More recently, DARPA’s Silent Talk programme has been exploring mind-readingTechnology with devices that can pick up the electrical signals inside soldiers’brains and send them over the internet. With these implants, entire armies will be able to talk without radios. Orderswill leap instantly into soldiers’ heads and commanders’ wishes will become the wishes of their men.
As this article exposes also that this technology is already available today. Just
as I, Lharmen, have been tell My Web readers for years I am chipped ...pain for disobedience and pleasure for obedience to their voices as Frequencies can burn you interanally with ease. The Masons see themselves as little gods because they have great power over us thru this Darpa technology.
They teach people these hot pins and needles feeling as the Fierry Darts of the Devil (Dead serious) when in fact the person has been chipped with a stenociever at the very least as there could be as many as 3 devices in you One in your upper Jaw = Isaiah 30:28 , one in your sternum, and One bolted to your pelvis directly below a man testicles.
Masonry is a religion that resembles Chrisitanity but is in direct opposition to It's teachings. Think about how Palin and many other U.S. Senators say God talks to them when the Bible clearly states God will not talk much with us in this time period as the Prince of this World will come .... They are l chipped! MAGOG ,H W Bush, has got his claws into them all = He dedicated the C.I.A to himself. Narga Star ( Echostars Card Company) has a technology that can , after digitizing your speach , Listen to your Wisper in a football game while the Game is on . Our inner Voice, as we talk our way through life inside our head as that is how thought is accomplished, is much louder than a Wisper in a football game = they can listen to our inner Voice and One Stenociever later and they can interact with your inner Voice . So Watch what your say to yourself as these wicked Mason Illuminatti can listen and can literally controll your actions through these modern technologies - Lharmen
Joel 2:8 Neither shall one thrust another; they shall walk every one
in his path: and when they fall upon the sword, they shall
not be wounded.
God warnwed us this kind of technology would exist when Israel was wipped off the Map by all her freinds as they have become her enemies.
Brandon believes 9/11 was an inside job and questions the actions of government like most of us.
Brandon is a level headed, logical, non violent, Marine veteran. He has no known history of being a menace or previously arrested. They were told he would be taken to jail for resisting arrest.
They were told he needed to be mentally evaluated for PTSD (due to being a veteran).
They want to get the EEG Skull cap on his head like they did to me, Lharmen, when I tried to expose a multibillion dollar crime against my country of Canada See it here = ( They did the same thing to the top New York cop when he told the truth = Mind control projects MK Ultra = 1984 style mind control. - Lharmen
This is how the future arrived. It began innocuously, in the early 2000s, when businesses started to realize that highly skilled jobs formerly performed in-house, by a single employee, could more efficiently be crowd-sourced to a larger group of people via the Internet. Initially, we crowd-sourced the design of T‑shirts ( and the writing of encyclopedias (, but before long the trend started making inroads into the harder sciences. Pretty soon, the hunt for extraterrestrial life, the development of self-driving cars, and the folding of enzymes into novel proteins were being done this way. With the fundamental tools of genetic manipulation—tools that had cost millions of dollars not 10 years earlier—dropping precipitously in price, the crowd-sourced design of biological agents was just the next logical step.
About those "black box's", the evil entity we call government has more sinister plans in the grinder. A "per mile" fuel tax. Your car will be equipted with a memory card reader, which you'll need to insert in the slot to start your car. When you get gas, you give the card to the gas station guy who sends your info to the IRS, and also adds the milage tax from your miles driven, to your gas purchase. Of course the cost of the device ans maintenence will be added to the total price of the car. Won't buy a new car? They'll have after market ones but will cost more than factory installed.
While info-glass makers Google and Microsoft both naturally tout the entertainment value, as well as the value of "capturing those special moments," it would be naive not to also consider the ease with which people would begin to surveil and record one another. As this technology flourishes, full-time audio and video recordings will be stored, all in the blink of an eye...
LOL the police are stumped how it works... sad that they're so stupid. It does one of two things or both depending on the level of security built into the car. #1 It likely can be used to record the lock/unlock code when the owner uses their key remote to get in and out. The device then just simply plays back the unlock code on the correct freq and bam your in. Just like garage doors. (use the lock button on your garage door people it's there for a reason!) # 2 It could be doing a brute force attack on the unlock code which I imagine based on make model and year can narrow the code possibility's significantly. Tech has become so small I can Imagine the box having multiple GPU's in it specifically for the brute force attack and to speed it up to seconds rather than minutes or hours if it were a CPU only.
