unconstitutional and therefore does not apply. We have every right to discuss military matters considering the escalating tension of super powers. When the U.S economy tanks, I don't want China rolling through here like it's a welcome parade. It's our civic duty to have a basic understanding of small unit infantry maneuvers and tactics. Heyy, the U.S politicians are stirring up a hornets nest in Asia and the Middle East, so as far as I'm concerned their NDAA and the civilian populace they want to classify as terrorists is the least of their worries.

    If you don't want to participate that's fine. But the information will save your life one day if you take the time to learn a fraction of the skills I will present.

  • TheLasersShadow

    LOL I can't tell if Lloyd is serious??

  • Vida Smith Compton

    Well, I'm here,KRYPKE andthe rest of you members of this group! Fist I would like to say one thing, I am an Oathkeeper, as are all LE Officers and all Veterans, So what the HELL_O can Obama order any troop to do under marshall Law! ? Besides He still has acourt date in Georgia to prove that he is eligible to run for President and present factual papers to prove that or he can't be on the ballot! Copesh! I'm ready for anything he can throw my way! I've been through FBI defense Tactics and did pretty good ,broke the instructors wrist handcuffing him, but he had government insurance! Laser Shadow ,I'm serious! Too......
  • Justin A Horne

    Great Idea for a group my friend.

  • suzie

    I am all in for defending the constitution and our natural right to give a sh*t!..  Oh yeah and don't cha just love the 2cnd amendment.  The forefathers knew this day would come. A far reaching federal government is outta control and we have a natural right to live dammit.  Starvation has been used in the past to get a ppl to submit.  Americans are a rare breed indeed we are all the outcast of the whole freekin world wrapped up in a gene pool of the best of ppl who wanted something better something free and were not about to give it up! Lock n' load babe.. Preparation mentally, physically, spiritually and a stock load of food water and ammo is great but i hear tell the best thing anyone can have if the SHTF is knowing SOMEONE HAS YOUR BACK!! Who has your back?

  • Vida Smith Compton

    I pray that those that have my back are somewha like I am and like you are Suzie, I tend to walk around praying under my breathe, ppl think i'm cussin' but I need some spiritual help ,the 23 Psams and John 3:16 to help me cover my, yours and anybody's Constitutional Rights , with everything tht God HAS BLESSED ME WITH TO DO SO WITH! GOD Bless US all ,GOD HASAND WIL CONTINUE TO BLESS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AS WE ALL WORK TO BECOME A STRONG REPUBLIC AGAIN!
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    Hey everybody. Thanks for joining. Been very busy the last few days. I'll start posting things in the next few days.

    @Vida, I'm an oath keeper as well. Joined back when Stewart Rhodes first kick started it. Glad you're here my friend. I look forward to your participation and insight.

    @Justin, I actually thought of you when I made the decision to create this group. Study hard and learn much my friend.

    @Suzie, you make some great points and I love your attitude. It's going to be fun working with you guys :)

    By the weekend I will start posting the first discussions. Thanks again for your comments and participation.  

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    Chapter One: Squad tactics

    Fire and Movement

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  • TommyD

    so it returns to committee all the while fear is spreading

  • Cryptocurrency

    It's looking like Iraq redux.

  • youhavetoforgiveme

    Should we go? No, of course not. In some extremely small way, I hope that we do-- I'm hoping that another war will get the sheeple to wake up to the stupidity going on around here......

  • TommyD

    I don't think another war will wake people up, rather, just feed that control mechanism of fear that they have been using against mankind for ages.

  • Vida Smith Compton

    FROM THE HISTORY OF THE CIA covertly and overtly manipulating the war machine as a way for the CORPORATION of the UNITED STATES Economy since the RVOlutiONRY WAR, and the THRONE OF KING GEORGE OF ENGLAND, The elites the money power BILDERBURGER GROUP, TRILATERAL ,the UN, NATO, and the rest have controled way to long.....but you see ,I am the least in real knolege of their world....but you see I see things from the prospective of what God gave me the common sense to see and understand from history and what is going on now!
    I have read post after post about Iran has a nuke ,Iran Has a build up of Uranium, I ran has this and that! Then the us puts sactions on the nation to make it hard fro them then ,they counter, ! It is all stupid to me know why? Because nobody has proven to began with that Iran has or where they obtained Uranium, nor where there nuclear facilities to build a distance rocket is located! With GPS guidance it should be easy as taking candy from a baby to find the location! That is how they found Osama Bin Laden ,even if he wasn't hiding and was in plain sight! AS I said before THI IS GOD's KINDOM.....HE HAS THE PLAN.....HE WILL DIRECT US BY OU CONVICTION IN BELIEFS THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT.... ANY OTHE PROMPTING COMES FROM SATAN OR SATAN FOLLOWERS THAT WANT TO END THIS WORLD AT THEIR COMMAND........SATAN AND THE FOLLOWERS WILL LOOSE THIS LAST AND FINAL BATTLE.......AS GOD'S WORD SAYS " THE MEEK SHALL INHERIT TH EARTH"....... I will not talk of killing another human being ,I will protect myself and family by all means I have spiritually first ,then with the weapons ,even that of a rock a sling shot as David and GOLIATH!.......I BELIEVE and I have Faith in My Heavenly Father ,first and foremost! Thank you for allowing me to comment from my prospective!
  • Cryptocurrency

    Somebody made the point in the Target Iran group, that Iran has not attacked an enemy outside it's borders in over 100 years. Ostensibly of course. That does not count government controlled terrorist groups. Iran also has a paramilitary force that could be unprecedented in scope in global conflict.

    Staged or not, global conflict is required to dissolve the borders of all nations. Who was it that said, "we will have global government through conquest or consent? Seems like America is the tip of the spear for the NWO...

  • TommyD

    Intrigue and espionage have been part of international relations since the beginning. And a group of terrorists that are sponsored by a government are really no different than the pirates that worked under Letters of Marque for different monarchies.  Not condoning it, just saying that the mentality is nothing new, just the technology, terminology and particular players.

  • Cryptocurrency

    Nice connection there between pirates and terrorists Tommy.

  • Vida Smith Compton

    From Tommy D connection with Monachies and governments! It is still evident from history that That the control of the NWO started before Columbus sailed the ocean blue! It just moved across the pond! The Crown of the monarchy and the Crown Of the Church of Rome have been at it since time began! Neither have won! But have made the NWO they made yrs ago pay for it ever since!
  • TommyD

    I look at like this..a person that takes out a military or highly strategic target while fighting occupation of their own lands, even if they sacrifice their own lives in so doing, I would not consider that a terrorists. Now, some wacked out fanatic that walks into a theater , a mall,  or any place where civilians are going about their daily lives, and then blows them up...that is a different story. First, i doubt the sincerity of the purported cause and red flags raise....why hurt your cause? I smell a rat in these types of attacks. Possible false flag psyops? Do they have letters of marque?

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  • TheLasersShadow

    I would not use marching fire for many reasons. It's a conventional tactic for large forces who can afford to lose men and have lots of ammo. It's perfect for generals like General Patton (my favorite Gen and top 5 war movie) but for our purposes marching fire would be confined to use against looters and thugs.

  • Cryptocurrency

    Right. works best with lots of  ammo and rapid fire weapons. Although there are a few instances where it may work best as you pointed out. This is not something you normally find in a guerrilla fighters bag of tricks.

    I wouldn't rule it out as a possibility though. If you were facing a unit of similar size and were close enough for them to toss grenades and had no other choice but to leave your position, Marching Fire may be your only option. Conventional squad bounding is designed to get a fire team close enough to toss grenades. Something to seriously keep in mind. All that bounding and suppression fire is to get one of the fire teams close enough to frag out. 

  • peter b dunn

    thanks for the invite ; below the  fabian technocrats

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    "A man who misses his opportunity, and the monkey who misses his branch, cannot be saved."
    Hindu Proverb

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  • TheLasersShadow

    Glock 22 40S&W 3rd Gen pistol w/ night sights, very good plus condition. $350

    As soon as I can I'm picking one up myself!! Very good price these are from LE and are Glock's so they're almost new at least to me!!

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  • Cryptocurrency

    Chapter One: Squad Tactics

    Definition of TACTICS

    a : the science and art of disposing and maneuvering forces in combat
    b : the art or skill of employing available means to accomplish an end
    Part I

    C: Fire and Movement

    D: Bounding overwatch

    E: Individual Movement Techniques or IMTs

    F: Center Peel

    G: Marching fire

    H: Leapfrogging

    I: Squad and Team Tactics -- Lesson 1 -- The Wedge Formation

  • truth

  • Sheridan Louis Peterson


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  • Sheridan Louis Peterson

    What about Green Party's Jill Stein? It is a sensible alternative. I for one is fed up with the blood bath.

  • TheLasersShadow

  • Roy Patterson

  • Roy Patterson

  • Roy Patterson