Former DARPA director and now Google Executive, Regina E. Duncan, has unveiled a super small, ingestible microchip that we can all be expected to swallow by 2017. “A means of authentication,” she calls it.
Lawrence Harmen
U.S. Super soldiers of the future will be genetically modified transhuman's capable of superhuman feats - Aug 13
More recently, DARPA’s Silent Talk programme has been exploring mind-reading Technology with devices that can pick up the electrical signals inside soldiers’ brains and send them over the internet.
With these implants, entire armies will be able to talk without radios. Orders will leap instantly into soldiers’ heads and commanders’ wishes will become the wishes of their men.
As this article exposes also that this technology is already available today. Just
as I, Lharmen, have been tell My Web readers for years I am chipped ...pain for disobedience and pleasure for obedience to their voices as Frequencies can burn you interanally with ease. The Masons see themselves as little gods because they have great power over us thru this Darpa technology.
They teach people these hot pins and needles feeling as the Fierry Darts of the Devil (Dead serious) when in fact the person has been chipped with a stenociever at the very least as there could be as many as 3 devices in you One in your upper Jaw = Isaiah 30:28 , one in your sternum, and One bolted to your pelvis directly below a man testicles.
Masonry is a religion that resembles Chrisitanity but is in direct opposition to It's teachings. Think about how Palin and many other U.S. Senators say God talks to them when the Bible clearly states God will not talk much with us in this time period as the Prince of this World will come .... They are l chipped! MAGOG ,H W Bush, has got his claws into them all = He dedicated the C.I.A to himself. Narga Star ( Echostars Card Company) has a technology that can , after digitizing your speach , Listen to your Wisper in a football game while the Game is on . Our inner Voice, as we talk our way through life inside our head as that is how thought is accomplished, is much louder than a Wisper in a football game = they can listen to our inner Voice and One Stenociever later and they can interact with your inner Voice . So Watch what your say to yourself as these wicked Mason Illuminatti can listen and can literally controll your actions through these modern technologies - Lharmen
Joel 2:8 Neither shall one thrust another; they shall walk every one
in his path: and when they fall upon the sword, they shall
not be wounded.
God warnwed us this kind of technology would exist when Israel was wipped off the Map by all her freinds as they have become her enemies.
Aug 23, 2012
Lawrence Harmen
Retired Marine Brandon Raub Arrested For Facebook Posts Criticizing The Government - Aug 19
Brandon believes 9/11 was an inside job and questions the actions of government like most of us.
Brandon is a level headed, logical, non violent, Marine veteran. He has no known history of being a menace or previously arrested. They were told he would be taken to jail for resisting arrest.
They were told he needed to be mentally evaluated for PTSD (due to being a veteran).
They want to get the EEG Skull cap on his head like they did to me, Lharmen, when I tried to expose a multibillion dollar crime against my country of Canada See it here = ( They did the same thing to the top New York cop when he told the truth = Mind control projects MK Ultra = 1984 style mind control. - Lharmen
NYPD officer thrown in psych ward by his superior Officers for exposing them - Mar 11 2012
The entire Western police forces and Armies are being mind controlled today VIA DARPA Technologies - Lharmen
Aug 23, 2012
Aug 30, 2012
Neuroscientists Successfully Control Dreams of Rats, Humans Next?
Wednesday, September 12, 2012 7:19 AM
Sep 12, 2012
raymond _______
The Human mind is just amazing.The shit we think up.
Its a pity it is mostly used for bad.
Everything is an INSIDE JOB.
Sep 12, 2012
Hacking the President’s DNA
This is how the future arrived. It began innocuously, in the early 2000s, when businesses started to realize that highly skilled jobs formerly performed in-house, by a single employee, could more efficiently be crowd-sourced to a larger group of people via the Internet. Initially, we crowd-sourced the design of T‑shirts ( and the writing of encyclopedias (, but before long the trend started making inroads into the harder sciences. Pretty soon, the hunt for extraterrestrial life, the development of self-driving cars, and the folding of enzymes into novel proteins were being done this way. With the fundamental tools of genetic manipulation—tools that had cost millions of dollars not 10 years earlier—dropping precipitously in price, the crowd-sourced design of biological agents was just the next logical step.
Continue reading:
Oct 29, 2012
joe banana
About those "black box's", the evil entity we call government has more sinister plans in the grinder. A "per mile" fuel tax. Your car will be equipted with a memory card reader, which you'll need to insert in the slot to start your car. When you get gas, you give the card to the gas station guy who sends your info to the IRS, and also adds the milage tax from your miles driven, to your gas purchase. Of course the cost of the device ans maintenence will be added to the total price of the car. Won't buy a new car? They'll have after market ones but will cost more than factory installed.
Nov 6, 2012
Google and Microsoft Investing in a Future of Augmented Reality
Nicholas West
Activist Post
While info-glass makers Google and Microsoft both naturally tout the entertainment value, as well as the value of "capturing those special moments," it would be naive not to also consider the ease with which people would begin to surveil and record one another. As this technology flourishes, full-time audio and video recordings will be stored, all in the blink of an eye...
Nov 24, 2012
U.S. Cities Relying on Precog Software to Predict Murder
Jan 11, 2013
Central Scrutinizer
DNA company can tell you what will kill you -- for $99!
Oct 14, 2013
Central Scrutinizer
Jan 16, 2014
Army prepares to replace thousands of troops with military robots
Jan 23, 2014
Central Scrutinizer
Feb 19, 2014
Central Scrutinizer
Company to Launch Tiny Satellites That 'Bypass' Internet Censorship
Feb 21, 2014
Central Scrutinizer
Cops Stumped By Car Thieves Breaking Into Cars Using Mysterious 'Bl...
Feb 28, 2014
LOL the police are stumped how it works... sad that they're so stupid. It does one of two things or both depending on the level of security built into the car. #1 It likely can be used to record the lock/unlock code when the owner uses their key remote to get in and out. The device then just simply plays back the unlock code on the correct freq and bam your in. Just like garage doors. (use the lock button on your garage door people it's there for a reason!) # 2 It could be doing a brute force attack on the unlock code which I imagine based on make model and year can narrow the code possibility's significantly. Tech has become so small I can Imagine the box having multiple GPU's in it specifically for the brute force attack and to speed it up to seconds rather than minutes or hours if it were a CPU only.
Feb 28, 2014
Central Scrutinizer
Mar 18, 2014
Former DARPA director and now Google Executive, Regina E. Duncan, has unveiled a super small, ingestible microchip that we can all be expected to swallow by 2017. “A means of authentication,” she calls it.
Mar 31, 2014
Central Scrutinizer
wouldn't one crap it out later??
Apr 7, 2014
Maria De Wind
Apr 10, 2014
Central Scrutinizer
Mile High Spies: NSA monitoring WiFi on planes
Apr 11, 2014
Central Scrutinizer
Apr 13, 2014
Central Scrutinizer
Whistleblower: Ultimate goal of NSA is total population control
Jul 13, 2014
Central Scrutinizer
Smartphones will soon know when you're lying
Nov 1, 2014
Central Scrutinizer
Jan 31, 2015
Central Scrutinizer
Firmware Malware, the 'Equation Group' & NSA Spying
Feb 18, 2015
Central Scrutinizer
Apple Store employees tell Tim Cook: We’re treated like ‘criminals’
Jun 11, 2015
Central Scrutinizer
'Homeland Security' Secretly Videotaping Citizens to 'Predict Crime
Jun 11, 2015
Central Scrutinizer
Kaspersky warns hackers can takeover your car with access to the br...
Jun 14, 2015
Central Scrutinizer
Police Release “Pre-Crime” Smartphone App
Jun 16, 2015
Central Scrutinizer
Chinese Hack Was Catastrophic, Government Won’t Admit
Jun 17, 2015
Central Scrutinizer
Samsung Galaxy keyboard bug exposes hundreds of millions of users t...
Jun 17, 2015
Central Scrutinizer
AVG says it can sell your browsing data in updated privacy policy
Sep 21, 2015
Central Scrutinizer
Smartphones can be hacked into with just one text message and then ...
Oct 8, 2015
Central Scrutinizer
Oct 22, 2015
Central Scrutinizer
Bose headphones spy on listeners - lawsuit
Apr 19, 2017
Central Scrutinizer
May 11, 2017
Published on Nov 13, 2017
Nov 15, 2017
Central Scrutinizer
Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) - Global Market Outlook (2017-2023)
Mar 24, 2018
May 22, 2018
Presence of 'mean' robot found to improve human concentration
Aug 16, 2018
Dec 27, 2018
Dec 27, 2018
Not sure if this Nvidia video was put on this site...
Jul 20, 2019
Jul 23, 2019
Jul 24, 2019
Aug 1, 2019
Oct 25, 2019
Oct 30, 2019
Nov 13, 2019